tracker issue : CF-4126619

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[ANeff] Bug for: cfpdf(action="import" incorrectly overwrites some metadata

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Won't Fix/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): / Aaron Neff (External User)

Created: 03/09/2016

Components: Document Management

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Alpha_v12 /

Priority/Frequency: Normal / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Win All

Vote Count: 0

cfpdf's action="import" incorrectly overwrites some metadata

Steps to reproduce:

1) Run below code

2) Compare CFDocumentMetadataBefore.xmp and CFDocumentMetadataAfter.xmp
2a) See pdf:Producer changed from "iText 2.1.0 (by" to "Acrobat Web Capture 9.0" (bug b/c pdf:Producer is the PDF's producer and never to be overwritten)
2b) See xmp:CreateDate changed (bug b/c xmp:CreateDate is the date the resource was created and never to be overwritten)
2c) See xmpMM:DocumentID changed from undefined to defined (bug b/c xmpMM:DocumentID is only created once per resource and never to be overwritten)

3) Compare CFHTMLToPDFMetadataBefore.xmp and CFHTMLToPDFMetadataAfter.xmp
3a) See pdf:Producer changed from "Acrobat Web Capture 9.0" to "iText 2.1.0 (by" (bug b/c pdf:Producer is the PDF's producer and never to be overwritten)
3b) See xmp:CreateDate changed (bug b/c xmp:CreateDate is the date the resource was created and never to be overwritten)
3c) See xmpMM:DocumentID changed (bug b/c xmpMM:DocumentID is only created once per resource and never to be overwritten)

  //export metadata from cfdocument PDF
  cfdocument(format="pdf", filename=expandPath('./CFDocumentBefore.pdf'), overwrite="true") {writeOutput("my PDF");};
  cfpdf(action="export", type="metadata", source=expandPath('./CFDocumentBefore.pdf'), exportto=expandPath('./CFDocumentMetadataBefore.xmp'), overwrite="true");
  sleep(2000);//ensure timestamps change
  //export metadata from cfhtmltopdf PDF
  cfhtmltopdf(destination=expandPath('./CFHTMLToPDFBefore.pdf'), overwrite="true") {writeOutput("my PDF");};
  cfpdf(action="export", type="metadata", source=expandPath('./CFHTMLToPDFBefore.pdf'), exportto=expandPath('./CFHTMLToPDFMetadataBefore.xmp'), overwrite="true");
  sleep(2000);//ensure timestamps change
  //import cfhtmltopdf metadata into cfdocument PDF
  cfpdf(action="import", type="metadata", source=expandPath('./CFDocumentBefore.pdf'), destination=expandPath('./CFDocumentAfter.pdf'), importfrom=expandPath('./CFHTMLToPDFMetadataBefore.xmp'), overwrite=true);
  sleep(2000);//ensure timestamps change
  //import cfdocument metadata into cfhtmltopdf PDF
  cfpdf(action="import", type="metadata", source=expandPath('./CFHTMLToPDFBefore.pdf'), destination=expandPath('./CFHTMLToPDFAfter.pdf'), importfrom=expandPath('./CFDocumentMetadataBefore.xmp'), overwrite=true);
  //export metadata from updated cfdocument PDF
  cfpdf(action="export", type="metadata", source=expandPath('./CFDocumentAfter.pdf'), exportto=expandPath('./CFDocumentMetadataAfter.xmp'), overwrite="true");
  sleep(2000);//ensure timestamps change
  //export metadata from updated cfhtmltopdf PDF
  cfpdf(action="export", type="metadata", source=expandPath('./CFHTMLToPDFAfter.pdf'), exportto=expandPath('./CFHTMLToPDFMetadataAfter.xmp'), overwrite="true");

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	4126619

Bug Grouping Info:
Bug Group ID: BG175083
Bug ID: CF-4126619
Bug relationship: Awaiting Fix
Product: ColdFusion

Bug Group ID: BG175083
Bug ID: 4125381
Bug relationship: Pending Fix
Product: CT Gibson

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Aaron Neff
External Customer Email:
External Test Config:



[added a bug group note CF-4126619 : ColdFusion : 2016] : Adding BUG AUDIT TRAIL ********action: updated fieldName: Fix By Milestone newValue: Post Release oldValue: Blank oprid: vmannebo recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2016-02-29 14:05:59.0 action: updated fieldName: Fix By Product Milestone newValue: HF2 oldValue: Blank oprid: vmannebo recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2016-02-29 14:05:59.0 action: updated fieldName: Priority newValue: 2 oldValue: 0 oprid: vmannebo recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2016-02-16 15:11:42.0 action: updated fieldName: Fix By Product Milestone newValue: Blank oldValue: Beta oprid: bihani recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2016-01-14 09:25:46.0 action: updated fieldName: Fix By Milestone newValue: Blank oldValue: Beta oprid: bihani recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2016-01-14 09:25:46.0 action: updated fieldName: QE Assigned newValue: bihani oldValue: suchsing oprid: suchsing recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-10-27 13:49:13.0 action: updated fieldName: Owner newValue: bihani oldValue: suchsing oprid: suchsing recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-10-27 13:49:13.0 action: updated fieldName: Reason newValue: ThirdParty oldValue: ThirdParty oprid: vmannebo recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-10-10 05:58:55.0 action: updated fieldName: Status newValue: ToTrack oldValue: ToTest oprid: vmannebo recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-10-10 05:58:55.0 action: updated fieldName: Reason newValue: ThirdParty oldValue: BugVerified oprid: vadiraja recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-10-05 08:33:12.0 action: updated fieldName: Status newValue: ToTest oldValue: ToFix oprid: vadiraja recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-10-05 08:33:12.0 action: updated fieldName: Owner newValue: suchsing oldValue: vadiraja oprid: vadiraja recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-10-05 08:33:12.0 action: updated fieldName: Dev Assigned newValue: vadiraja oldValue: uogra oprid: suchsing recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-09-29 14:30:40.0 action: updated fieldName: Owner newValue: vadiraja oldValue: uogra oprid: suchsing recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-09-29 14:30:40.0 action: updated fieldName: Reason newValue: BugVerified oldValue: Blank oprid: suchsing recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-09-29 14:28:50.0 action: updated fieldName: Owner newValue: uogra oldValue: suchsing oprid: suchsing recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-09-29 14:28:50.0 action: updated fieldName: Status newValue: ToFix oldValue: Unverified oprid: suchsing recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-09-29 14:28:50.0 action: updated fieldName: Fix By Milestone newValue: Beta oldValue: Blank oprid: suchsing recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-09-29 14:28:50.0 action: updated fieldName: Fix By Product Milestone newValue: Beta oldValue: Blank oprid: suchsing recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-09-29 14:28:50.0 action: bulk updated fieldName: QE Assigned newValue: suchsing oldValue: poojain oprid: vmannebo recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-09-28 06:37:38.0 action: bulk updated fieldName: Owner newValue: suchsing oldValue: poojain oprid: vmannebo recordName: RQ_DEFECT timpestamp: 2015-09-28 06:37:38.0
Comment by CFwatson U.
3713 | March 09, 2016 04:17:17 AM GMT
Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Forum thread for this ticket is: Please follow-up in that thread, not here in this ticket. Thanks!, -Aaron Date Added :2015-10-24 05:10:09.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2015-09-22 04:11:18.0
Comment by CFwatson U.
3714 | March 09, 2016 04:17:19 AM GMT
This is a feature provided by Acrobat and we should retain the same behavior.
Comment by Mayur J.
3715 | April 12, 2016 01:13:17 AM GMT
Hi Mayur, It sounds like I should also join the Acrobat Prerelease :) B/c in order to get some PDF bugs fixed in CF, I need to push the Acrobat team to fix issues on their end first. Instead of Closed/NeverFix, could you please change it to Closed/Deferred/ThirdParty and then please open a ticket w/ the Acrobat team? Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by External U.
3716 | May 29, 2016 04:09:43 AM GMT
Hi Adobe, My name is not "External User" =P Please change "Reported By External User" to "Reported By Aaron Neff". Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by External U.
3717 | May 29, 2016 04:10:54 AM GMT