tracker issue : CF-3849428

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[ANeff] Bug for: CF10 vs CF11 wrt cfchart labelformat (CF10 supports it; CF11 doesn't)

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Status/Resolution/Reason: To Fix//

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Aaron Neff / Aaron Neff (Aaron Neff)

Created: 11/10/2014

Components: Charting/Graphing

Versions: 11.0

Failure Type:

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CF11_Final /

Priority/Frequency: Trivial / Some users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Win All

Vote Count: 1

CF10 supports cfchart's labelformat attribute but CF11 doesn't.

Repro (using labelFormat="currency"):

<cfchart labelFormat="currency">
  <cfchartseries type="pie" datalabelstyle="value">
    <cfchartdata item="one" value="1000">
    <cfchartdata item="two" value="2000">
    <cfchartdata item="three" value="3000">
    <cfchartdata item="four" value="4000">

CF10 formats 1000 as $1,000.00 but CF10 formats it as 1000. (see attached image for comparison)

Related ticket: 3798825

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3849428

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: itisdesign
External Customer Email:


  1. November 10, 2014 00:00:00: 1_20141110_CF10vsCF11wrtCFChartLabelFormatSupport.jpg


How much longer before this is resolved? A fairly obnoxious oversight given the number of places we use cfchart. We've had to spend a lot of time on workarounds and I'm surprised this has been an open bug for so long.
Vote by External U.
10208 | March 13, 2015 01:23:33 PM GMT