Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/Duplicate
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): RON STEWART / RON STEWART ()
Created: 06/01/2017
Components: Charting/Graphing
Versions: 11.0
Failure Type: Non Functioning
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: ColdFusion 11 update 12 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter
Locale/System: ALL / Win 2008 Server
Vote Count: 1
Problem Description: On Windows servers running ColdFusion v11 update 12, including a CFCHART inside a PDF CFDOCUMENT fails to render the chart, and generates a red "X" instead. Works correctly on other platforms (e.g., macOS) with CF11u12 and works fine with CF11u11 on Windows servers.
Test case:
<cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="landscape" margintop="0.5" marginbottom="0.5">
<cfchart format="png" title="Sales Report" height="600" width="900">
<cfchartseries type="pie">
<cfchartdata item="2014" value="#RandRange(300000,900000)#">
<cfchartdata item="2015" value="#RandRange(300000,900000)#">