Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Travis Walters / Travis Walters (Travis Walters)
Created: 03/09/2016
Components: API Manager, Installer
Versions: 2016
Failure Type:
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Beta1_v12 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Some users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Win All
Vote Count: 0
Problem Description:
Installation issue with API Manager - login does not work after successful installation of API Manager. This occurred after a clean install of Windows 10 Pro and other software.
After consulting with me via Team Viewer, Nimit Sharma was able to reproduce this problem as well.
Problem was discussed in this forum thread:{B099ABD7-4284-4489-B8E2-839E0567F308}&topid={4A8CBC94-5D7F-4985-8DB2-E37BC1C503AB}
Steps to Reproduce:
So I am now trying the API Manager on a clean installation of everything on my Dell Desktop (different computer than before).
- Formatted Hard Drive
- Installed Windows 7 Professional
- Installed Necessary Drivers
- Applied Windows Updates
- Installed Google Chrome
- Upgraded to Windows 10 Pro
- Applied Windows Updates
- Installed VIPRE Internet Security 2016 and Applied Updates
- Installing cf_raijin_beta1_120515_win64
-- Selected 30-Day Trial
-- Selected Server Configuration for Installer Configuration
-- Selected Production Profile
-- Selected All Sub-components
-- Enabled all Servlets
-- Entered Username and Password (same as email)
-- Did not enable remote access for add-on services
-- Installation Path C:\ColdFusion2016
-- Selected Built-in Web Server
-- Did not configure WebSocket Proxy
-- Port 8500
-- Entered Username and Password (same as email)
-- AutoCheck for Server Updates Enabled
Installation Type:
Server configuration
30-day trial
Installation Directories:
Product: C:\ColdFusion2016
Web Root: C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot
Server Information:
Web Server: Built-in web server
Admin Port: 8500
ODBC Services: installed
ColdFusion Server Profile: Production Profile
ColdFusion Solr Search Services: installed
ColdFusion Pdfg Search Services: installed
ColdFusion .NET Integration Services: installed
Microsoft .NET version: v4.0.30319
.NET Java Port: 6093
.NET Client Port: 6094
RDS: disabled
Disk Space Information (for Installation Target):
Required: 2,248 MB
Available: 271,420 MB
-- Finished Configuration Wizard (
-- Was able to access ColdFusion Administrator
-- Starting to install ApiManager_beta1_120515_win64 (same as before)
When installing API Manager, I chose to co-exist with an existing ColdFusion installation.
I found one mistake that I was making (and was very positive that it would work after this) but the default installation directory when installing the API Manager was:
C:\coldfusionraijin\cfusion (this is the alpha version and did not realize this before)
I changed the directory to:
C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion (the beta version of ColdFusion)
As mentioned before, I had some issues with the Alpha version and API Manager where the installation hung on the end and never proceed further.
I then selected port 9000 and for a cluster configuration. I then checked both the data store and analytics server check boxes. Data store port is 6379 and analytics server port is 9200. I am copying and pasting the password (same one from the email I sent you) and using admin as the username.
Product Name:
?Installation Directory
?Data Store
?Analytics Server
?Portal Port
?Proxy Port
?Data Store port
?Analytics Server Port
Disk Space Information (for Installation Target):
Required: 360.91 MegaBytes Available: 698,767.22 MegaBytes
ApiManager has been successfully installed at: C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\..\ApiManager.
ApiManager will be up and running as a service. If you chose to install the Data Store or the Analytics server as a part of this installation, they will be up and running as services.
You can log into the ApiManager administrator portal at http://localhost:9000/admin/
Press "Done" to quit the installer.
Upon going to http://localhost:9000/admin/login.html, entering the username and password, I still get the invalid username or password error message.
I checked the APIManager_Install_12_09_2015_15_39_16.log installation log and see all success messages.
Actual Result:
Username + Password Login Combination do not work after successful installation of API Manager.
Expected Result:
Login should work.
Any Workarounds:
Nimit Sharma had a workaround for this - something to do with inputting the password directly into a text file and restarting the API Manager service.
Attaching some files that Nimit Sharma wanted - both attachments are the same files just in different formats.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4126507
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Travis Walters
External Customer Email: TWALTERS84@HOTMAIL.COM
External Test Config:
Bug File Paths: