Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/Duplicate
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Tim P. / ()
Created: 09/27/2019
Versions: 2016,2018
Failure Type: Usability Issue
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CF 2018 updater 5 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Most users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Platforms All
Vote Count: 3
Problem Description:
After installing updater 5, we started seeing this error:
java.sql.SQLException: Datasource names for all the database tags within the cftransaction tag must be the same.
This error is being reported for simple 'select' queries in mature code that does not use CFTransaction
Steps to Reproduce:
(we don't have a smoking gun, but the general steps follow)
1) update table A in datasource A (use CFQuery without CFTransaction)
2) select something from table B in datasource B (use CFQuery without CFTransaction)
>>> CFTransaction error occurs
It's probably not this simple, and it doesn't happen every time. Step 1 may not need to be in the same request as step 2.
Actual Result:
0: ........coldfusion.tagext.sql.TransactionTag.verifyDataSrc[]
1: ........coldfusion.tagext.sql.QueryTag.validate[]
2: ........coldfusion.tagext.sql.QueryTag.doValidate[]
3: ........coldfusion.tagext.sql.QueryTag.doAfterBody[]
4: CFM....(our CF code - simple SELECT query)
- this particular method runs a simple 'select' query to verify that a given userID exists in the 'users' table (in the 'users' datasource) - no CFTransaction
- we have seen this with several different queries, all result in the same exception
In this scenario, a simple 'update' query has run using our 'site' datasource in the same request (again, with no CFTransaction). This error does not happen every time the request is made, but occurrences appear to be clustered (i.e. it may happen 2-3 times over a 5 minute period, but 15 minutes later it won't happen at all)
At this point we don't have any concrete steps to reproduce, but my suspicion is that there's some corruption with the connection pool. This suspicion comes from the issue going away (for a while, at least) if the service is restarted or the server is left idle for a while.
Expected Result:
no error
Any Workarounds:
revert to updater 4