tracker issue : CF-3575011

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Exception error in the CF admin UI if application tasks are defined without an application name.

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): / ext-user (Piyush Kumar Nayak)

Created: 06/07/2013

Components: Scheduler

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type:

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 285099 / 285145

Priority/Frequency: Normal / Few users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Windows 7 64-bit

Vote Count: 1

Exception error in the CF admin UI if application tasks are defined without an application name.

-Run the following template to create application mode tasks. Ensure that the template is not placed in the application scope and any application.cfc/cfm file. 

<cfset targetDate = DateAdd("d",1,Now()) />
<cfschedule action="update" mode="application" group="groupC" task="taskC" startDate="#DateFormat(targetDate,"mm/dd/yyyy")#" startTime="#TimeFormat(targetDate,"hh:mm:ss tt")#" interval="once" url="http://c" />

- navigate to CF admin> server settings>scheduled tasks and verify that the tasks are created. The application name should be blank.

- restart the CF service.

- log into the CF admin. Navigate to  CF admin> server settings>scheduled tasks 

- oobserve that the "Application Level Scheduled Tasks" section displays an error".

Element APPNAME is undefined in TASK.
The error occurred in scheduletasks.cfm: line 602
Called from scheduletasks.cfm: line 590
Called from scheduletasks.cfm: line 586
Called from scheduletasks.cfm: line 536
Called from scheduletasks.cfm: line 289
Called from scheduletasks.cfm: line 1
-1 : Unable to display error's location in a CFML template.
Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax.
Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
Browser  	Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.94 Safari/537.36
Remote Address  	0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Referrer  	http://localhost:8510/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm
Date/Time  	07-Jun-13 05:31 PM
Stack Trace
at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571._factor19(E:/cf10_final/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE/administrator/scheduler/scheduletasks.cfm:602) at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571._factor23(E:/cf10_final/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE/administrator/scheduler/scheduletasks.cfm:590) at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571._factor26(E:/cf10_final/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE/administrator/scheduler/scheduletasks.cfm:586) at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571._factor29(E:/cf10_final/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE/administrator/scheduler/scheduletasks.cfm:536) at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571._factor32(E:/cf10_final/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE/administrator/scheduler/scheduletasks.cfm:289) at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571.runPage(E:/cf10_final/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE/administrator/scheduler/scheduletasks.cfm:1) 

coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedElementException: Element APPNAME is undefined in TASK.
	at coldfusion.runtime.DotResolver.resolveSplitNameInMap(
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._resolve(
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._resolveAndAutoscalarize(
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._resolveAndAutoscalarize(
	at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571._factor19(E:\cf10_final\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\scheduler\scheduletasks.cfm:602)
	at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571._factor23(E:\cf10_final\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\scheduler\scheduletasks.cfm:590)
	at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571._factor26(E:\cf10_final\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\scheduler\scheduletasks.cfm:586)
	at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571._factor29(E:\cf10_final\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\scheduler\scheduletasks.cfm:536)
	at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571._factor32(E:\cf10_final\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\scheduler\scheduletasks.cfm:289)
	at cfscheduletasks2ecfm672758571.runPage(E:\cf10_final\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\scheduler\scheduletasks.cfm:1)

The admin UI should not break.


----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3575011


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Interrupts server management / wastes time tracking down and fixing bad scheduled task
Vote by External U.
15231 | June 13, 2013 10:59:56 AM GMT
How to fix: You can find the specific scheduled task causing the issue by searching through the "/cfusion/lib/neo-cron.xml" configuration file for a task that lacks a 'var' element with 'name="appname"' (not too difficult if you use an editor that neatly formats the xml). Once you have identified the task causing the issue, re-run the 'cfschedule action=update' tag for that task after inserting a 'cfapplication' tag before the 'cfschedule' tag to configure an application name.
Comment by External U.
15230 | June 13, 2013 11:06:52 AM GMT