Status/Resolution/Reason: To Fix//BugReVerified
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Mark Berning / ()
Created: 04/13/2018
Components: Charting/Graphing
Versions: 2016,11.0,2018
Failure Type: Incorrectly functioning
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CF 2016 Enterprise update 5 build 303689 /
Priority/Frequency: Critical /
Locale/System: English / Linux RHEL 6.4
Vote Count: 0
Problem Description:In a two-series chart, the data in each series is ignoring the item labels to categorize the data. If there are 5 items in the first series and 4 items in the second it does not use the the item label to put the second series data in the correct column. Also if there are differing labels it ignores the item label and just uses the order of the series. Further if the items are not in the same order it also ignores the item labels.
This is even worse when using queries. Using xaxistype="category" and sortXaxis has no effect. It looks like it completely ignores the labels in the second series and just uses the order.
This is not how it worked in CF10 - I understand it is using a new chart back end. Not only do I have to completely redo all of my chart styling but I also have to redo the queries that create the data.
Steps to Reproduce:
This is just a simple example using <cfchartdata> but has the exact same effect/bug using <cfchartseries query>
<cfchart format="html" chartHeight="400" xaxis="" chartWidth="600" showLegend="no" title="Two-series chart">
<cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="WBC" markerstyle="circle" color="red">
<cfchartdata item="Day 1" value="19.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 2" value="15.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 3" value="15.1"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 4" value="12.6"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 5" value="14.2"/>
<cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="HCT" markerstyle="diamond" color="blue" >
<cfchartdata item="Day 1" value="39.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 2" value="35.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 4" value="32.6"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 5" value="34.2"/>
<cfchart format="html" chartHeight="400" xaxis="" chartWidth="600" showLegend="no" title="Two-series chart">
<cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="WBC" markerstyle="circle" color="red">
<cfchartdata item="Day 1" value="19.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 2" value="15.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 3" value="15.1"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 4" value="12.6"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 5" value="14.2"/>
<cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="HCT" markerstyle="diamond" color="blue" >
<cfchartdata item="Day 1" value="39.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 2" value="35.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 3" value="35.1"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 4" value="32.6"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 16" value="50"/>
<cfchart format="html" chartHeight="400" xaxis="" chartWidth="600" showLegend="no" title="Two-series chart">
<cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="WBC" markerstyle="circle" color="red">
<cfchartdata item="Day 1" value="19.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 2" value="15.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 3" value="15.1"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 4" value="12.6"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 5" value="14.2"/>
<cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="HCT" markerstyle="diamond" color="blue" >
<cfchartdata item="Day 1" value="39.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 2" value="35.2"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 6" value="50"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 4" value="32.6"/>
<cfchartdata item="Day 5" value="34.2"/>
Actual Result:
See testa.7z and testb.pdf
Expected Result:
See testb.7z and testb.pdf
Any Workarounds:
Manually find all of the missing items in both series, add the missing items with NULL or 0 values to the corresponding series and resort so they are in the same order.