tracker issue : CFB-4198222

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CFB with Updater 4 cannot open cfc/cfm files on Neon 4.6.3

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/CannotReproduce

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Andy Guiness / Andy Guiness ()

Created: 05/26/2017

Components: Editor Features

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Incorrectly functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 302777 / NA

Priority/Frequency: Major / Most users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Windows 10 64 bit

Vote Count: 2

Problem Description: Cannot open cfc/cfm file. CFB starts to render the CFML toolbar, then stops with error: "Failed to create the part's controls"

Steps to Reproduce: Fresh, base, stable install of Eclipse Neon 4.6.3 then install CFB as plugin, then install Updater 4. Open any cfc or cfm file.

Tried every possible combination of Windows compatiblity/rn as Admin/etc. ... nothing works.

Actual Result:

Expected Result:

Any Workarounds: None

Stacktrace: (Full StackTrace attached - stack-trace.txt)

	at com.adobe.editor.cfml.core.CFMLSourceViewConfiguration.getQuickAssistAssistant(
	at org.eclipse.jface.text.source.SourceViewer.configure(
	at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.createPartControl(
	at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.StatusTextEditor.createPartControl(


  1. May 26, 2017 00:00:00: Capture.PNG
  2. June 15, 2017 00:00:00: stack-trace.txt


Andy, Could you please provide the build number seen at, Help > ColdFusion Builder Info? Also, as an alternative, please try to change the Eclipse workspace, and open CFM pages.
Comment by Immanuel N.
26051 | May 28, 2017 07:51:56 AM GMT
Build: 302777
Comment by Andy G.
26052 | May 31, 2017 07:20:35 AM GMT
Hi Andy, Can you please try to change the workspace after update and let us know if you still facing the issue ? Thanks, Mukesh
Comment by Mukesh K.
26053 | June 01, 2017 10:02:02 AM GMT
Hi Mukesh - I had already tried that, but same issue.
Comment by Andy G.
26054 | June 03, 2017 01:31:50 AM GMT
any further ideas?
Comment by Andy G.
26055 | June 07, 2017 03:15:31 AM GMT
Comment by Andy G.
26056 | June 13, 2017 12:51:12 AM GMT
Andy, Looks like the issue is specific to the mentioned configuration. We are trying to repro this. Did you try to apply the update on a ColdFusion Builder Standalone on the same machine?
Comment by Immanuel N.
26057 | June 15, 2017 11:01:36 AM GMT
Noel, I did not. I only tried (multiple times) installing as a plugin to eclipse - both an existing eclipse install and several times on brand new eclipse installs to make sure there was not a possibility of any cruft getting in the way! I was able to zip up an installation from another 64b machine and copy over to my machine and it works. That leads me to believe it's an issue with your installer? I suppose I can try installing standalone as a test - is there anything specific I ought to look for or logging setting I should attempt prior that would help you? Andy
Comment by Andy G.
26058 | June 15, 2017 05:07:13 PM GMT
It is extraordinarily difficult to even use this installer on hi-dpi Windows displays. Adobe really needs to update your installer software.
Comment by Andy G.
26059 | June 16, 2017 02:14:43 PM GMT
I installed the standalone and it upgrades ok, but this defeats the purpose as it is a Mars eclipse installed. The idea is to use with Neon. Only Neon has support for hi-dpi displays which are becoming more and more common - and soon, default. So back to square one...
Comment by Andy G.
26060 | June 16, 2017 02:35:54 PM GMT
Andy, Thanks for trying out the Standalone installation. The results you report will help us fix the issue. We understand Eclipse Mars is not an option for you. We are working on a fix for this. The Builder Installer issues on HiDPI displays is being tracked as part of bug,
Comment by Immanuel N.
26061 | June 17, 2017 08:16:26 AM GMT
Thank you, Immanuel. That's good to hear. My only question is whether the planned fix is something coming soon to this version or is something you plan on only incorporating into a future major release? I ask because we can wait a little bit longer using VS Code and Notepad++ text editors, but if it's something that will take longer we'll need to make a more formal move to another platform until CFB is usable as we cannot return the whole fleet of Hi-DPI laptops purchased for the dev team!
