tracker issue : CF-3375431

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Unable to access delegated calendar using cfexchangeConnection

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Troy Murray / Troy Murray (talltroym)

Created: 11/30/2012

Components: CFExchange

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type:

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Final / 287467

Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Linux Ubuntu 10.04

Vote Count: 2

Related Bugs:
CF-3686483 - Similar to

Problem Description:
I need to access the calendar events for a user that has delegated their calendar access to me on the company Exchange Server. The delegation is in place and I'm able to view/modify the other users calendar using the Outlook 2007 client, so I know the delegation rights are correct, however I'm not able to query the events using the ColdFusion cfexchange* tags.

According to the ColdFusion documentation this is possible, see

The following code is what I'm using, with the specific and sensitive bits removed. If I remove the mailboxName attribute, or if I use the same username value, then I'm able to successfully see 25 of my calendar events. However when I use the mailbox name of the person who has delegated their calendar access to me I receive the error below.

Steps to Reproduce:
The other user delegated access to me from within their Outlook 2007. They did this by going to the Tools menu, selecting Options, clicking on Delegates then clicking the Add button, selecting my name, clicking the Add button, clicking the OK button and then giving me Calendar = Editor permissions and None for all other permissions.

  action = "open" 
  connection = "myExchangeConnection"
  username = "myUserName"
  password = "mySecr3t"
  server = ""
  formBasedAuthentication = "yes"
  formBasedAuthenticationURL = ""
  protocol = "https"
  serverversion = "2010"
  mailboxName = "otherUserName"
    name = "maxRows" 
    value = "25">

Actual Result:
Detail   The specified object was not found in the store.
Message  Could not connect to the exchange server with the credentials.

Expected Result:
Query object with the calendar events

Any Workarounds:
I was finally able to get this to work. The fault doesn't appear to be with the code posted above but rather a lack of clarity in the Adobe documentation and an adjustment in the access rights that user "otherUserName" has to grant to "myUserName".

The section "Managing connections to the Exchange server" in the "Developing ColdFusion 10 Applications" documentation states "you can also connect to any mailbox whose owner has delegated access rights to the login user name". I understood that to mean that if the owner delegates just calendar access rights to my user account that I can query their calendar. However this doesn't appear to be the case. The user had to delegate both calendar access and inbox access to my user account before I was able query just their calendar events.

The other way I found to accomplish this is by creating an Exchange account with Exchange Administrator privileges and granting it access to the users mailboxes. I would then use this Exchange account for the username and password in the cfexchangeconnection and could query the events of any users that the Exchange account had access to.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3375431

Deployment Phase:	Release Candidate

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: talltroym
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:

ColdFusion 10 Enterprise x64 Update 0 running on Ubuntu Server 12.04 x64 LTS

Exchange Server Standard 2010 SP 1 running on Windows Server 2008 R2

Outlook 2007 running on Windows XP Professional SP3



This situation still exists with ColdFusion 10 Update 11 and running on Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I thought that this might be a Microsoft Exchange issue, but it looks like it's specifically ColdFusion or the Java components (if any) that it uses. I believe that to be the case because I'm able to re-create this same application and it's functionality using Ruby on Rails, which also talks to the Exchange Server through SOAP, and I'm able to read a calendar delegated to me without having to have read-only access to the other persons inbox.
Comment by External U.
17060 | July 24, 2013 02:35:17 PM GMT
+1. The Exchange support in ColdFUsion needs to lift its game from being "proof of concept" quality to *Enterprise* quality. Given we're paying for an enterprise product. -- Adam
Vote by External U.
17062 | September 06, 2013 02:02:10 AM GMT
fixed in the next major version release of ColdFusion.
Comment by Piyush K.
17061 | January 28, 2014 08:36:20 AM GMT
Agreed, we thought we'd embark on some neat functionality only to run into this wall.
Vote by External U.
17063 | February 27, 2014 03:54:44 PM GMT