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Tracker Comment Comment on Superfluous Performance Monitoring Toolset (PMT) settings in ColdFusion when PMT not installed by A. B.
6393103 CF-4205636 A. B. In place of " worker.properties", please read " workers.properties"
Tomcat Load Balancing Sample Worker.Properties File using Status Worker
Tracker Comment Comment on Not supported error when installing by Milan C.
2609789 CF-3772199 Milan C. Correcting my earlier comment: worker.cfusion.max_reuse_connections=250 will only be added in IIS workers.properties
Tracker Comment Comment on CF11 Hotfix 5 Causing 503 Errors by Anit K.
2608835 CF-3980425 Anit K. Hi John,
It seems like a configuration mismatch issue. Can you verify that, the content of workers.properties at \ColdFusion11\config\wsconfig\backup\[Magic Folder].[Backup Folder]\ are similar as workers.properties at \ColdFusion11\config\wsconfig\[Magic Folder]\ ?
Tracker Comment Comment on Superfluous Performance Monitoring Toolset (PMT) settings in ColdFusion when PMT not installed by A. B.
6393103 CF-4205636 A. B. In place of:
No PMT settings in worker.properties when you choose not to install or use PMT."
please read
"Expected Result:
No PMT settings in worker.properties when you choose not to install or use PMT."
Portal Comment Comment on Tomcat Load Balancing Sample Worker.Properties File using Status Worker by Anonymous
Comment on Tomcat Load Balancing Sample Worker.Properties File using Status Worker by Anonymous
Tracker Comment Comment on CF11 Hotfix 5 Causing 503 Errors by Anit K.
2608835 CF-3980425 Anit K. Thanks for confirming John. Here is what you need to do, then. Refer to my blog post http://blogs.coldfusion.com/post.cfm/coldfusion-11-iis-connector-tuning.
Add the below entry in workers.properties at \ColdFusion11\config\wsconfig\[Magic Folder]\
Tracker Comment Comment on IIS App Pool Crashes by External U.
2608280 CF-4139772 External U. This is a intranet server, we have around 3000 employees. so load is not a problem. I am unable to identify which CFM is causing the Crash, there are no clear information in the logs. Worker.properties dumped below:
Portal Comment Comment on Tomcat Load Balancing Sample Worker.Properties File using Status Worker by Anonymous
Comment on Tomcat Load Balancing Sample Worker.Properties File using Status Worker by Anonymous
Tracker Comment Comment on Not supported error when installing by Milan C.
2609789 CF-3772199 Milan C. ip restriction file should not be created on iis/apache connector installation
iiprestrictions_file property should not be added to connector config file in IIS/Apache
worker.cfusion.max_reuse_connections=250 should not be added to workers.properties file
Portal Comment Comment on Apache crashes while serving multiple thread requests using CF2018 by Annie Theogaraj
Annie Theogaraj Even after installing the ColdFusion2018 update 2, the apache crashes the above mentioned scenario. Hence we had to change the heartbeat_interval=0 in the workers.properties.
Could Adobe CF technical team, look into this issue?
2612970 CF-3358792 External U. For update 5 I remembered to back-up my uriworkermap.properties and workers.properties files, but then ColdFusion DELETED THE ENTIRE DIRECTORY, so I lost the back-ups as well.
You guys are having a laugh, you really are.
Not impressed.
2613424 CF-3318699 External U. I was getting this error as well. I went into the server.xml file and added address= to the AJP Connector line and it fixed the issue. I was getting the error after turning on ssl.
I also changed my workers.properties file to use
Tracker Comment Comment on Service Temporarily Unavailable after arbitrary amount of time + heavy usage by Adobe D.
2613427 CF-3318104 Adobe D. Made Changes in the following and the server is stable.
worker.cfusion.connection_pool_size = 500
worker.cfusion.connection_pool_timeout = 60
maxThreads=500 and connectionTimeout="60000"
Followed blog : http
6346370 CF-4205448 Kailash B. Hi,
Can you change the connector port and try again?
* Goto your connector magic folder ([CF Home]\config\wsconfig\[Magic folder]
* Open workers.properties and change worker.cfusion.port (suppose its 8025 after the change)
* Open server.xml ([CF Home
Tracker Issue Not supported error when installing
2609789 CF-3772199 Installation/Config : Connector Hank Miller Not supported error when installing Problem Description:
In /opt/coldfusion11/config/wsconfig/1/workers.properties file the last line "worker.cfusion.max_reuse_connections=250" is not supported on Solaris 11
Steps to Reproduce:
2613515 CF-3300889 External U. I can't replicate the issue at will, but every so often App Pools stop and I get 503s until I restart WWW Pub service. I have updated CF, redid connectors, even tried setting connection Timeout in server.xml and workers.properties to 60 seconds and issues still exist
Tracker Issue App Pool Crashing "Randomly". "Load balancing workers will not function properly." in isapi_redirct.log at crash time.
