tracker issue : CF-3119583

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start.log size not checked between restarts

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Aaron Neff / Aaron Neff (Aaron Neff)

Created: 02/21/2012

Components: Logging

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type:

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Public Beta / 281663

Priority/Frequency: Major / Most users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Win XP All

Vote Count: 0

In public beta, I have "Maximum file size (in kilobytes)" for log file size limit set to "5000".

However, start.log file size is currently 21,087KB and growing.

Quote from engineer:
Seem log rotation happens only during server start up. During server start up it checks the size and take backup if size is more than given max log size.

Log rotation is not happening during server running. For example you file size reached max log size and still you have not restarted then rotation is not happening. Which is wrong, please log a bug for the same. We will evaluate the same

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3119583

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: itisdesign
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Related thread:
Comment by External U.
20691 | February 21, 2012 03:40:32 PM GMT
This bug is related to ER #CF-3119586 (start.log-specific max size setting ) URL:
Comment by External U.
20692 | February 21, 2012 03:48:50 PM GMT
Missed check-in file. Please take the latest change list
Comment by Kiran S.
20693 | February 29, 2012 12:41:42 AM GMT
Try using cfdump with output=console. cflog ses log4j and do logrotation and mess up the coldfusion-out.log. coldfusion-out.log and coldfusion-error.log should not be used with cflog as these are exclusively used for console logging.
Comment by Kiran S.
20694 | March 02, 2012 04:54:41 AM GMT
Verified that this is fixed in CF10 Final (build 10,282462). CF10 properly checks coldfusion-out.log size between restarts, and creates a new one as needed. There is a new issue: CF10 doesn't actually write anything to the newly created file, until after the next CF restart. I'll create a new ticket for this new issue. Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by External U.
20695 | May 27, 2012 01:32:47 AM GMT