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Tracker Issue setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com
setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com
Tracker Comment Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by S P.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by S P.
Tracker Comment Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by S P.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by S P.
Tracker Comment Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by CFwatson U.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by S P.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by S P.
Tracker Comment Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Comment on setDomainCookies="true" does not set domain cookies in websites like... http://example.com by External U.
Portal Topic CFSnippets.com website now online
CFSnippets.com website now online
Portal Topic New CFML Badges Website
New CFML Badges Website
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: wsconfig UI says "WebSites"
[ANeff] Bug for: wsconfig UI says "WebSites"
2673469 CF-4126518 Chinoy G. Hi Aaron,
It seems it is not possible to make this work directly though appcmd. In case of "All", the connector entry is done at global level in IIS.So if a website is already configured and someone tries to configure "All", a double connector entry is made
2597083 CF-3124148 External U. This is a serious bug that causes poor website performance and leads to unsatisfied website visitors. Please fix ASAP.
Tracker Comment Comment on 2018 EULA not on Adobe website by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on 2018 EULA not on Adobe website by Vamseekrishna N.
Tracker Comment Comment on 2018 EULA not on Adobe website by Bradley W.
Comment on 2018 EULA not on Adobe website by Bradley W.
Tracker Issue CFHtmlTopdf: User is facing issue to convert an archived website that uses custom fonts.
CFHtmlTopdf: User is facing issue to convert an archived website that uses custom fonts.
enabled. This only effects applications using Sandbox Security. After ColdFusion is started the first website to access a component object is then the only website on the server that can utilize this component. This causes all other applications attempting to utilize the same component with inheritance
Tracker Comment Comment on App Pool Crashing "Randomly". "Load balancing workers will not function properly." in isapi_redirct.log at crash time. by External U.
2612280 CF-3530880 External U. @Lee hmmm we have a mixed environment too. The main portion of the website runs DotNetNuke in .NET4 and then CF10 is running as a virtual folder within the website on its own app pool. We have the opposite as well where the main website is CF and the virtual folders
Tracker Comment Comment on cfimage creates problems with the images with the extension .PNG on Localhost by External U.
2609106 CF-3929327 External U. We are still encountering this issue - January 16, 2016. I see this status is closed, so is there a fix available now? If so please let me know which version to use. We are trying to migrate our platform with hundreds of websites on it to our new server with Coldfusin
Portal Topic CONTENS – Powerful Web Content Management
Alexander Friess CONTENS – Powerful Web Content Management CONTENS is a powerful and flexible CMS to manage international corporate websites, intranets, extranets, landingpages, etc. A modern and intuitive user interface helps editors to manage online content fast and easy providing inline editing
Portal Comment Comment on How I redirect From http ->>> Https by ubhimani
ubhimani Do you have port 443 enabled for your website? What is the Operating System you are using, is it LINUX, Windows
Legorol San [I edited this comment to remove content, because this website eats up newlines when editing a comment]
Portal Comment Comment on New CFML Badges Website by James Moberg
Comment on New CFML Badges Website by James Moberg
Portal Comment Comment on New CFML Badges Website by Grae Desmond
Comment on New CFML Badges Website by Grae Desmond
Bartosz Go??biowski Great, but why Adobe doesn't use ColdFusion on it's own website? Newsroom page is written in ASP.
Tracker Issue Adding a domain requires restart of Cold Fusion
2612222 CF-3538759 Web Container (Tomcat) Ted Nevels Adding a domain requires restart of Cold Fusion Problem Description: when I add a new domain to a website, that domain will show a totally blank page until I restart the ColdFusion JVM for that website.
Steps to Reproduce: add a domain to a
Tracker Issue CFC - problem with component inheritance using a mapping
5828352 CF-4204492 Language : CF Component CFC - problem with component inheritance using a mapping Problem Description:
ColdFusion can't find the component specified in "extends" attribute.
