Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Aaron Neff / Aaron Neff (Aaron Neff)
Created: 03/25/2012
Components: Scheduler
Versions: 10.0
Failure Type:
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Public Beta / 292925
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Some users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Win All
Vote Count: 0
<cfschedule’s startdate/starttime/interval attributes were required for action="update" pre-CF10. Omission of all 3, in CF10, creates a Chained Task.
The issue arises when just one or two are omitted. Here’s what happens in every combination:
1a) (good) When startdate/starttime/interval are all omitted, then all default to [empty string] and chained task is created
1b) (good) When only startdate is omitted, and interval is numeric, then startdate defaults to now() and task is created normally
1c) (bad) When only startdate is omitted, and interval is non-numeric, then NumberFormatException is thrown (w/ an unhelpful message: ’For input string: "IntervalValueHere"’)
1d) (good) When only starttime is omitted, and interval is not ’once’, then starttime defaults to [empty string] and chained task is created
1e) (bad) When only starttime is omitted, and interval is ’once’, then NumberFormatException is thrown (w/ an unhelpful message: ’For input string: "once"’)
1f) (bad) When only interval is omitted, then IntervalNotSpecifiedException is thrown
1g) (bad) When only startdate or starttime is specified, then NullPointerException is thrown
1h) (good) When only interval is specified, then startdate/starttime default to [emtpy string] and chained task is created
This is too confusing!
The behavior should simply be:
2a) if interval is supplied, then startdate and starttime default to now()
2b) if interval is not supplied, then chained task is created
CF9 required startdate and starttime. Thus, the fact that startdate defaults to now(), in one specific scenario, must’ve been someone’s ER that was granted for CF10?
Let’s simplify and get some consistency here :)
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3148753
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