tracker issue : CF-4204066

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cachedWithin attribute no longer working on ColdFusion 11 Update 18

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/Fixed

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): dakota c. / ()

Created: 03/05/2019

Components: Caching

Versions: 11.0

Failure Type: Incorrectly functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: ColdFusion 11 Update 18 / CF11U19

Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter

Locale/System: ALL / Win 2012 Server x64

Vote Count: 2

Problem Description: In the latest ColdFusion hotfix for ColdFusion 11 trying to return the results of a CFQuery tag relying on the cachedWithin attribute throw a variable undefined. 

Steps to Reproduce: You will need to be connected to a database to replicate this behavior. Listed below is an example code snippet that illustrates this behavior. 

		<cfquery name="TestQueryHere" datasource="TestDSN">
		<cfreturn TestQueryHere>

Actual Result: VARIABLE TestQueryHere is undefined.

Expected Result: The results of my SQL query.

Any Workarounds: Removing the cachedWithin attribute or rolling back to the previous hotfix. This is not ideal in a production environment.



It looks like I didn't include the cachedWithin attribute. Here is it for sake clarity.. <cfquery name="TestQueryHere" datasource="TestDSN" cachedwithin="#createTimeSpan(1,0,0,0)#"> SQL QUERY HERE </cfquery> <cfreturn TestQueryHere>
Comment by dakota c.
30436 | March 05, 2019 04:18:01 PM GMT
Can anyone from Adobe update this bug report to reflect the offer of a fix as discussed in this forum comment by Nimit:
Comment by Charlie A.
30541 | March 20, 2019 03:33:01 PM GMT
This issue is fixed now. The fix for this issue will be available as part of the next upcoming update of ColdFusion. However, you can contact CF Support @ [|] to get the hotfix for this issue. -Nimit
Comment by Nimit S.
30546 | March 21, 2019 04:50:00 AM GMT
Thanks, Nimit.
Comment by Charlie A.
30551 | March 21, 2019 12:25:14 PM GMT
Thanks, Nimit.
Comment by Charlie A.
30552 | March 21, 2019 12:25:21 PM GMT