Steps to Reproduce:
Website - C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website\
Mobile website - C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website
Tracker Comment Comment on IIS connector doesn't work for ALL sites by Chinoy G.
2672521 CF-4191659 Chinoy G. Hi Rob,
When you create a new website in IIS, any handlers or filters configured at Global level ("All" website), are automatically inherited. But that is not true for virtual directories because virtual directories can be added at website level only
Tracker Comment Comment on Blog/CMS Platform by External U.
2672889 CF-4158557 External U. doesn't even have a website, not really what I had in mind. No way to convince an enterprise customer to use that.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ColdFusion Family website chat option issues by Suchika S.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ColdFusion Family website chat option issues by Suchika S.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ColdFusion Family website chat option issues by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ColdFusion Family website chat option issues by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Support for IIS 10 by Chinoy G.
2608822 CF-3984812 Chinoy G. Sergio, did you add the handler mappings in IIS website as mention in #6 of the KB article?
2609394 CF-3850990 External U. Experienced this bug and had to redesign how my website was working to use this version of coldfusion
Tracker Comment Comment on A cfm page is set as a custom error page for a website in IIS, does not work as expected by Immanuel N.
Comment on A cfm page is set as a custom error page for a website in IIS, does not work as expected by Immanuel N.
2613343 CF-3332317 External U. Response to Evelin Varghese... IIS is configured for all websites.
Please reference attached screenshot >
Tracker Comment Comment on Service Temporarily Unavailable after arbitrary amount of time + heavy usage by External U.
2613427 CF-3318104 External U. We're unable to use web service and it brings the website down.
Portal Topic Coldfusion 2018 Auto Lockdown tool
nickj24525839 Coldfusion 2018 Auto Lockdown tool How long should it take to install the lockdown tool? I have 4 websites in IIS and it has been stuck at 100% for an hour. Installing… Change permissions of IIS website: The log stopped populating and the cpu under task manger is at zero.
The post
Tracker Comment Comment on Wrong Japanese UI Text in wsconfig.jar by Yanlin C.
Websites" and "2 Configurable Websites" are in english
Tracker Comment Comment on Wrong Japanese UI Text in wsconfig.jar by Adobe D.
2673592 CF-4125413 Adobe D. @Yanlin, Bug is already logged for strings "Total Websites" and "2 Configurable Websites"
Screen is not same as in PDF because its updated. If you find some thing missing on new string or if you couldn't find whole screen then let me know. Else close this bug.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFChart path to Ajax Directory Incorrect After Service Restart with Sandbox Security Enabled by S P.
2608545 CF-4068290 S P. Hi Dallas,
Tried the scenario with the IIS website hosted at a UNC path, but it renders the appropriate results.
It would be really helpful, If you could provide the details regarding the user which accesses it and the permissions.
Also, could you specify how your IIS
Tracker Issue expandPath() returns coldfusion bin directory
2608594 CF-4053567 Web Container (Tomcat) Christopher Tierney expandPath() returns coldfusion bin directory Problem Description:
when using expandPath() on Linux (including OSX) to go up a directory from the website's root it returns the the ColdFusion {instance}/bin directory (which is incorrect
enabled. This only effects applications using Sandbox Security. After ColdFusion is started the first website to access a component object is then the only website on the server that can utilize this component. This causes all other applications attempting to utilize the same component with inheritance
:\ColdFusion11\cfusion\ (bad)
W:\websites\mysitecomcf11\asdf (good)
CF2016 Update 1 (build 2016.0.01.298513) on x64 Windows 10 result
Help us get CFML / ColdFusion added to CodeWars Website
Tracker Issue Creating a website/Application name/ Remote instance name with space in the name, then PMT would not be able to register them.
Creating a website/Application name/ Remote instance name with space in the name, then PMT would not be able to register them.
Portal Comment Comment on The page for CF-related downloads has a problem, hopefully fixed soon by SauravGhosh
SauravGhosh Charlie- We've fixed the issue. It was due to a JavaScript error and a few of our websites were also impacted.
