Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/PRNeedInfo
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): gavy randhawa / gavy randhawa ()
Created: 02/08/2017
Components: Document Management, PDF manipulation
Versions: 10.0
Failure Type: Incorrectly functioning
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 10 Final Latest Update /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter
Locale/System: ALL / Windows 10 64 bit
Vote Count: 0
Problem Description:
CFPDF watermrk fails when in cfdocument encryption is provided. the cfdocument code is writte witth format as pdf and encryption setup to 128 and then after the creation try to add a watermark using cfpdf and it fails with an error
Steps to Reproduce:
here is the Following Code which Fails:
<cfdocument format="PDF" name="myPdf" localurl="true" pagetype="legal" marginbottom="0" margintop="0" marginleft="0" marginright="0" encryption="128-bit">
<h1>Header 1</h1>
<h1>Header 2</h1>
<cfpdf action = "addwatermark"
source ="myPdf"
position="0,700" rotation="45" />
<cfcontent variable="#toBinary(myPDF)#" type="application/pdf" />
Actual Result:
Error: An error occurred during ADDWATERMARK operation in <CFPDF>.
Error: The password provided is either wrong or does not have sufficient permission to perform this action.
Expected Result:
Should provide an PDF with Image added
Any Workarounds:
Just remove encryption. I reported in Cold fusion 10 but it also fails in 11 and 2016 as well.