tracker issue : CFB-4198117

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ColdFusion Builder does not scale on high-dpi screens

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Status/Resolution/Reason: To Fix//MustFix

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Unknown Unknown / Unknown Unknown (Unknown Unknown)

Created: 11/29/2016

Components: General - IDE

Versions: 2016,2018

Failure Type: Usability Issue

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CFB2016_Update3 /

Priority/Frequency: Major / Most users will encounter

Locale/System: ALL / Windows 10

Vote Count: 2

Problem Description:
ColdFusion Builder does not scale properly on high-resolution (high-dpi) screens such as the Dell XPS 15 4K range. The icons appear too small to use. This problem has been fixed in Eclipse Neon but has not been fixed in the standalone ColdFusion Builder application. Installing CF Builder as a plug-in within Eclipse Neon does not work either.

Steps to Reproduce:
Launch ColdFusion Builder on a high-resolution display. 4K resolution on a 15.6" laptop shows the problem.

Actual Result:
Icons and toolbars are too small to use.

Expected Result:
Icons and toolbars should scale according to Windows scaling properties.

Any Workarounds:
No workarounds.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	4198117

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Unknown Unknown
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: Dell XPS 15 4K laptop, Windows 10 Pro.



This affects all versions of CF Builder, not just 2016
Comment by External U.
26090 | November 29, 2016 09:21:46 AM GMT
Hi All, Can you please install ColdFusion Builder 2016 as plugin to eclipse Neon and apply update 4 and let us know if you are facing any issue ? please revert with screenshot if you are facing related to icons and toolbar if they are too small to use as mentioned in the bug comment or facing any other issue ? - Mukesh
Comment by Mukesh K.
26091 | June 22, 2017 11:00:49 AM GMT
Mukesh - please see CFB-4198222. Not only do we have icon and toolbar issues not properly scaling, but CFB cannot even open cfm or cfc files. Andy
Comment by Andy G.
26092 | June 23, 2017 03:45:48 PM GMT
is there any progress or status update on this/these issues? As is, CFB is unusable on our current hardware. We're making due with alternative editors but with a lack of response as to timelines here we fear we may need to make a more perm move.
Comment by Andy G.
26093 | June 27, 2017 09:30:47 PM GMT
any update? If not, any workaround besides buying new laptops for team?
Comment by Andy G.
26094 | July 08, 2017 04:04:07 AM GMT
Comment by Andy G.
26095 | July 13, 2017 04:09:56 AM GMT
any updates?
Comment by Andy G.
26096 | July 19, 2017 04:56:52 AM GMT
I guess no fix coming?
Comment by Andy G.
26097 | July 27, 2017 07:47:33 AM GMT
If you are not going to fix it, could you at least say that as well so I don;t waste any more time checking here?
Comment by Andy G.
26098 | August 09, 2017 10:58:48 PM GMT
Same problem with a normal 1600x900 display. I'll post screen shots of both CFB2016 and CFB2018 (running side by side on my machine) to prove it
Vote by David B.
29307 | July 13, 2018 07:19:26 PM GMT
In CF2018, icons are not only too small but the arrow that open and close the folders are gone. Please see attachments.
Comment by David B.
29306 | July 13, 2018 07:25:22 PM GMT
I received a version bump but there are no notes as to the solution. It's been more than a year and this is your main CF tool
Comment by David B.
29873 | October 29, 2018 04:15:11 PM GMT
I have solved this problem by uninstalling ColdFusion Builder and using JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate instead. No more CFBuilder, ever.
Comment by Unknown U.
29875 | October 30, 2018 12:24:25 PM GMT
Funny but not helpful
Comment by David B.
29876 | October 30, 2018 12:54:51 PM GMT