tracker issue : CF-3476873

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Upgrade Zingcharts

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Patrick Branley / Patrick Branley (PatBranley)

Created: 01/15/2013

Components: Charting/Graphing

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type: Enhancement Request

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Final / 286509

Priority/Frequency: Trivial / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Solaris All

Vote Count: 3

The latest version of Zingcharts has the following property

[ root » graph » plot » legend-item ]
maxChars	Numeric	
Sets the maximum number of characters displayed by the text label. If value is smaller than the length of the text, the original text will be trimmed and '...' will be appended at the end.

We require this feature in order to truncate the series labels from cfchart that are too long, but show the longer version when hovering over the graph.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3476873

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: PatBranley
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:



TBH, I'd vote for simply discontinuing ZingCharts support via CF. It's easier to just use ZingCharts directly (it's a DIV and a few lines of JS... about the same amount of code as using <cfchart>, but more flexible), and CF is always just going to get further and further behind as Adobe don't really seem to try to keep up. -- Adam
Comment by External U.
16745 | January 22, 2013 02:41:03 PM GMT
The latest version of ZingChart includes another feature we require : issue 4935, scale item formatting. (i'm working on the same project, so this vote is cheating)
Vote by External U.
16755 | January 22, 2013 05:34:47 PM GMT
Zingchart is a commercial JS library. Adobe has an OEM license via ColdFusion. If you take it out of the product, then we would need to purchase it separately.
Comment by External U.
16746 | March 17, 2013 03:21:10 PM GMT
There are further issues with zingchart due to the old version bundled with CF see for full set of release notes. If we are paying annual support to adobe, surely they can include annual upgrades to 3rd party software they bundle with the tool ?
Comment by External U.
16747 | March 26, 2013 03:32:30 PM GMT
I vote to support this request
Vote by External U.
16756 | September 04, 2013 08:02:18 AM GMT
I am posting this comment to get a response from Adobe. The support for third-party addons is woefully inadequate and since ZingChart is one of the "benefits" of buying the Enterprise version, this needs to be addressed. I have found that there is no special code within the cfchart-html.js file and is you simply replace the code with the latest version of ZingChart it does not affect cfchart, but does give you all the fixes if you use the style attribute for all the functionality. Additionally, if you own the server and the Enterprise license, you could copy the license file (license.js) from the CFIDE directory (cfusion) and place it in your application and use the latest ZingChart code.
Comment by External U.
16748 | September 04, 2013 08:11:42 AM GMT
Has this been fixed in such a way that one will be able to keep ZingCharts up-to-date "manually", rather than waiting for Adobe to do it? (that said, dunno if that wasn't already possible?) -- Adam
Comment by External U.
16749 | October 31, 2013 01:53:18 PM GMT
Adobe, hello? -- Adam
Comment by External U.
16750 | March 03, 2014 04:55:12 AM GMT
I vote to support this request.
Vote by External U.
16757 | October 29, 2014 11:53:06 AM GMT
+1 to answer to Adam's question. Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by External U.
16751 | December 04, 2015 07:59:22 PM GMT
No. you can't upgrade ZingCharts up-to-date "manually" as the version shipped is a licensed version. We would keep it updated as and when it is required.
Comment by Rupesh K.
16752 | December 10, 2015 11:35:17 PM GMT
OK, fair enough. Which version of ZingCharts currently ships with CF11 [latest], and will ship with CF2016?
Comment by External U.
16753 | December 11, 2015 02:47:41 AM GMT
+1 - CF2016 should ship w/ the latest. Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by External U.
16754 | December 11, 2015 04:56:59 AM GMT