tracker issue : CF-3767680

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/CannotReproduce

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Jack Poe / Jack Poe (DaytonJack72)

Created: 05/28/2014

Components: AJAX

Versions: 11.0

Failure Type:

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CF11_Final /

Priority/Frequency: Major / Most users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Windows 7 32 bit

Vote Count: 0

Problem Description:  Using the same code from CF10, I noticed that the flash control for CFFILEUPLOAD breaks CSS on my page. 
Steps to Reproduce: Surround the tag with CSS and you should see it

Actual Result: floated DIV tags don't seem to float

Expected Result:

Any Workarounds: none yet - still working

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3767680

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: DaytonJack72
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: developer's edition installed on my laptop.  Uploading the same code to a CF10 server works fine



@DaytonJack72, can you please share a working test code that can demonstrate this issue?
Comment by Piyush K.
12026 | August 17, 2014 09:14:29 AM GMT
tried the test code below, but the nature of the issue is not well defined. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>cffileupload</head> <body> <div style="float:left; color:#0000FF; background:#000F0F;"> <p>The image below should float to the Left</p> <p style="float:left;"> <img src="img.jpg" width="200" height="140"> some random text. some random text. some random text. some random text. some random text. </p> <p style="float=left; color:red;"> <img src="img.jpg" width="200" height="140"> <!--- <cffileupload url="uploadFiles.cfm" name="myupload" addButtonLabel = "Add File" clearButtonlabel = "Clear it" hideUploadButton = "true" width=300 height=200 maxuploadsize="3" extensionfilter="*.jpg, *.png, *.flv, *.txt" BGCOLOR="##FFFFFF" MAXFILESELECT=10 UPLOADBUTTONLABEL="Upload now"/> ---> some random text. some random text. some random text. some random text. some random text. </p> </div> </body> </html>
Comment by Piyush K.
12027 | August 17, 2014 09:18:05 AM GMT
Not able to reproduce this as the following displays correctly on CF11 Final (11,0,0,289822) and CF11 Update 3 (11,0,03,292024(PreRelease)): <div style="width:1000px; overflow:auto;"> <div style="width:500px; height:600px; float:left; background-color:silver;"> <cffileupload> </div> <div style="width:500px; height:600px; float:left; background-color:green;"> asdf </div> </div> Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by External U.
12028 | November 16, 2014 12:52:42 AM GMT
closing this, since the issue is not reproducible. DaytonJack72, if you continue to face this issue, please revert with a test case with which the issue can be observed.
Comment by Piyush K.
12029 | December 03, 2014 01:53:47 AM GMT