Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Deferred/EnhancementRequired
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Luis Majano / Luis Majano (Luis Majano)
Created: 07/26/2013
Components: General Server
Versions: 10.0
Failure Type: Enhancement Request
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Final /
Priority/Frequency: Trivial / Unknown
Locale/System: English / Platforms All
Vote Count: 38
OSGI integration for providing CF core modularity.
Explore the concepts of OSGI for core CFML. This would allow for the ability to package funtionality as bundles instead of the conglomerate of features CF has already. Explore the modularization of the engine and even allow an abstraction to the API so developers outside of Adobe can contribute bundles into the core.
It is time to modularize my friends!
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3602420
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External Customer Name: LuisMajano
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External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: