tracker issue : CF-3996917

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Error when creating CF data source for viaSQL connection (works in previous versions of CF)

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/NotABug

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Michael Rolfes / Michael Rolfes (Michael Rolfes)

Created: 05/28/2015

Components: Administrator

Versions: 11.0

Failure Type: Non Functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CF11_Final /

Priority/Frequency: Critical / All users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Windows 7 SP1 64-bit

Vote Count: 0

Problem Description: I am migrating from CF9 to CF11 and the driver which connects to viaSQL through JDBC does not validate as it does successfully from within CF9.

Steps to Reproduce:  Add the attached file to the CF build path, create a data source connecting to a viaSQL database

Data Source Name: ViaSQL
Driver : Other

next page:

Driver Class: com.viaserv.jdbcDriver.ViaSqlDriver
Driver Name: ViaSQL JDBC
all other information pertains to the specific database connection

, and Submit.

Actual Result:  Connection verification failed for data source: ViaSQL
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/viaserv/jdbcDriver/ViaSqlDatabaseMetaDataDso.getJDBCMajorVersion()I is abstract
The root cause was that: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/viaserv/jdbcDriver/ViaSqlDatabaseMetaDataDso.getJDBCMajorVersion()I is abstract

Expected Result:  Success

Any Workarounds: None

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3996917

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Michael
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1, 64 bit


  1. May 28, 2015 00:00:00: 1_ViaJdbc.jar
  2. June 05, 2015 00:00:00:
  3. June 05, 2015 00:00:00: 3_serversettings.pdf


Michael, Please provide below mentioned details: 1. CF settings summary 2. Database details 3. ViaSQL driver version Regards, Nimit
Comment by Nimit S.
7304 | June 05, 2015 03:33:21 AM GMT
Michael, HTML file which you have attached, has nothing. Can you please attach all the content?
Comment by Nimit S.
7305 | June 05, 2015 06:53:14 AM GMT
Summary is html attached in the zip file. The database is an IBM mainframe and has been working in our CF9 environment for years. I will forward on more information once I retrieve it from our mainframe folks. Driver version is 2.1.2p2
Comment by External U.
7306 | June 05, 2015 07:01:19 AM GMT
The Settings file has a 2KB html file in it. I just opened it and it's populated.
Comment by External U.
7307 | June 05, 2015 07:16:00 AM GMT
Michael, Yes, it has 2KB HTML file in it, but it does not have complete content. Can you send settings summary as PDF file? Content of Settings Summary.html: <html> <head> <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" href=""> <title>ColdFusion Administrator</title> <meta name="Description" content="ColdFusion Administator"> <meta name="Keywords" content="Macromedia ColdFusion Administrator, ColdFusion, CFusion, CF, ACFWebAdmin"> <meta name="Author" content="Copyright 1995-2015 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC. All rights reserved."> </head> <frameset rows="50,*" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" border="0" frame="0"> <frame id="topnav" src="topnav.cfm" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" border="0" framespacing="0" title="Top window navigation"> <frameset cols="210,*" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame src="navserver.cfm" name="frame_nav" scrolling="auto" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" framespacing="0" title="Navigation"> <frame name="content" src="/CFIDE/administrator/reports/index.cfm?targeted=false" border="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" framespacing="0" frameborder="No" scrolling="Auto" title="Main window"> </frameset> </frameset> </html> <noframes> <body> <table height="100%" width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="center"> The ColdFusion Administrator requires a browser that supports frames.<br /> Please obtain a browser that is HTML 3.0-compliant or better. <br /> </td> </tr> </table> <br /><br /><br /> </body> </noframes> </html>
Comment by Nimit S.
7308 | June 05, 2015 07:42:15 AM GMT
My apologies. Attached
Comment by External U.
7309 | June 05, 2015 07:56:59 AM GMT
Has there been any progress on this?
Comment by External U.
7310 | July 09, 2015 09:05:00 AM GMT
Hi Michael, I am unable to find any documentation related to this driver. It looks like this JDBC driver implements an older version of the JDBC API, which isn't JDBC 3 and/or 4 ready. Can you please check the latest version of this driver? Regards, Nimit
Comment by Nimit S.
7311 | August 07, 2015 01:25:17 AM GMT
Hi Michael, Is there any update on this issue?
Comment by Nimit S.
7312 | August 13, 2015 08:33:53 AM GMT
No progress. Our organization is moving away from CF, so I think we can close this.
Comment by External U.
7313 | August 13, 2015 12:33:30 PM GMT
Thanks Michael for your confirmation
Comment by Nimit S.
7314 | August 18, 2015 02:36:33 AM GMT