tracker issue : CF-3865461

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Websockets not working after CF 11 Update 3

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Toby Weston / Toby Weston (Toby Weston)

Created: 12/10/2014

Components: Web Socket

Versions: 11.0

Failure Type: Non Functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CF11_Final / 11,0,04,293239

Priority/Frequency: Critical / All users will encounter

Locale/System: ALL / Win 2008 Server R2 64 bit

Vote Count: 4

Listed in the version Issues Fixed doc
Problem Description:

Since installing this update (and reconfiguring web connectors) websockets doesnt appear to work at all. When going to the websocket settings in the administrator page a 500 error occurs and the following is displayed in the logs.

' The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\ColdFusion11\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\settings\websocket.cfm, line: 71

Reverting to the default neo-websockets.xml loads the settings page as expected but when the keystore is put in and the settings saved and CF restarted the same error occurs.

Steps to Reproduce:

With websockets configured, installed CF11 Up 3. Test websockets app or go to websockets settings page.

Actual Result:

Websockets doesnt connect and CF settings page gives 500 error.

Expected Result:

To work the same as it did before the update!

Any Workarounds:

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3865461

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: haxtbh
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:

Using IIS 7 on a server 2012 R2 box. I have the adobe dev connect web sockets example as a test app to check the websockets. All was fine before the update.



Forgot to mention. As an additional note, SSL and keystore is configured. Seems to be ok when revert to non SSL and with secure = true off.
Comment by External U.
9495 | December 10, 2014 04:07:22 AM GMT
Also receive this error on CF service restart. Error [localhost-startStop-1] - Unable to initialise WebSocket service: coldfusion.server.ServiceException: Seed passed for encryption in null.
Comment by External U.
9496 | December 10, 2014 04:29:06 AM GMT
[subscribe] ////////////////////////////////
Vote by External U.
9505 | December 11, 2014 04:02:58 AM GMT
Is this an issue across the board with all web socket usage?
Comment by External U.
9497 | December 11, 2014 04:03:23 AM GMT
@Adam: This issue occurs only if you configure websocket service over SSL. We are addressing this issue and update the latest information here shortly.
Comment by Nimit S.
9498 | December 11, 2014 04:17:59 AM GMT
OK. Was trying to work out how this wasn't tested. I don't think running WSs over SSL is an edgecase (although I know you didn't ship support for that in the first iteration of WSs). I trust you have added tests into your regression testing now?
Comment by External U.
9499 | December 11, 2014 04:21:41 AM GMT
I notice this is marked as fixed now. When can we expect to see this fix?
Comment by External U.
9500 | December 12, 2014 03:31:52 AM GMT
Encountered this exact problem after applying CF 11 Update 3 to a server that has SSL support enabled for Websockets.
Vote by External U.
9506 | December 22, 2014 03:45:13 PM GMT
This issue is fixed and fix will be available as part of upcoming update of ColdFusion 11. If anyone needs early access to this fix. They can get it by contacting
Comment by Nimit S.
9501 | January 16, 2015 11:34:00 AM GMT
+1 - Unable to verify #CF-3790251 due to this issue.
Vote by External U.
9507 | January 21, 2015 08:33:44 PM GMT
Hi Nimit, Thanks very much! I've just emailed and requested the fix. Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by External U.
9502 | January 21, 2015 08:45:42 PM GMT
Thanks for the update. I have sent an email requesting the fix.
Comment by External U.
9503 | January 22, 2015 03:29:27 AM GMT
Same issue encountered. I rolled back immediately to Update 2 to get things working again with Websockets and SSL. Although, I'm using a proxy work-around for SSL rather than the registering a certificate through the Admin UI.
Vote by External U.
9508 | January 28, 2015 11:24:25 AM GMT
Verified this is fixed in CF11 Update 4 (build 11,0,04,293127(PreRelease)). Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by External U.
9504 | February 02, 2015 08:38:12 AM GMT