tracker issue : CF-3588783

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CFMap falsely requires API key

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/NotABug

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): duncan cumming / duncan cumming (duncancumming)

Created: 07/02/2013

Components: Core Runtime

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type: Enhancement Request

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Final /

Priority/Frequency: Major / All users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Win All

Vote Count: 1

Problem Description:
To use <cfmap> you must specify an API key, via the CF Administrator, in application.cfc, or with cfajaximport .  However, it's not mandatory for Google Maps API v3 to use an API key.  It was mandatory for API v2, and this seems like a hangover from that on the part of ColdFusion.

Ideally the API key would be an optional attribute on the cfmap tag itself.  If the attribute is specified, use it.  Else, if there was a key specified for the entire application using one of the above three methods, then use that.  Otherwise, (i.e. no key specified at either application or tag level), then call the Google Maps JS without any API key.

Steps to Reproduce:
Execute this code without doing any of the above three options for specifying an API key:
<cfmap centerlatitude=51.507761 centerlongitude=-0.127954>

Actual Result:
Error thrown: Google Map License key is not defined.

Expected Result:
Map to be displayed without any error

Any Workarounds:
Not to use <cfmap> at all, and simply write your own javascript to implement Google Maps API.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3588783

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: duncancumming
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:



ColdFusion NEEDS TO KEEP UP with the third part libraries it uses. Not just when the next CF release comes around, but when the library is updated. -- Adam
Vote by External U.
15075 | July 02, 2013 04:35:56 PM GMT
Hey Adam, Google Maps JavaScript API was updated from v2 to v3 in CF10 Update 8 You can fine more details here : Are you on the right update level for this code to work ? -Viny (Comment added from ex-user id:vnigam)
Comment by Adobe D.
15068 | July 02, 2013 09:36:46 PM GMT
API v2 was deprecated May 2010. CF 10 came out the same month. API v3 was released May 2009. It just seems surprising Adobe didn't pay attention to this and left API v2 until the February 2013 hotfix - FWIW, I'm doing this currently on a fully-patched CF version 9,0,1,274733
Comment by External U.
15069 | July 03, 2013 03:03:17 AM GMT
Yeah, what about CF9, Viny? It's still a a "current" CF version that you're supposed to be supporting, so you need to update it in that too. -- Adam
Comment by External U.
15070 | July 03, 2013 09:43:33 AM GMT
It was updated for all the versions - CF 9, 9.0.1 and 9.0.2 and CF 10.
Comment by Rupesh K.
15071 | July 03, 2013 02:16:49 PM GMT
I think you're misunderstanding the problem. It's not whether ColdFusion is using API v2 or v3. It's that even when it uses v3, the API key is mandatory, unnecessarily.
Comment by External U.
15072 | July 03, 2013 05:13:49 PM GMT
As per the link : API key should be non-mandatory for CF901 post this update Have you applied the update and you are still facing this error? In this case I will retarget this bug from 10 to 901 If not, then can you please apply the update and let us know if you are still facing this issue (Comment added from ex-user id:vnigam)
Comment by Adobe D.
15073 | July 04, 2013 12:29:49 AM GMT
Closing the bug as "Not a Bug" since we were not able to reproduce the issue at our end, and did not receive any additional information from the customer. If this bug still exists on your environments, please report back, and we will be reopening this bug.
Comment by Immanuel N.
15074 | December 03, 2014 02:15:24 AM GMT