tracker issue : CF-4126425

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[cielen] Unable to start API Manager: "Not able to connect to Redis server."

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/CannotReproduce

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Philipp Cielen / Philipp Cielen (Philipp Cielen)

Created: 03/09/2016

Components: API Manager, Installer

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Beta2_v12 /

Priority/Frequency: Major / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Mac All

Vote Count: 0

trying to start API Manager on OS X 10.11.2 by calling I get the following error message:

02:08:49.665 [main] INFO  - API Manager Home : /Applications/ApiManager/bin/..
02:08:49.704 [main] INFO  - Starting Config service
Exception in thread "main" com.adobe.amp.spi.ServiceException: Not able to connect to Redis server.
	at com.adobe.amp.redis.pubsub.RedisPubSubService.<init>(
	at com.adobe.amp.redis.RedisServiceImpl.startService(
	at com.adobe.amp.ConfigServiceImpl.startService(
	at com.adobe.amp.spi.AbstractService.start(
	at com.adobe.amp.GrootServer.start(
	at com.adobe.amp.GrootServer.main(
Caused by: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool
	at redis.clients.util.Pool.getResource(
	at redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool.getResource(
	at com.adobe.amp.redis.pubsub.RedisPubSubService.<init>(
	... 5 more
Caused by: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Connection refused
	at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect(
	at redis.clients.jedis.BinaryClient.connect(
	at redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedis.connect(
	at redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory.makeObject(
	at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.create(
	at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(
	at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(
	at redis.clients.util.Pool.getResource(
	... 7 more
Caused by: Connection refused
	at Method)
	at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect(
	... 14 more

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	4126425

External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Philipp Cielen
External Customer Email: PHILIPP@CIELEN.COM
External Test Config:  

Bug File Paths:



Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: Unfortunately, due to security restrictions this is not possible. Is there a way to manually/seperately start the redis process? Date Added :2016-02-16 19:59:49.0 Added By:hkallae Note Added: Can we see this issue over a connect session? Date Added :2016-02-12 07:07:24.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: redis process is not running and there is no redis.log file in Applications/APIManager/database/datastore/ Date Added :2016-02-08 15:38:21.0 Added By:hkallae Note Added: CAn you please attach redis.log located in /Applications/APIManager/database/datastore/redis.log and check if your redis process is running by using the command ps- -ef | grep redis Date Added :2016-02-08 13:52:22.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: no. I still get the following error message with the latest build - the same as before. 13:28:53.192 [main] INFO - API Manager Home : /Applications/ColdFusion2016/ApiManager/bin/.. 13:28:53.193 [main] INFO - Starting Config service Exception in thread "main" com.adobe.amp.spi.ServiceException: Not able to connect to Redis server. at com.adobe.amp.redis.pubsub.RedisPubSubService.<init>( at com.adobe.amp.redis.RedisServiceImpl.startService( at com.adobe.amp.ConfigServiceImpl.startService( at com.adobe.amp.spi.AbstractService.start( at com.adobe.amp.GrootServer.start( at com.adobe.amp.GrootServer.main( Caused by: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool at redis.clients.util.Pool.getResource( at redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool.getResource( at com.adobe.amp.redis.pubsub.RedisPubSubService.<init>( ... 5 more Caused by: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Connection refused at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect( at redis.clients.jedis.BinaryClient.connect( at redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedis.connect( at redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory.makeObject( at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.create( at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject( at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject( at redis.clients.util.Pool.getResource( ... 7 more Caused by: Connection refused at Method) at at at at at at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect( ... 14 more Date Added :2016-02-08 12:29:58.0 Added By:hkallae Note Added: Is your API Manager is coming up fine? Date Added :2016-02-08 12:20:10.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: please note that I am installing on OS X but still get this error message: Cannot run program "C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe": error=2, No such file or directory Caused by: error=2, No such file or directory Date Added :2016-02-08 11:56:42.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: i am using the latest build that was uploaded on Feb 7 2016 Date Added :2016-02-08 11:55:36.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: I noticed that API Manager tries to install to port 9000. This is very unfortunate as it seems to conflict with Eclipse which is also using port 9000. I have reinstalled to port 9009 but cannot access Api Manager - there is no response at Date Added :2016-02-08 11:53:30.0 Added By:hkallae Note Added: What is the build number that you are using ? Date Added :2016-02-08 11:35:24.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: CF 2016 installed successfully on OS X 10.11.2. Api Manager installed with the following nonfatal errors: Installation: Successful with errors. 2 NonFatalErrors 0 FatalErrors Install File: /Applications/ColdFusion2016/ApiManager/conf/views/error.jsp Install File: /Applications/ColdFusion2016/ApiManager/wwwroot/portal/images/errors-icon.png Status: ERROR Additional Notes: ERROR - Unable to locate ASCII text file to be manipulated. Deferring... Status: ERROR Additional Notes: ERROR - Unable to locate ASCII text file to be manipulated. Deferring... GSV Error: null Cannot run program "C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe": error=2, No such file or directory Caused by: error=2, No such file or directory Error creating mac directories. Speedfolder extracting entry (MD5: 2f779d3d23b4debb85ceca8adf6f1d92 - Size: 662 - Entry Name: conf/views/error.jsp) File "conf/views/error.jsp" will be installed because check was true Unknown Mac OS File Type: error.jsp handlePermissionedEntry: path: /Applications/ColdFusion2016/ApiManager/conf/views/error.jsp perms: 775 Setting up: /Applications/ColdFusion2016/ApiManager/conf/views/error.jsp, for 1 command Speedfolder extracting entry (MD5: bf26462f19086cf845d02f56b9751084 - Size: 1105 - Entry Name: wwwroot/portal/images/errors-icon.png) File "wwwroot/portal/images/errors-icon.png" will be installed because check was true handlePermissionedEntry: path: /Applications/ColdFusion2016/ApiManager/wwwroot/portal/images/errors-icon.png perms: 775 Setting up: /Applications/ColdFusion2016/ApiManager/wwwroot/portal/images/errors-icon.png, for 1 command [/tmp/cbe.c50f14a5152c09da1ae-ERR] cbe-ERR: + chmod 0775 /Applications/ColdFusion2016/ApiManager/wwwroot/portal/images/errors-icon.png [/tmp/cbe.c50f14a5152c09da1ae-ERR] cbe-ERR: + chmod 0775 /Applications/ColdFusion2016/ApiManager/conf/views/error.jsp Date Added :2016-02-08 11:24:48.0 Added By:hkallae Note Added: So, Can I go ahead and close this bug? Date Added :2016-02-08 11:13:52.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: yes, meanwhile I have found the comment in the forums and have successfully uninstalled the API Man ager and CF 2016. Thank you. Currently trying to reinstall. I will let you know how it goes. Date Added :2016-02-08 11:02:08.