Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/Duplicate
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Kyohei Y. / ()
Created: 10/02/2019
Components: Installation/Config, Connector
Versions: 2016
Failure Type: Incorrectly functioning
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 315717 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Most users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Win 2016
Vote Count: 3
Problem Description:
ColdFusion 2016,0,12,315717
Windows Server 2016
IIS 10
My IIS root directory contains an index.cfm, which is displayed when I navigate to http://localhost because index.cfm is set to be the IIS default page. After installing the recent Update 12 on ColdFusion 2016 AND recreating the connector, accessing the root URL occasionally returns a 404 not found error, instead of serving the index.cfm file that exists.
Note that this does not happen all the time, but is intermittent. For example, I could reload http://localhost 10 times, and perhaps 3 of those requests will return a 404, while the other requests will properly display the index.cfm.
Navigating to http://localhost/index.cfm (with the filename) always works, and never returns a 404 error.
Each time the incorrect 404 is returned, the isapi_redirect.log contains the following entry:
[warn] jk_check_for_path_attack::jk_util.c (2457): Path attack using [/]
This issue is similar to the admin page 404 issue in CF-4205252 (I'm opening this new issue because I'm not seeing this issue on the admin page) as well as the 404 issue discussed in the comments of
Steps to Reproduce:
-Install Update 12 on ColdFusion 2016 running on IIS 10
-Rebuild connector
-Repeatedly hit the server root URL and observe returned HTTP status codes
Actual Result:
Many requests fail with status code 404.
Expected Result:
All requests return the index.cfm contents with status code 200.
Any Workarounds:
None found.