Portal Comment Comment on Server Auto-Lockdown by nickj24525839
nickj24525839 How long does this install take. I have IIS with 4 sites and it has been at Change permissions of IIS Website 100% for half an hour? Task manager shows no cpu activity.
2613867 CF-3154885 Scheduler Aaron Neff Incorrect CGI variables during task handler event request During a task handler event request, there are some incorrect CGI variables.
- CGI.CF_TEMPLATE_PATH has doubled-up paths
Example: C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot\N:\websites
2673034 CF-4155494 External U. I have been seeing more and more barcodes on websites. When I get tickets at the theater near me, the checkout page creates a barcode. I print the page and that gets me into the movie.
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 Application Based User Authentication is Broken by External U.
2611350 CF-3628944 External U. This is a serious Issue as we are encountering this too often and many of our websites uses GetAuthUser and isUserinRole Functionalities
Tracker Comment Comment on Jakarta isapi_redirector Intermittent Service Temporary Unavailable Errors by External U.
2612108 CF-3556864 External U. QUESTION: Is this error logged? Is the only way to detect this to monitor every hosted website to identify whether it returns a successful "200 OK"?
2613050 CF-3349444 External U. Title should read "CF10 can't process IIS websites pointing to Google Drive folders". A bit misleading because IIS sees the path just fine.
Tracker Comment Comment on Redirection to URL in IIS6 website redirecting to /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll by Immanuel N.
Comment on Redirection to URL in IIS6 website redirecting to /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll by Immanuel N.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFC Creation Memory Leak by External U.
2596973 CF-3286878 External U. This bug definitely impacts productivity. The memory leak leads to a huge memory allocation for jrun (more than 3.5 GB) in a few hours and web visitors experience poor website performance.
Tracker Comment Comment on Cannot configure IIS connector, even with all required options installed by External U.
2613676 CF-3190071 External U. You have to update the installer we download from the Adobe website - patching CF AFTER the install fails to resolve the problem that happens DURING installation.
2613679 CF-3186972 External U. website for type ' sparql jdbc driver: http://code.google.com/p/jdbc4sparql/
2614106 CF-3131518 External U. It also removes my web connections for CF9 on default website, which means I have to reset it up again.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 87285:-(Watson Migration Closure)SOLR with coldfusion comes with version 1 by External U.
2597106 CF-3114286 External U. I use this for a complex website and it'd be great to get a more recent version installed.
6915916 CF-4207569 Christopher T. The wrong log path comment can be disregarded. ColdFusion is installed on C: while the website data is on D:. However, the application should have been able to read that log file. So that is still an issue.
Portal Topic Cryptojacking: Hacking for Bitcoins
. This is an updated twist on that hack. I saw this Ars Technica article today and it points out that the newer twist is to inject code into your websites code and then process cryptocurrency mining on your website user’s […]
The post Cryptojacking: Hacking for Bitcoins appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Cryptojacking,ColdFusion,Hacking
Tracker Issue IIS integration (and others)
2672899 CF-4157680 Wishlist Shawn Kallner IIS integration (and others) This one is all about automating setting up and configuring websites. Opens the door to sign up and use right away subscriptions that need instances of sub domains or websites. It's also quite handy for other IIS tasks like
Tracker Issue 2018 EULA not on Adobe website
2018 EULA not on Adobe website
2608594 CF-4053567 External U. Additional testing on Windows 10 & CF11 reveals a similar issue. "expandPath('/../')" gives me "C:\ColdFusion11\cfusion\" but I would expect "D:\websites\". Yet "expandPath('/../myDir')" gives me "D:\websites\myDir" as expected. Further testing by Chris Schmitz says
Tracker Comment Comment on Please improve the web server configuration tool, to deal with common Adobe-recommended tuning tweaks by External U.