Comment by Andy G.
26062 | June 17, 2017 08:50:33 PM GMT
would welcome some updates on this or CFB-4198117?
Comment by Andy G.
26063 | June 28, 2017 05:18:31 PM GMT
any update? If not, any workaround besides buying new laptops for team?
Comment by Andy G.
26064 | July 08, 2017 04:04:16 AM GMT
Comment by Andy G.
26065 | July 13, 2017 04:10:06 AM GMT
quiet in here...
Comment by Andy G.
26066 | July 19, 2017 04:57:22 AM GMT
I guess no fix coming?
Comment by Andy G.
26067 | July 27, 2017 07:47:42 AM GMT
If you are not going to fix it, could you at least say that as well so I don;t waste any more time checking here?
Comment by Andy G.
26068 | August 09, 2017 10:58:42 PM GMT
Andy , I have installed ColdFusion Builder in my local machine and connected machine to HI-DPI monitor for display. We didn't observe the issue as you have mentioned. Is it related to hardware on which ColdFusion Builder is installed ?
Comment by Mukesh K.
26069 | August 10, 2017 08:22:56 AM GMT
Are you running your graphics card at Hi DPI or just adding a Hi DPI monitor to a regular setup? e.g our laptops are running at 3840x2160. Either way, the error is a java.lang.NullPointerException which you can see in the stack trace above in the OP when eclipse tries to display the CFB file contents. All else in eclipse works fine - it's just CFB that errors as above. The GPU is NVIDIA GTX 950M and Intel HD Graphics 530.
Comment by Andy G.
26070 | August 18, 2017 10:34:39 PM GMT
Furthermore, if we take a working CFB install from a non-DPI machine, zip it up and move it to ta Hi-DPI laptop, it will run fine in Hi-DPI (well, I wouldn't say "fine" until you actually vectorize all graphics, but at least it doesn't error out and can actually open cfm/cfc files!) So it seems it's clearly an issue with the installation aspect of it.
Comment by Andy G.
26071 | August 21, 2017 09:59:41 PM GMT
I can confirm that Andy is not the only one encountering this issue - I am not running an Hi-DPI machine and get an identical error. So it's not the Hi-DPI that is causing the issue
Vote by Gary J.
26074 | August 24, 2017 10:40:32 PM GMT
Had the same issue on a non-DPI machine. Resolved it by... 1) uninstalling all ColdFusion Builder items 2) uninstalling all Java instances 3) removing all contents of my eclipse folder and replacing with a clean and fresh version of Neon (Java developer edition) 4) opening the location of my former eclipse workspace and deleting the .metadata folder 5) installing the latest version of the Java JDK and setting my JAVA_HOME variable to the installed base JDK folder (windows 7 64-bit). 6) Running Neon and running "Help > Install New Software" with the location of to grab the latest CF Builder patch (patch 4 I believe). 7) close Neon after complete 8) in the eclipse folder (windows) run "eclipse.exe -clean" Of course by clearing the workspace, I now had to re-import my eclipse projects ("File > Import" then "ColdFusion > Import existing projects") and reset any layout preferences, but the .cfm and .cfc files now load and work properly (cf code completing, etc.) Not positive which step was the "magic" one, but I'm back up and running. Hope that helps you Andy as it seems you've been having issues for some time.
Comment by Gary J.
26072 | August 28, 2017 07:52:20 PM GMT
Thanks Gary! I had previously done all of the above (save for uninstalling/re-installing all java instances... can't see how that would factor into anything though?) Some of the installs were on fresh Win 10 laptops, so the java instances were new anyways.
Comment by Andy G.
26073 | September 06, 2017 12:33:09 AM GMT
I have encountered on Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a) Build id: 20171005-1200. It makes the plugin unusable.
Vote by Mark L.
26075 | October 30, 2017 01:25:51 AM GMT
This was hunting me for a while. In the end, the installation of the "Eclipse Java Development Tools" helped. Looks like there is some dependency on it. IIRC i had the same problem an solution on neon.
Comment by Walter S.
27941 | May 24, 2018 12:13:04 PM GMT
Cannot able to reproduce the issue. Hence, closing the bug.
Comment by Mukesh K.
29547 | August 20, 2018 06:01:21 AM GMT