Status/Resolution/Reason: To Track//ThirdParty
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Aaron Neff / Aaron Neff ()
Created: 01/16/2017
Components: Document Management, PDF Generation (CFHTML2PDF)
Versions: 2016,2018
Failure Type: Incorrectly functioning
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 2016.0.01.298513 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Some users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Win All
Vote Count: 1
Issue: cfhtmltopdf-created PDFs prevent cfpdf from adding watermark properly. No issue w/ cfdocument-created PDFs.
<!--- cfdocument good --->
<cfdocument format="pdf" name="myPDF"><cfoutput>#repeatString("cfdocument good ", 400)#</cfoutput></cfdocument>
<cfpdf action="addwatermark" source="myPDF" image="#imageNew('',400,400,'','blue')#">
<cfpdf action="write" source="myPDF" destination="#expandPath('./cfdocument_good.pdf')#" overwrite="yes">
<!--- cfhtmltopdf bad --->
<cfhtmltopdf name="myPDF"><cfoutput>#repeatString("cfhtmltopdf bad ", 400)#</cfoutput></cfhtmltopdf>
<cfpdf action="addwatermark" source="myPDF" image="#imageNew('',400,400,'','blue')#">
<cfpdf action="write" source="myPDF" destination="#expandPath('./cfhtmltopdf_bad.pdf')#" overwrite="yes">
Actual Result: cfdocument_good.pdf shows full watermark (good), but cfhtmltopdf_bad.pdf hides much of the watermark (bad)
Expected Result: cfhtmltopdf_bad.pdf's watermark should show as in cfdocument_good.pdf
- July 10, 2017 00:00:00: cfdocument_good.pdf
- July 10, 2017 00:00:00: cfhtmltopdf_bad.pdf