tracker issue : CF-4204086

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ColdFusion 11 Update 18 cannot perform GET request with URL parameter containing a space

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/Fixed

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Bryan H. / ()

Created: 03/12/2019

Components: Net Protocols, HTTP

Versions: 11.0

Failure Type: Non Functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 11,0,18,314030 11,0,15,314030 / CF11U19

Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter

Locale/System: ALL / Win 2016

Vote Count: 4

Problem Description: CF cannot make an HTTP request when a URL parameter contains a space in its value.

Steps to Reproduce:
cfhttp(url="", method="GET", result="local.result") {
    cfhttpparam(type="URL", name="q", value="a b", encode=true);
writeDump(var=local.result, format="text");

Actual Result: (request is never sent to google) struct
Charset: [empty string]
ErrorDetail: Illegal Argument: Illegal character in query at index 21: b
Filecontent: Connection Failure
Header: [empty string]
Mimetype: Unable to determine MIME type of file.
Responseheader: [struct]
Statuscode: Connection Failure.  Status code unavailable.
Text: YES

Expected Result:  Successfull request/response returned (status code 200 OK)

Any Workarounds: Uninstall CF11 update 18, manually URLEncode parameter values



Uninstalling Update 18 DID NOT solve the issue as we assumed it would... we are now at version 11,0,15,314030 and still have the issue. Could it have been caused by the installer? (as opposed to the actual updated installed?)
Comment by Bryan H.
30469 | March 12, 2019 12:31:57 AM GMT
reverting to version 11,0,15,311399 required to restore functionality
Comment by Bryan H.
30480 | March 12, 2019 02:15:07 PM GMT
we have found that this issue was introduced in Update 17 product version 11,0,17,314003. we cannot update to this version or beyond without experiencing this issue. (NOTE: Update 16 could not be checked.)
Comment by Bryan H.
30488 | March 12, 2019 07:00:59 PM GMT
We've experienced this issue as well in a test environment
Vote by dakota c.
30533 | March 18, 2019 06:14:49 PM GMT
Adobe support provided another partial hotfix (to be included in the next update officially) to resolve this issue... after updating to update 18, download and place in the \ColdFusion11\cfusion\lib\updates folder. then restart Coldfusion. We found this to resolve our issue.
Comment by Bryan H.
30532 | March 18, 2019 07:39:18 PM GMT