tracker issue : CF-3648723

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CF10 Axis2 WSDL creation

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/CannotReproduce

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Mike Collins / Mike Collins (Mike Collins)

Created: 10/10/2013

Components: Web Services

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type: Non Functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Final /

Priority/Frequency: Major / Some users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Linux Red Hat All

Vote Count: 0

Problem Description:

I received this from a CF Customer:

In Axis2, there's a class called "CodeGeneratorEngine".  When running from the command line, this is the generator used to translate a WSDL into java stubs.  However, when runing Axis2 from inside CF10, Adobe injects their own version of CodeGeneratorEngine into Axis (called CFCodeGeneratorEngine ).  it appears that they're doing it for performance reasons.  You see, earlier in the CreateObject() process, CF10 has already used Apache HttpClient and a sax parser to acquire the .wsdl and parse it into a DOM document.  Rather than parsing it over again, it keeps trying to pass around this DOM document.  The native CodeGeneratorEngine doesn't support this method of generating stubs.  It expects you to pass in the URI, and it basically takes over (using the baseURI of the WSDL for relative access to schemas).  So, since the native CodeGeneratorEngine from Axis2 doesn't really support this approach (well, it kind of supports it, but it's dysfunctional -- producing exactly what we saw, no baseURI for schema access), Adobe had to create their own to get better performance.  In the process, it appears that they broke relative schema addressing.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3648723

Deployment Phase:	Release Candidate

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: mcollins323
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: To fix the problem

Original code in CFCodeGeneratorEngine

 public CFCodeGenerationEngine(CommandLineOptionParser parser, Document wsdlDocument) 

    throws CodeGenerationException 


    Map allOptions = parser.getAllOptions(); 



      CommandLineOption option = (CommandLineOption)allOptions.get("uri"); 

      String wsdlUri = option.getOptionValue(); 


Change #1 

  public CFCodeGenerationEngine(CommandLineOptionParser parser, Document wsdlDocument) 

    throws CodeGenerationException 


    Map allOptions = parser.getAllOptions(); 



      CommandLineOption option = (CommandLineOption)allOptions.get("uri"); 

      String wsdlUri = option.getOptionValue(); 


                // This came from the original CodeGenerationEngine... no idea why it was removed from the CF version 

      if (wsdlUri.startsWith("http")) { 

          URL url = new URL(wsdlUri); 

          HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); 



          String newLocation = connection.getHeaderField("Location"); 

          if (newLocation != null) { 

            wsdlUri = newLocation; 



      this.configuration = new CodeGenConfiguration(allOptions); 

      this.configuration.putProperty("uri", wsdlUri);

Change #2 

  public Definition readInTheWSDLFile(Document wsdlDocument) 

    throws WSDLException 


    WSDLReader reader = WSDLFactory.newInstance().newWSDLReader(); 

    reader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", true); 

    return reader.readWSDL(null, wsdlDocument);   // this was the code they did differently from the Axis2 CodeGenerationEngine (probably trying to improve performance) 



  public Definition readInTheWSDLFile(Document wsdlDocument) 

    throws WSDLException 


    WSDLReader reader = WSDLFactory.newInstance().newWSDLReader(); 

    reader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", true); 


        // taken from the original CodeGenerationEngine... no idea why it was removed... may not be necessary, not sure what it's for 

    ExtensionRegistry extReg = WSDLFactory.newInstance().newPopulatedExtensionRegistry(); 

    extReg.registerExtensionAttributeType(Input.class, new QName("", "Action"), 0); 

    extReg.registerExtensionAttributeType(Output.class, new QName("", "Action"), 0); 



    return reader.readWSDL((String)this.configuration.getProperty("uri"));  // go back to the way Axis2's CodeGenerationEngine works... this allows schemas to be retrieved based on baseURI... 




I am getting actual behavior and error for reference I am not clear on what is triggering this error. Clearly there is something specific with this wsdl request that is triggering this issue.
Comment by External U.
14285 | October 10, 2013 02:00:37 PM GMT
With the provided details, we are unable to understand the issue. Please provide us more details on : 1. What exactly is the issue encountered 2. More details to repro the case. 3. Exception/stack trace for the issue encountered Thanks.
Comment by Akhila K.
14286 | December 23, 2013 07:45:26 AM GMT
This bug is inactive for a while now, hence closing the same. Incase if user is still facing the issue and wants it to be fixed, please let us know and provide required details. We will look into it.Thanks.
Comment by Akhila K.
14287 | December 03, 2014 02:16:49 AM GMT