tracker issue : CFB-4031879

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Profile Editor Change Error

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Christopher Tierney / Christopher (Christopher Tierney)

Created: 08/05/2015

Components: Preferences

Versions: 3.0

Failure Type:

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 3.0 Final /

Priority/Frequency: Trivial / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Windows 10 64 bit

Vote Count: 0

Problem Description:
Receiving a java.lang.NullPointerException error when enabling "Enable Word Wrap" and "Trim spaces before saving file".

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Window > Preferences
2. ColdFusion > Profiles > Editor
3. Enable "Trim spaces before saving file" and "Enable Word Wrap"
4. Click "Apply" button

Actual Result:
"Error notifying a preference change listener. Check the log for details. java.lang.NullPointerException"

Expected Result:
No error

Any Workarounds:
Doesn't seem to be needed. The properties seem to be kept enabled even after a restart of the program.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	4031879

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Christopher
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:

ColdFusion Builder



If I go back and uncheck one or both, apply, and re-enable them, I do not receive an error.
Comment by External U.
26690 | August 05, 2015 10:10:51 AM GMT
Hi Christopher , I have tried in win10 64 bit(build no 10240) machine with CFB (buildno - 290101) and do not see any error in error log while enabling and applying "Trim spaces before saving file" and "Enable Word Wrap" . 1. Can you please provide the detailed error logs ? 2. Are you using CFB as standalone or CFB as plugin to eclipse? 3. Are you getting error when you try to apply changes on cfm file. If so , can you please provide the cfm file .
Comment by Mukesh K.
26691 | August 18, 2015 04:36:51 AM GMT
Hi Christopher , Are you still facing this issue . Can you please provide your comments so that we can repro the issue ?
Comment by Mukesh K.
26692 | September 21, 2015 03:43:30 AM GMT
@Mukesh - how do I provide "detailed error logs"? CFB is standalone. For #3 I'm not sure you actually understand the issue with this question. This is a global setting and not file related. I just went back and verified this is still an issue. See screen shot.
Comment by External U.
26693 | September 21, 2015 03:10:10 PM GMT
Hi Christopher , I am still unable to repro this issue following your steps . I am seeing one details button in Capture.PNG file you have sent . Can you please repro once more time and click details button and send us error stack trace . OR , You can go to Windows --> Show View --> other and type error and select and click ok and then also see full error stack trace and please send that . Also let us know on which build number of Coldfusion builder .
Comment by Mukesh K.
26694 | October 21, 2015 06:55:14 AM GMT
This issue has seemed to "auto-magically" disappeared. I verified I can no longer reproduce in Windows 10 or Windows 7.
Comment by External U.
26695 | October 21, 2015 10:42:25 AM GMT
Thank you Christopher for confirmation . We will be closing this bug as Cannot Reproducible . Please let us know if you come across same issue in future .
Comment by Mukesh K.
26696 | October 21, 2015 11:06:48 AM GMT