tracker issue : CF-4204093

select a category, or use search below
(searches all categories and all time range)

QueryParseException on latest release when the string contains double colons

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/Fixed

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Giancarlo G. / ()

Created: 03/12/2019

Components: Database

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Incorrectly functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 2016.0.10.314028 / CF2016U11,CF2018U4

Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter

Locale/System: ALL / Win 2016

Vote Count: 7

Problem Description:
We use SQL geography type and previous to  update 9 or 10 ( skipped 9 ) the following queryExecute would work.

Steps to Reproduce:
    UPDATE  store
    SET     geoPoint = geography::Point(lat,lng, 4326)
    WHERE   storeID = :storeID ;
    {storeID: {cfsqltype:"integer", value:getStoreID()} }

Actual Result:
coldfusion.tagext.sql.QueryUtils$QueryParseException: Error while Parsing SQL query string.

Expected Result:
Record saving without an issue.

Any Workarounds:
Do a cfm include from within the script block and do the save with the cfquery tag. Also, tested using queryNew() and the same parse error existed.



I'm having this issue too.
Vote by Mark W.
30487 | March 12, 2019 06:04:48 PM GMT
This issue is fixed now. The fix for this issue will be available as part of the next upcoming update of ColdFusion. However, you can contact CF Support @ [|] to get the hotfix for this issue. -Nimit ColdFusion Team
Comment by Nimit S.
30511 | March 15, 2019 06:04:59 AM GMT