't reproduce at will.
Actual Result: Application Pool Stops
Expected Result: Application Pool Doesn't stop
Any Workarounds: Attempted manually changing items in workers.properties, server.xml and jvm.config
workers.properties Added:
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 11 IIS Connector Fails to Respond when Application Pool Returns from Idle by External U.
2609661 CF-3811806 External U. Here is the info you requested:
1) This has been observed on Windows Server 2012 Standard.
2) There are 160 sites configured with the "All Sites" option. Most of these sites are not very active.
3) Here are the worker.properties settings for the "All Sites
Portal Topic Configuring Status Worker in Connectors
Configuring Status Worker in Connectors appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,uri mapping,worker thread,worker.properties
Portal Topic ColdFusion 2016 Distributed mode Apache web server
. Is there a walkthrough on how to go about it? I’ve installed CF on the Apache server (Server B) to get the connectors set correctly, and changed the workers.properties file to point to […]
The post ColdFusion 2016 Distributed mode Apache web server appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion 2016,Question
Tracker Issue Superfluous Performance Monitoring Toolset (PMT) settings in ColdFusion when PMT not installed
}\config\wsconfig\N, where N is the so called magic number (1, 2, 3, ...) corresponding to a ColdFusion instance.
3) Open in a text editor the file worker.properties and examine its contents.
Actual Result:
The file worker.properties has contents similar to
.properties and workers.properties (as detailed here: http://rob.brooks-bilson.com/index.cfm/2012/2/23/Configuring-Multiple-Instances-of-ColdFusion-10-with-Apache-Virtual-Hosts). WSConfig overwrote those changes. THis is not so bad in itself, but it did not back-up the files first so I can remerge your changes and my
Tracker Issue Reserved folder name "connector"
:\ColdFusion2018\config\wsconfig\1" folder, and open uriworkermap.properties file and remove the below entry:
/connector = cfusion
Step 3: Navigate to "C:\ColdFusion2018\config\wsconfig\1" folder and change the heartbeat_interval to 0 in workers.properties.
Restart both Cold
Tracker Comment Comment on IIS App Pool Crashes by Piyush K.
Kindly share the worker.properties file from the connector folder as well:
and the update level of your CF server.
You can also get in touch with the CF
Tracker Comment Comment on Please enable some form of metrics/monitoring for the CF10/11 web server connector pooling by Charlie A.
as effective as some may hope. And the connector auto-tuning (another option in the PMT) is not perfect, as it only tunes the web server (IIS/Apache) side of the equation (changing dynamically what would be set in the workers.properties file) but NOT the max threads in the server.xml on the CF side
6346370 CF-4205448 A. B. Hi Kailash,
We have given the new file a go. Alas, that didn't help either.
We also experimented with different values for the connector (in worker.properties and server.xml), and with upgrading using the wsconfig tool. Same issue every time.
Nevertheless, we had
Portal Comment Comment on Apply the Server Auto-Lockdown to a site without re-installing the Lockdown tool by Charlie Arehart
folder, for example, C:\ColdFusion2018\config\wsconfig\3.
But later:
Navigate to the magic folder for cfsite2 (C:\ColdFusion2018\config\wsconfig\2) and open the file worker.properties.
Also, the first one reads as if they user SHOULD set it to 3, but of course we have no control of that
but then even scheduler was not helping and on daily basis the Site was going down on peak hours so we uninstalled ColdFusion 10 update 18.
Found some of the articles which suggest to tune connectors but even after performing the suggested changes in server.xml and worker.properties file issue still exits
Tracker Issue Please enable some form of metrics/monitoring for the CF10/11 web server connector pooling
, for changes in the worker properties:
and the server.xml maxthreads value on the Connector element.
As I have discussed in another feature request I just posted (https
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 8 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 14 released by Charlie Arehart
.xml and worker.properties, and and the address field in the server.xml.
BTW, there's a problem in the technote in that in the first reference to server.xml there's no reference any sort of secret attribute shown. I can't tell if that was intentional. But then there's also none in the example shown later under
of the ColdFusion Server for the "AppServer Host:" instead of using "localhost" - for example:
The resulting workers.properties configuration file that stores the AppServer Host and Port numbers will be copied from the ColdFusion Server to the Distributed Web Server as part of the next
of time tuning the connector settings for our environment. First we tried increasing the "max_reuse_connections" attribute for the connector in its workers.properties file. This would delay the occurrence of the error, but it only provided temporary relief.
Then we tried enabling the "connection
:47371424999680] [error] jk_map_validate_property::jk_map.c (404): The attribute 'worker.cfusion
.max_reuse_connections' is not supported - please check the documentation for the supported attributes.
Modfied {ColdFusion Dir}/config/wsconfig/1/workers.properties to comment out worker