2609758 CF-3783361 External U. Totally agree. ColdFusion is not production ready without effective tools for allocation of resource. That it is only documented in some forum posts is inexcusable. The tool for configuring websites needs to make it understandable and easy to configure resource
Tracker Comment Comment on CF Crash (500 Internal Server Error) from Non-ASCII Cookie Character by James M.
2608506 CF-4073906 James M. Won't fix? As Designed? This is a strange response. If this invalid cookie is sent to any PHP website, the webpage loads normally... do it on ColdFusion website and you get a "bad request" 500 error. This occurs on CF2016 and possibly the upcoming 2018 beta (i haven
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: wsconfig UI says "WebSites" by Aaron N.
these on our development server but once they had been moved to the live one they started happening. Our .NET applications run from the same IIS server and connect to the same MS-SQL 2014 SP1 server. The connection issue will typically happen once for a website and then you can just reload the page
Server Monitor Feature - Filtered Shared Server Reporting Based Upon Website Domain
Tracker Comment Comment on Upgrade from CF10 to CF11 leaves the IIS Handler Mappings pointing to CF10 directory by Aaron N.
2609309 CF-3859968 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
This was not properly fixed. I'm reverting my 02/18/2019 comment.
1) wsconfig doesn't hide websites configured for future CF versions (ex: CF2016's wsconfig incorrectly lists websites configured for CF2018)
2) wsconfig doesn't correctly configure
Legorol San We had similar experience with little used websites with infrequent database connections. The first action on the website in the morning that tries to use the database connection often failed with a timeout error.
I am willing to bet that it’s not the act of remoting into the server
2609891 CF-3750731 External U. You're missing the point, Paul, sorry. It's not *for the website* to dictate how "HotBox" objects are serialised... HotBox already knows how to (de)serialise its objects... it's just got no way of having this wired-in to the website's serialiser CFC, short of actually
Tracker Issue Installer Errored
new websites example.com and other.example.com and created a folder under c:\sites\ for both sites.
Ran the ColdFusion installer in Secure Profile Mode, Connected CF to ALL IIS Sites. Created a test.cfm and confirmed that CF was working through IIS.
Next I ran the Lockdown installer (as
versions of Microsoft Windows, Sun Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS. For details about supported platforms, see the ColdFusion system requirements."
we pulled that com object call from ColdFusion and create a new website in IIS that makes this call and made sure this website is not configured to Cold
2611003 CF-3653076 External U. Has this update made its way into the DMG installer for CF10 that is available from the Adobe website? I have come across this issue while attempting to install CF10 on my MacbookPro running 10.9.1 using the .dmg I downloaded from the Adobe website this evening
2613279 CF-3336106 External U. I agree with the Adam and Aaron on this. I capture scheduled task output to .htm files with CF9 (these files are not placed inside of any websites, so they can't be browsed by website visitors). I use CFDUMP tags to output content of certain variables during
and delete it from this folder
* Copy this new dll to the [CF Home]\config\wsconfig\[Magic Folder]
* Restart your IIS Website
* Restart the Application pool related to your IIS Website
* Retry
I am assuming you are using IIS 64 bit with ColdFusion 2018 here
If you have a different configuration, please
Laurence MacNeill So from inside the web-site settings for the myapp. site, I just create a virtual 'myCfFiles' folder and do it that way instead of using an OS-level symlink... Hmmm... I will give that a shot... Hopefully that'll work.
mukulc35400646 Ok thanks for the update for Song lyrics Website. I was earlier having a huge problem. I installed a Plugin OF https through cloudflare which helped me to sort out my problem.
and Oracle and Javascript. All you need period. Java written specialty programs can be surrounded by a Coldfusion website platform. Easy to make Java calls.
Portal Comment Comment on RIAForge decommissioning by Andy Peterson
Andy Peterson According to the RIAForge website, the last date/time to access its projects is Noon PST tomorrow (4/16/19). Has there been a resolution on the matter of the project code repositories? The hole in the Adobe CF Builder 2018 Welcome Screen is a small but significant part of the impact
Portal Comment Comment on Old company using my license by Kishore317
Kishore317 Hi,
If you do not have access to the licensing website, you could always reach out to the support team with your Order number and we would help you reclaim the serial number.
