Bug 75811:(Watson Migration Closure)I create a Table called adr_Firma within SQLServer 2008 with an Field called Ident which should contain an UUID like:
| View in TrackerStatus/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Won't Fix/
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Reinhard Jung / Reinhard Jung (Tigermutze)
Created: 03/06/2009
Components: ORM Support
Versions: 9.0
Failure Type: Unspecified
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 9,0,0,216113 /
Priority/Frequency: Major / Unknown
Locale/System: English / Win All
Vote Count: 1
I create a Table called adr_Firma within SQLServer 2008 with an Field called Ident which should contain an UUID like:
<cfproperty name="Ident" fieldtype="id" generator="uuid" />
But the result within the Table is:
"40285e811fdabaed011fdabee75e0003" instead of something like "DBDBEFE1-1F3C-7771-D98C53A64CCBB403".
So the Value of the Field is NOT of a Datatype ColdFusion-UUID?!
Did i missed something? I also found nothing in the ORM-Forum.
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cfset this.name = "AddressNine" />
<cfset this.ormenabled = "true" />
<cfset this.datasource = "prj_AddressNine" />
<cfset this.ormsettings = {Dialect='MicrosoftSQLServer'} />
<cfcomponent output="false" persistent="true" table="adr_Firma" dynamicInsert="true" dynamicUpdate="true">
<cfproperty name="Ident" fieldtype="id" generator="uuid" />
<cfproperty name="Name" column="Firmenname" />
<cfproperty name="CreatedBy" />
<cfproperty name="CreatedAt" />
<cfproperty name="OwnedBy" />
<cfproperty name="OwnedAt" />
<cfproperty name="Zusatz" />
<cfproperty name="GesForm" />
<cfdump var="#createUUID()#" />
<cfset Firma = createObject('component','Firma') />
<cfset Firma.setName('WhatWomenWant') />
<cfset Firma.setZusatz('AG') />
<cfset EntitySave(Firma) />
<cfset Firma1 = EntityLoad('Firma','40285e811fdabaed011fdabee75e0003',true) />
<cfset Firma = EntityLoad('Firma') />
<cfdump var="#Firma1#" />
<cfdump var="#Firma#" />
There are no ErrorMessages.
But i'm shure that i could not check the Value as an ColdFusion UUID Datatype.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3037766
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Reinhard Jung
External Customer Email: 4DD96DF448671727992015A7
External Test Config: 03/06/2009