tracker issue : CF-4126518

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[ANeff] ER for: wsconfig "All - Unconfigured"

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Won't Fix/ThirdParty

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Aaron Neff / Aaron Neff (Aaron Neff)

Created: 03/09/2016

Components: Installation/Config, Connector

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Beta1_v12 /

Priority/Frequency: Normal / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Win All

Vote Count: 1

Issue w/ "All - Individually" is: it can take a long time when there are many sites (~15-~30 seconds per site; which takes a while when 100+ sites). 

Issue w/ "All" is: it isn't listed as an option if any sites are already configured for a previous CF version.

Suggestion: "All - Unconfigured" b/c I believe the common goal would be to skip already-configured sites and create a single connector configuration (not "All - Individually") to set the following:

connection_pool_size = 250 x NumberOfUnconfiguredSites
max_reuse_connections = 250 x NumberOfUnconfiguredSites

That would handle most cases.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	4126518

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Aaron Neff
External Customer Email:
External Test Config:



Adding BUG AUDIT TRAIL ********action: updated fieldName: Fix By Product Milestone newValue: HF2 oldValue: Alpha oprid: sjayaram recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2016-03-02 14:29:12.0 action: updated fieldName: Priority newValue: 2 oldValue: 0 oprid: vmannebo recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2016-02-16 04:57:46.0 action: updated fieldName: Fix By Product Milestone newValue: Alpha oldValue: Beta2 oprid: cgupta recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-14 08:30:18.0 action: updated fieldName: Fix By Milestone newValue: Alpha oldValue: Beta2 oprid: cgupta recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-14 08:30:18.0 action: updated fieldName: Status newValue: ToFix oldValue: NeedsReview oprid: rakshith recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-14 08:13:25.0 action: updated fieldName: Owner newValue: cgupta oldValue: rakshith oprid: rakshith recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-14 08:13:25.0 action: updated fieldName: Reason newValue: Blank oldValue: Blank oprid: rakshith recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-14 08:13:25.0 action: added fieldName: Vote Type newValue: BETA oldValue: Blank oprid: prerelease recordName: AD_DEFECT_VOTE timpestamp: 2015-12-09 17:51:02.0 action: updated fieldName: Fix By Milestone newValue: Beta2 oldValue: Blank oprid: pnayak recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-08 17:44:46.0 action: updated fieldName: Found in Phase newValue: Beta oldValue: Blank oprid: pnayak recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-08 17:44:46.0 action: updated fieldName: Fix By Product Milestone newValue: Beta2 oldValue: Blank oprid: pnayak recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-08 17:44:46.0 action: updated fieldName: Dev Assigned newValue: cgupta oldValue: djha oprid: pnayak recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-08 17:44:46.0 action: updated fieldName: Status newValue: NeedsReview oldValue: Unverified oprid: pnayak recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-08 17:44:13.0 action: updated fieldName: Reason newValue: Blank oldValue: Blank oprid: pnayak recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-08 17:44:13.0 action: updated fieldName: Owner newValue: rakshith oldValue: pnayak oprid: pnayak recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-12-08 17:44:13.0
Comment by CFwatson U.
3892 | March 09, 2016 02:26:03 AM GMT
beneficial for multiple sites.
Vote by External U.
3896 | March 09, 2016 02:26:04 AM GMT
Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Steve Walker Note Added: I also think it would be beneficial to have "Update All-Configured". We have several sites that are not CF based in a shared hosting environment and the ability to skip these would be helpful. Date Added :2015-12-09 17:52:50.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: The forum thread for this ticket is: Please follow-up in that thread, not here in this ticket. Date Added :2015-12-08 09:02:23.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Entered Feature. Date Added :2015-12-08 08:33:59.0
Comment by CFwatson U.
3893 | March 09, 2016 02:26:06 AM GMT
Hi Aaron, It seems it is not possible to make this work directly though appcmd. In case of "All", the connector entry is done at global level in IIS.So if a website is already configured and someone tries to configure "All", a double connector entry is made for that website and that website becomes useless. The only way to do this is to make the connector entry in each individual unconfigured website. But that means if a new website is created it will not have that connector entry. So there does not seem to be any clean way to do this. Thoughts? Regards, Chinoy
Comment by Chinoy G.
3894 | March 21, 2016 10:47:25 PM GMT
Since IIS/appcmd doesnot support this behaviour, it cannnot be implemented in wsconfig.
Comment by Chinoy G.
3895 | March 23, 2016 12:29:00 AM GMT