Also we could reach out to your old company to let them know that they should stop using the server with your
Portal Comment Comment on CF2018 and requestTimeOut by karma007
karma007 Thanks Adobe for breaking every MURA CMS 6 website with this ridiculous attribute removal. Why couldn’t you have just kept it deprecated? I mean all Adobe needed to do, is just ignore this attribute. Simple. Instead, they have destroyed backward compatibility.
Comment on Help us get CFML / ColdFusion added to CodeWars Website by Grae Desmond
to Reproduce: Run attached code example
Actual Result: Website crashes
Expected Result: No crash
Any Workarounds: Shorten comments in CFCs, sometimes not possible.
guys don't actually work with either CFML applications or even modern websites. This approach only works for a single, stand-alone website (like how we might have done in 2001). What if I'm not in the business of building websites, but I build applications such as FW/1 or ColdBox or the like? Or any
Tracker Issue CFIDE available even with no virtual directory
2612264 CF-3533394 Administrator Wes Hanney CFIDE available even with no virtual directory Problem Description:
The CFIDE is available externally on all websites running ColdFusion 10 even if the virtual directory is removed.
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Install and configure ColdFusion 10 as normal
Tracker Issue A cfm page is set as a custom error page for a website in IIS, does not work as expected
A cfm page is set as a custom error page for a website in IIS, does not work as expected
Tracker Issue Free, Limited Version of COldFusion
6865039 CF-4207335 Wishlist Free, Limited Version of COldFusion Adobe should consider releasing a free version of ColdFusion standard that is throttled for use on smaller websites. This would allow more ISPs to offer ColdFusion and thus increase the base of ColdFusion users.
Tracker Comment Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by Dave C.
2921659 CF-4198400 Dave C. You have my vote as well. Just ran into this issue on a few of my websites when something stopped working in the /api/ directory. Just a blank white page, nothing else. That was a difficult one to figure out.
Tracker Comment Comment on Coldfusion does not render HTML pages with proper Script Mapping in IIS by External U.
with legacy websites.
Tracker Comment Comment on Error with queryName.removeRows function when using CachedWithin parameter when creating query by External U.
2672793 CF-4169466 External U. If you use the same script above except remove the CachedWithin="#CreateTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 10)#" parameter of the query, it works as expected.
Please fix urgently, this is a heavily used function in our websites, and we can't deploy CF 2016 to production until
Tracker Comment Comment on Wishlist by External U.
2673037 CF-4155428 External U. Lots of votes, problem is these aren't marketable as ColdFusion 2018. You usually see these filed under "language improvements" on the marketing website but they are not going to drive sales. You can bet they are looking for at least one flagship feature like API
2673467 CF-4126519 Chinoy G. Now wsconfig GUI will display number of Total and Configurable websites in IIS. This can help user in making decisions regarding connection_pool_size and max_reuse_connections. Also did some minor formatting in GUI.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ColdFusion Family website chat option issues by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ColdFusion Family website chat option issues by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Additional CF Administrator users unable to view Settings Summary by External U.
2609006 CF-3948798 External U. The view settings summary page takes a long time to load before timing out with that error. The top of the Settings Summary page reads "The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error. Please contact the website administrator."
Not exactly
Tracker Comment Comment on IIS worker process "hangs" when IIS site config is changed by External U.
2609775 CF-3777189 External U. This dll massively screwed up my website. IIS is throwing 404's on pages that I'm looking at right in the directory -- files that have been working for years. Rolling back...dreadful
Tracker Comment Comment on cfimage writetobrowser throwing error on CF10 Mac OS X Mavericks Java 1.7 by External U.
2609838 CF-3759721 External U. I'm having the same issue. It effects me when I try and use cfimage resize. It has always worked correctly until recently. This is currently devesting my website because I need to resize uploaded images. I am also on Mavericks