tracker issue : CF-3646258

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Deferred/TooManyChanges

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Adam Cameron / Adam Cameron (Adam Cameron)

Created: 10/04/2013

Components: General Server

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type: Enhancement Request

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Final /

Priority/Frequency: Trivial / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Platforms All

Vote Count: 14

ColdFusion 5 used to have a CLI, but it never made it past the migration to Java.

I've been using a bunch of other languages recently: Ruby, PHP, hey even Javascript... and they all have CLIs, and it's a really really useful way of running code quickly. Also not all code one writes is destined for the browser, so to decouple CFML code from needing a browser and a web server would be cool.


----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3646258

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Adam Cameron.
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:



That feature can definitely speed up the development allowing to test the code from the command line avoiding the whole "edit-save-run" process. Anything that resembles NPM would be definitely welcome.
Vote by External U.
14324 | October 04, 2013 02:53:54 AM GMT
Yeah this would be cool, I remember using it in CF5 occasionally.
Vote by External U.
14325 | October 04, 2013 03:20:51 AM GMT
I'm for this, but unlike CF5, do not make it print out the headers. Just the raw output is fine. If my CFM output the time of day for example, that's all I'd expect to see in STDOUT.
Vote by External U.
14326 | October 04, 2013 05:08:20 AM GMT
I'd love to see this turn into a full REPL for introspecting and changing variables of the server to which you're connected while it's running.
Vote by External U.
14327 | October 04, 2013 06:15:16 AM GMT
This is a definite +1 from me. I too have been using Ruby heavily and the CLI integration has been a VERY useful feature. I actually use the terminal panel in CFBuilder / Eclipse, so it should be built in to CFB (x) as well (in a ideal world)
Comment by External U.
14321 | October 04, 2013 06:33:06 AM GMT
This is a definite +1 from me. I too have been using Ruby heavily and the CLI integration has been a VERY useful feature. I actually use the terminal panel in CFBuilder / Eclipse, so it should be built in to CFB (x) as well (in a ideal world)
Vote by External U.
14328 | October 04, 2013 06:33:20 AM GMT
Dan raises an interesting point here... is a REPL possible on a compiled language? (could be a naive question, in which the answer is definitely one of yes or no ;-) -- Adam
Comment by External U.
14322 | October 04, 2013 06:49:47 AM GMT
This would a ton of value and credibility to the platform as a whole - and is a must if you are planning a package manager (as mentioned in blog post This would open up so many integration possibilities....
Vote by External U.
14329 | October 04, 2013 09:29:57 AM GMT
my vote should go without saying, since I've been clamoring for this forever, but just in case it doesn't, here you go.
Vote by External U.
14330 | October 04, 2013 10:04:09 AM GMT
In todays world, where its not just a web application system anymore, CLI is needed. End of story.
Vote by External U.
14331 | October 04, 2013 10:47:08 AM GMT
I think this would be very useful for me as well. +1
Vote by External U.
14332 | October 04, 2013 03:18:29 PM GMT
Ditto to all of above. (and another ditto because I have to type 25 chars or more)
Vote by External U.
14333 | October 06, 2013 12:27:50 PM GMT
This needs to be implemented sooner rather than later to stop CF's slide...
Vote by External U.
14334 | October 06, 2013 09:00:26 PM GMT
This opens up options for working with the language via other means.
Vote by External U.
14335 | October 07, 2013 08:02:47 AM GMT
Why do I need to type a description to simply vote on a ticket? I think CF needs a CLI. All the cool languages do.
Vote by External U.
14336 | October 07, 2013 11:51:29 AM GMT
I agree that this would be a very useful thing to have, both at the server level and built-in to CFB. The ability to run a bit of code directly from a CLI can prevent a lot of one off scripting that really shouldn't require a browser, opens doors to future enhancements (like package management), and more.
Vote by External U.
14337 | October 09, 2013 07:07:53 AM GMT
To be considered for the next release
Comment by Rupesh K.
14323 | November 12, 2013 03:36:11 PM GMT