tracker issue : CF-4204059

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No € symbol anymore in *.cfr Reports

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/Fixed

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Knut B. / ()

Created: 03/01/2019

Components: Reporting, Report Designer

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Incorrectly functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Update 9 / CF2016U12

Priority/Frequency: Critical / Unknown

Locale/System: German / Linux

Vote Count: 0

Problem Description:
We’ve upgraded from CF-11 to CF-2016 Update 9 (Enterprise Versions). We have hundreds of Report Builder files which where working fine with CF-11.

In CF-2016, no € symbols are displayed in our reports, which are generated as PDF. It does not matter whether a string containing a € symbol is passed to the report via a variable, or a € symbol is contained directly in a text field of the report. Instead of the € symbol, the currency sign (¤) [Unicode Character “¤” (U+00A4)] is displayed.

By the way: We run ColdFusion in different versions since 11 years on Debian Linux (also different versions) without having any problems, that had to do with Debian Linux.

Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Result:
Instead of € symbol the Unicode Character “¤” (U+00A4) is displayed in PDF report.
Expected Result:
€ symbol
Any Workarounds:



a) We use the font "Helvetica" in most of our reports (*.cfr) for creating PDF files, because this font is listed as "ADOBE-BUILT-IN" font in the ColdFusion Administrator under "Server Settings > Font Management". We never had problems with the € symbol in the generated PDF files. b) After changing the font to "Arial" in a report file (*.cfr), the € symbol is displayed correctly. Sorry, but I don't understand this. The font "Arial" is not listet in the ColdFusion Administrator under "Server Settings > Font Management". I will attache a report test file "FontTestReport.cfr" als well as the PDF result of this report test file.
Comment by Knut B.
30417 | March 02, 2019 04:08:39 PM GMT
For your testing I've added an additional file (FontTestReport.cfm) for a simple call of the 'FontTestReport.cfr' Report Builder file and to output the generated PDF on screen.
Comment by Knut B.
30418 | March 03, 2019 08:11:50 PM GMT
Knut, I tried your code. Neither works for me. This was on a dev machine with cf2016 update 8 (not 9 or 10). The output looked like the following (if it doesn't look like what I see on screen in the PDF, when I submit it here, I will upload the PDF result instead): EURO Symbol: (Font Name: Arial) EURO Symbol: ¤ (Font Name: Helvetica) And I can confirm that on CF11 it looked right for both (and that was with its latest update, 18. I can't explain why it fails to work as expected on CF2016. I don't use the report builder and cfreport enough to connect those dots. I will repeat here (as I did on the blog post for CF2016 update 10, where you also had raised this) that since CF2016 lists the reporting feature as not only deprecated in CF2016 ( but it's also indicated there as no longer supported. So they may not offer any help for you on this. (And yes, I'm aware of the dismay about that you relayed on the blog post. I'm just the messenger, of course.) Just giving context for those reading here and not that blog post ( I'll offer that I noticed that you referred to Helvetica with a capital A (in both the original bug report and your comments just now), and yet when I looked in that CF admin Fonts page, I see it listed as lowercase. I downloaded the ReportBuilder and tried changing that to lower case, and I see you can't. I also tried hard-coding it as lowercase in the Styles feature (for you listed "Font1" style), but that didn't help with the result, either. Just sharing that to save anyone trying it. And FWIW, I see that in my CF11 admin, it too is listed as lowercase a. So I'm out of ideas for now.
Comment by Charlie A.
30419 | March 03, 2019 10:36:16 PM GMT
Man, lots of typos there. It's such a small window. I just didn't see them until it was posted. Let me try again (since we can't edit them), as a couple may be material. and I'll tweak it a bit for additional clarification: Knut, I tried your code. Neither font works for me, actually. This was on a dev machine with cf2016 update 8 (and then also after applying update 10). The output looked like the following: EURO Symbol: (Font Name: Arial) EURO Symbol: ¤ (Font Name: Helvetica) So no euro sign. But I can confirm that (like for you) on CF11 the both looked right (and that was with its latest update, 18). I can't explain why it fails to work as expected on CF2016. I don't use the report builder and cfreport enough to connect those dots. I will repeat here (as I did on the blog post for CF2016 update 10, where you also had raised this) that CF2016 lists the reporting feature as not only deprecated in CF2016 ( but it's also indicated there as no longer supported. So Adobe may not offer any help for you on this. (And yes, I'm aware of the dismay about that you relayed on the blog post. I'm just the messenger, of course.) Just giving context for those reading here and not that blog post ( I'll offer that I noticed that you referred to Helvetica with a capital H and Arial as a capital A (in both the original bug report and your comments just now), and yet when I looked in that CF admin Fonts page, I see them listed as lowercase. I downloaded the ReportBuilder and tried changing that to lower case, and I see you can't. But I also tried hard-coding it as lowercase in the Styles feature (for you listed "Font1" style), but that didn't help with the result, either. And FWIW, I see that in my CF11 admin, the fonts are listed there also as lowercase so that's not the issue. Just sharing that to save anyone trying it. So I'm out of ideas for now.
Comment by Charlie A.
30420 | March 03, 2019 10:42:01 PM GMT
Oh, I should have added that since you DO see the Euro sign with the one font and not the other, whereas I don't see it either way, that may indicate this is some sort of configuration-specific matter. Again, I can't say for now what else that may be, but I point it out in case it gives you or anyone an idea.
Comment by Charlie A.
30421 | March 03, 2019 10:44:35 PM GMT
I am very sure that the bug is in ColdFusion 2016 and has absolutely nothing to do with the Report Builder. In this respect, I do not expect support from Adobe for the deprecated Report Builder. But I hope that the bug in ColdFusion 2016 will be fixed. It seems that something in the CF-2016 font management is wrong. I cannot see any other reason why our company reports, that were running absolutely correct over the years with different ColdFusion versions (from CF-7 up to CF-11), suddenly show no EURO (€) symbol anymore. Nothing in our report files has changed. The only change lies in the update to ColdFusion 2016. And for sure, there lies the reason for the error and not in the old Report Builder.
Comment by Knut B.
30422 | March 03, 2019 11:48:16 PM GMT
Hello, I saw, that the status has changed to "Fixed In Build: 314661 (CF12_Finalhotfix)". Where can we get the "CF12_Finalhotfix"? We would like to update our production server from CF-11 to CF-2016, but we need that fix, please.
Comment by Knut B.
30992 | July 06, 2019 09:24:50 AM GMT
Hi Knut, The fix of this issue will be available as part of the upcoming update of ColdFusion 2016. If you need an earlier fix, please reach out to [|] and request a patch for it. -Nimit ColdFusion Team
Comment by Nimit S.
30993 | July 06, 2019 11:54:15 AM GMT