tracker issue : CF-3507060

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HotFix for bug 3119991 does not work with CF9.02

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): david ames / david ames (david ames)

Created: 02/26/2013

Components: General Server

Versions: 9.0.1

Failure Type: Memory Leak

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 9.0.1 /

Priority/Frequency: Major / Some users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Win 2008 Server R2 64 bit

Vote Count: 1

Duplicate ID:	CF-3119991


Problem Description:
The hotfix for bug 3119991  does not work with ColdFusion 9.02 - ie, the memory leak in coldfusion.key.util still exists in 9.02 and we cannot apply the hotfix hf901-3119991.jar to 9.02

Steps to Reproduce:
Take a heap dump of the server that is running out of heap space and observe 1GB+ of coldfusion.key.util classes. 

OR - decompile CFusion.jar and observe that coldfusion.key.util is using strong references, where as the same class in hf901-3119991.jar uses soft references.

Actual Result:
Memory leak causing server to crash.

Expected Result:
No memory leak

Any Workarounds:
We can write a .jar to extend your coldfusion.util.key class and dump the keys map regually, but this is an ugly workaround.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3507060

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: davidames
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: CF 9.02, IIS, WIn2k8, 64bit.



This is the e-mail that I sent to the forums: I raised bug CF-3119991 (coldfusion.util.key leaks) against CF9.01 and CF10. The bug is marked as "Fixed in build 281656". We have upgraded our production servers to 9.02 and it appears that the bug has returned. I decompiled the cFusion.Jar's for 9.02 and it's using HardReferences for the key cache. The fix for CF-3119991 used SoftReferences so I suspect the fix never made it to 9.02. The problem is that we can't apply the hotfix (hf901-CF-3119991.jar) to 9.02. When we try, it does not appear in the applied hotfixes area of CFAdmin. When we copy the .jar to the /lib/updates folder & cycle the CF service the OS never takes a lock on the .jar file and we still have that exact same memory leak - which makes me think it isn't being picked up. What can we do to get the HotFix working with 9.02?
Comment by External U.
16153 | February 26, 2013 09:00:14 PM GMT
Still an issue in 9.0.1 and 9.0.2
Vote by External U.
16154 | May 30, 2013 04:54:32 PM GMT