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: The status of this bug was switched over to "need more information" but once again I cannot see your comment. Please change whatever option needs to be set so that I can see your comments here. Date Added :2016-02-08 10:37:30.0 Added By:vmannebo Note Added: Below is the note posted by Krishna P on the forums which should get you going Hi Philipp, Even if you open .app as sudo it still opens as the cuttent user itself. On Mac, to run as root user following command should be used. >sudo /Applications/ColdFusion2016APIManager/uninstall/Uninstall\\ APIManager Thanks, Krishna Let us know if this worked. Date Added :2016-02-08 10:30:17.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: ok, I will try the new build immediately. But can you please let me know what to delete manually to remove the old Api Manager so that I can do a clean uninstall first? Date Added :2016-02-08 08:16:24.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: ok, I will try the new build immediately. But can you please let me know what to delete manually to remove the old Api Manager so that I can do a clean uninstall first? Date Added :2016-02-08 08:13:12.0 Added By:vmannebo Note Added: This should be fixed in the latest installers that were posted yesterday (7th-Feb-2016). Date Added :2016-02-08 08:08:21.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: I installed from cf_raijin_beta2_121915_osx10.dmg Date Added :2016-02-08 08:02:07.0 Added By:vmannebo Note Added: Can you share your build number? Date Added :2016-02-08 07:53:06.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: I am not able to uninstall the API Manager on all of my test systems - the uninstaller does not work even when ran with root privileges. If you can provide me with information on what to delete manually to do a clean uninstall of the API Manager so that a fresh installation is not affected by old files I will do so and try again with the latest build. I would guess that I would have to remove the installation directories (/Applications/ColdFusion2016/API Manager and /Applications/ColdFuson2016/ - anything else? Date Added :2016-02-08 07:50:50.0 Added By:hkallae Note Added: Philip, Did you try using the latest build, are you still not able to start the API Manager? Date Added :2016-02-08 03:44:21.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: This shows up among my bugs as "to track". So I guess someone may have commented on this but forgot to click the magic button that makes your comments visible to the outside world...? Date Added :2016-02-02 15:21:34.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: fyi: during the installation procedure I chose to install both Data Sore and Analytics Server (see screenshot). Maybe that helps with tracking down the error Date Added :2016-01-29 13:23:39.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: I have now installed API Manager again on a different OS X machine (same OS X version 10.11.2) - this time I chose to install into cfusion within ColdFusion2016 folder. I guess this is the correct folder now so please do change the installer as it is confusing the way it is now. Anyway - on this machine I do get the same error message as on the first one (notice the different installation directory): 14:16:49.428 [main] INFO - API Manager Home : /Applications/ColdFusion2016/ApiManager/bin/.. 14:16:49.429 [main] INFO - Starting Config service Exception in thread "main" com.adobe.amp.spi.ServiceException: Not able to connect to Redis server. at com.adobe.amp.redis.pubsub.RedisPubSubService.<init>( at com.adobe.amp.redis.RedisServiceImpl.startService( at com.adobe.amp.ConfigServiceImpl.startService( at com.adobe.amp.spi.AbstractService.start( at com.adobe.amp.GrootServer.start( at com.adobe.amp.GrootServer.main( Caused by: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool at redis.clients.util.Pool.getResource( at redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool.getResource( at com.adobe.amp.redis.pubsub.RedisPubSubService.<init>( ... 5 more Caused by: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Connection refused at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect( at redis.clients.jedis.BinaryClient.connect( at redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedis.connect( at redis.clients.jedis.JedisFactory.makeObject( at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.create( at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject( at org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject( at redis.clients.util.Pool.getResource( ... 7 more Caused by: Connection refused at Method) at at at at at at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect( ... 14 more Date Added :2016-01-29 13:20:32.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: Do you have a diffent build from the one I have (CF 2016 beta 2)? During the installation I was asked to please enter the ColdFusion installation directory. Preselected was "cfusion" in the folder "ColdFusion2016". (see screenshot attached) However, to me the ColdFusion installation directory is the folder ColdFusion2016 in my /Applications folder - so I changed the input to that directory. Was that correct or not? If not - please change the installation procedure so that it asks for the correct folder or alternatively change the description to ask for the folder "cfusion" inside the ColdFusion installation directory. However, as this is redundant I would prefer the installer to just ask for the CF installation directory i.e. /Applications/ColdFusion2016 for OS X. P.S.: I was not notified via e-mail of your comment above and only found out by checking the bug. Date Added :2016-01-29 13:13:14.0 Added By:hkallae Note Added: Verified this on Mac 10.11 with the latest build and the installation went successful. Date Added :2016-01-29 11:52:43.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Philipp Cielen Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2016-01-29 01:19:55.0
Comment by CFwatson U.
4167 | March 09, 2016 02:02:28 AM GMT
Hi Philipp, Did you try with the latest build to see if you were able to start API Manager?
Comment by HariKrishna K.
4168 | April 11, 2016 11:55:40 PM GMT
Closing this bug. Will reconsider if the user gets back.
Comment by Vamseekrishna N.
4169 | April 19, 2016 04:16:35 AM GMT