Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/Fixed
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Aaron Neff / ()
Created: 04/04/2018
Components: Documentation
Versions: 2016
Failure Type: Conflict With Docs
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 0 / latest docs
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Very few users will encounter
Locale/System: / Platforms All
Vote Count: 0
Issue: Three dateTimeFormat() doc issues:
Issue #1: The "History" section has this misleading wording:
ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 3: The masks t and tt return the character string A/P or AM/PM respectively. Use t or tt instead of the mask a.
The above wording implies the t and tt masks were introduced in CF2016Update3, but that isn't the case. The actual change was that SimpleDateFormat's mask a is no longer followed.
Suggested wording:
ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 3: SimpleDateFormat's mask a is no longer followed. Use the masks t and tt to return the character string A/P or AM/PM respectively.
Issue #2: The mask parameter's description should clarify that mask a is no longer followed. It currently says:
The function also follows Java date time mask.
Suggested wording:
The function also follows Java date time mask, except for mask a.
Repro case:
writeOutput(dateTimeFormat(createDateTime(2018,1,1,18,19,20), "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss tt a") & ' | ' & SERVER.coldfusion.productVersion);
- CF10 result: 2018-01-01 06:19:20 PM PM | 10,0,15,292620
- CF11 result: 2018-01-01 06:19:20 PM PM | 11,0,11,301867
- CF2016 result: 2018-01-01 06:19:20 PM a | 2016,0,04,302561
Issue #3: The mask parameter's description contains "JDK7 and JDK8 introduces the masks, w,ww,W,and WW." That should probably be "JDK7 and JDK8 introduces the masks w, ww, W, and WW.". (There should be spaces after the commas. And no need for a comma after the word "masks".)
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