tracker issue : CFB-3716771

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Template wizard: remove cfclientsettings from generated template

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): / (Chandan .)

Created: 03/04/2014

Components: General - IDE

Versions: 3.0

Failure Type: Incorrect w/Workaround

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: PublicBeta / 288924

Priority/Frequency: Minor / Few users will encounter

Locale/System: ALL / Linux All,Mac All,Win All

Vote Count: 0

Template wizard: remove cfclientsettings from generated template. It waits or device ready event or times out. It should be added only when there is cfclient code and needs cfclientsettings.

Create a new project, select master detail template.

Adds <cfclientsettings detectdevice="true" enabledeviceapi="true"/>

Shouldn't add

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3716771

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The idea of template is make it easy for users to write cfclient code by giving them pre-baked UI. So finally cfclient block will be used in most and common scenarios. That is why instead of removing the cfclientsettings tag, just added a comment above it saying: comment cfclientsettings if device API's are not used QE: create new mobile project using master-detail template. See if the comment appears, in generated index.cfm, right above cfclientsettings tag.
Comment by Milan C.
27219 | March 06, 2014 03:16:26 AM GMT
Amit, on to you as you are the QE owner of this feature. Please do the needful and check with Milan for any clarifications. (Comment added from ex-user id:dsarkar)
Comment by Adobe D.
27220 | March 07, 2014 01:15:00 AM GMT
fixed. verified with build no 288949. (Comment added from ex-user id:amkum)
Comment by Adobe D.
27221 | March 07, 2014 02:30:43 AM GMT