tracker issue : CF-3300531

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Session values may not be persistent with the Server Monitor opened

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Shigeo Kubota / Shigeo Kubota (CF-AXL)

Created: 08/01/2012

Components: Server Monitoring

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Final / 286903

Priority/Frequency: Trivial / All users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Windows 7 SP1 64-bit

Vote Count: 0

Problem Description:
When the "Enable Monitoring Server" in ColdFusion Administrator is checked and J2EE Servlet session management is used, the session values may not be persistent if the Server Monitor is also opened with the same browser(new window or tab) because the jsessionid value is overwritten by an application and the Server Monitor.

Steps to Reproduce:
1) In ColdFusion Administrator, make sure both "Use J2EE session variables" in "Memory Variables" under "SERVER SETTINGS" and "Enable Monitoring Server" in "Monitoring Settings" under "SERVER MONITORING" are checked.

2) In ColdFusion Administrator, go to "SERVER MONITORING" - "Server Monitor" and launch Server Monitor.

3) In Server Monitor, click the "STATISTICS" tab on the top and select "Active Sessions" under "REQUEST STATISTICS" on the left to see the current active session IDs.(Any menu would be fine though.)

4) While both ColdFusion Administrator and Server Monitor are open in the separate tabs or windows of a browser, create the following two files and placed them in the same directory.  Then open the index.cfm file in a new tab or window of the same browser.

component { = "sessionTest";
  this.sessionManagement = true;
  this.sessionTimeout = createTimeSpan(0,0,30,0);
  this.setClientCookies = true;

  if (!structKeyExists(session, "currentTime"))
    session.currentTime = now();
  writeoutput("<h1>Session Test</h1>");

5) Refresh the index.cfm page a couple of times to see if the values of "currentTime" and "sessionid" would change.  If not, go back to the Server Monitor and select other menu, for instance, "Active Requests" under "REQUEST STATISTICS."  Then go back and refresh the index.cfm page again.

6) Repeat step 5 if necessary.  The values of "currentTime" and "sessionid" should be changed even the session is not yet expired by the sessionTimeout value set in Application.cfc.

When ColdFusion session management is used, the values of "cfid" and "cftoken" are changed after the ColdFusion Administrator login, but the session values are maintained.

Actual Result:
The session values do not persist.

Expected Result:
The session values should persist until the session times out or the browser is closed.

Any Workarounds:
Open the Server Monitor with a different browser.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3300531

Deployment Phase:	Release Candidate

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: CF-AXL
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:



Session Id keep changing on refresh of index.cfm even when session time out is 30 minutes. This happens when server monitor is launched in the same browser window where index.cfm is run (Comment added from ex-user id:nawani)
Comment by Adobe D.
18633 | September 16, 2013 03:21:56 AM GMT