search : unicode

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ReplaceNoCase and unicode return the wrong result
isValid() email does not accept unicode characters
CFFTP problem when filename contains unicode characters.
cfloop looping over a file can't handle unicode encoded files
Bug 78494:extracttext does not correctly extract unicode text
Comment on cfloop looping over a file can't handle unicode encoded files by Akhila K.
Comment on CFFTP problem when filename contains unicode characters. by Lisa Y.
Unable to insert unicode character ' ñ ' in SQL Server 2014 using cfquery
Comment on ReplaceNoCase and unicode return the wrong result by Daniel B.
Comment on isValid() email does not accept unicode characters by External U.
Comment on isValid() email does not accept unicode characters by Immanuel N.
Comment on cfloop looping over a file can't handle unicode encoded files by Rupesh K.
Comment on isValid() email does not accept unicode characters by Aaron N.
Comment on ReplaceNoCase and unicode return the wrong result by Bernhard D.
Comment on isValid() email does not accept unicode characters by External U.
Comment on cfloop looping over a file can't handle unicode encoded files by External U.
Comment on cfloop looping over a file can't handle unicode encoded files by External U.
Comment on isValid() email does not accept unicode characters by External U.
Comment on Microsoft Access with Unicode driver not available on 64 bit platform by External U.
Comment on Microsoft Access with Unicode driver not available on 64 bit platform by External U.
How to use Unicode for Chinese characters in ColdFusion and MySQL
2609521 CF-3837347 External U. Awdhesh, How does your response relate to the issues we see with the PNG file attached to this bug. It seems to me that there are no unicode characters but rather sequences of codes that appear to be unicode. Perhaps I'm not understanding the underlying data
Comment on Special Unicode characters not rendered in pdf documentd by External U.
Comment on FileExists() returns incorrect value on files with some Unicode filename by External U.
Comment on FileExists() returns incorrect value on files with some Unicode filename by Poonam J.
Comment on Microsoft Access with Unicode driver not available on 64 bit platform by External U.
Comment on Microsoft Access with Unicode driver not available on 64 bit platform by Rupesh K.
-datasource.xml changes from sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false to sendStringParametersAsUnicode=no, data corruption occurs when reading and writing varbinary columns in a MSSQL database with the COLLATION "Latin1_General_CI_AS" Steps to Reproduce: Edit a datasource in the ColdFusion administrator, neo
2673061 CF-4154053 External U. Tried it with below Connection String's, but no success. 1. CodePageOverride=UTF8 2. useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&CodePageOverride=UTF8 3. useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&CodePageOverride=UTF-8 All non ascii chars are still broken.
Comment on Microsoft Access with Unicode driver not available on 64 bit platform by External U.
Microsoft Access with Unicode driver not available on 64 bit platform
FileExists() returns incorrect value on files with some Unicode filename
Comment on Connection fails from SequeLink JDBC Driver to Unicode SequeLink service using Java 1.8 by Krishna R.
Comment on Connection fails from SequeLink JDBC Driver to Unicode SequeLink service using Java 1.8 by Nimit S.
Comment on Connection fails from SequeLink JDBC Driver to Unicode SequeLink service using Java 1.8 by External U.
Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by External U.
Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by Kailash B.
Comment on Microsoft Access with Unicode driver not available on 64 bit platform by Himavanth R.
Comment on Microsoft Access with Unicode driver not available on 64 bit platform by External U.
2611312 CF-3631104 External U. It also appears that ColdFusion doesn't validate unicode currency symbols as part of the variable name. Are there any samples of this in use and working as advertised?
Comment on Special Unicode characters not rendered in pdf documentd by Adobe D.
Comment on Special Unicode characters not rendered in pdf documentd by External U.
Comment on isValid("email") and isValid("url") treat Unicode Domain Differently by James M.
Special Unicode characters not rendered in pdf documentd
Comment on Microsoft Access with Unicode driver not available on 64 bit platform by External U.
5399887 CF-4204050 James M. Dan C, To sanitize non-ASCII7 characters from a text string, the workaround I've been using is to convert all unicode to ASCII7 using JUnidecode. (We also use this to sanitize filenames & URL path strings.)
isValid("email") and isValid("url") treat Unicode Domain Differently
Bug 74852:According to the documented variable naming rules: "A variable name must begin with a letter, underscore, or Unicode currency symbol
2598926 CF-3040786 ORM Support Henry Ho Bug 81651:(Watson Migration Closure)ormsettings Problem: ormsettings.ormscript cannot insert unicode data (nvarchar), even if the .sql is in UTF-8 with BOM. Even though plain old CFQUERY works. Method: create a DB.sql and insert unicode data
with Unicode" driver to connect to MS Access datasources." "MS Access with Unicode" is not an option on ColdFusion 11 standard... Attempting to add ODBC Socket datasource error: The ColdFusion ODBC Server service is not running or has not been installed. This is a fresh install, previous CF versions
Comment on Connection fails from SequeLink JDBC Driver to Unicode SequeLink service using Java 1.8 by Nimit S.
Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by Kailash B.
Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by Kailash B.
2610633 CF-3689989 External U. Unicode characters 8232 - Line Separator 8233 - Paragraph Separator Break JavaScript code and not the JSON parsing.
Comment on Bug 74852:According to the documented variable naming rules: "A variable name must begin with a letter, underscore, or Unicode currency symbol by External U.
Comment on isValid("email") and isValid("url") treat Unicode Domain Differently by James M.
CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class
. This breaks xml that contains unicode character sets or anything else that may be expecting a an encoding type other than utf-8. Method: These 2 blog entries illustrate the issue: http
reports, which are generated as PDF. It does not matter whether a string containing a € symbol is passed to the report via a variable, or a € symbol is contained directly in a text field of the report. Instead of the € symbol, the currency sign (¤) [Unicode Character “¤” (U+00A4)] is displayed
Comment on FileExists() returns incorrect value on files with some Unicode filename by Poonam J.
" (from You've messed it up. Just fix it, pls, and stop messing your clients around. Cheers. -- Adam
2802923 CF-4198287 Evagoras C. Examples I have tried that did not seem to work: this.datasources[ "orders" ] = { "driver"="MSSQLServer", url="jdbc:macromedia:sqlserver://localhost\MSSQL2008;databaseName=orders;sendStringParametersAsUnicode= true;querytimeout=0;MaxPooledStatements=100
Comment on FileExists() returns incorrect value on files with some Unicode filename by External U.
2608291 CF-4136028 S V. Escaping control characters (0x00-0x1F & 0x7F) with its unicode sequences (\u00nn) except few special characters in this character space which are already getting escaped. \b Backspace (ascii code 08) \f Form feed (ascii code 0C) \n New line (0A) \r Carriage return (0D
2609053 CF-3941059 S P. This is an expected behavior for Unicode control characters, as there went in a fix wrt to the bug #CF-3561029 with CF10 update14 regarding the same. Hence the behavior has changed from returning "xU+a600x" to returning "x\u600x" . Also wrt to the issue with base64
, an underscore, or a Unicode currency character. Any other symbol, such as a number, is not valid. " Hence this is not a bug.
Connection fails from SequeLink JDBC Driver to Unicode SequeLink service using Java 1.8
.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Unknown Source) at java.lang.String.(Unknown Source) at java.lang.String.substring(Unknown Source) at at
variable, or a € symbol is contained directly in a text field of the report. Instead of the € symbol, the currency sign (¤) [Unicode Character "¤" (U+00A4)] is displayed. We cannot find the reason for it. :-((
2601975 CF-3037372 Database : General Jochem van Dieten Bug 75196:(Watson Migration Closure)Upgrade to JDBC 4 Problem: Upgrade to JDBC 4 JDBC 4 provides many updates. Most importantly it provides new datatypes NCHAR, NVARCHAR, LONGNVARCHAR, and NCLOB which can solve the problem with unicode
unicode, BLOB, etc, handling. thanks. Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3036943 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: PaulH External Customer Email: 00EE238442D680B29920157F External
3454893 CF-4199598 Web Socket Mosh Teitelbaum WebSocket messages do not support non-ASCII characters in the case of websocket proxy Problem Description: Sending a message that includes non-ASCII characters (unicode, emojis, etc.) results in the non-ASCII characters being replaced with multiple
2596852 CF-3561029 S P. Base64 encoding is being used to send a binary file( gpeg, png images) to browser wherein the “u+” is a valid two chars sequence which is not a Unicode. With this fix 'u+' was always being converted to '\u' due to which a lot of customers had reported concerns about image
Name"; // With JDBC URL (Other) this.datasources.myDatasource={ class:'' ,connectionString:'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo_db?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true' ,username:'demouser' ,password:"encrypted:5943217a74b3d570f7ed78738da72bb4972228f46c8f9b7e96f5e995d66d1e9a
with German special chars in the database. Adding "useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8" to the connection does not help. Actual Result: Corrupted utf8 chars. Expected Result: No corrupted chars Any Workarounds: 1. You can add "SET NAMES utf8;" on top of every query. Not really an option to us. 2
return an explicit undefined. In ColdFusion 10 the same code returns the unicode replacement character. Steps to Reproduce: Using the following code: ErmsInternal.svc is a WCF webservice which returns the response pasted here: Actual Result: Asc
Tracker Issue MSSQL 2012 Support
Customer Email: External Test Config: Here is the connection string that works with the Microsoft JDBC driver: jdbc:sqlserver://x.x.x.x:1433;databaseName=importTest;selectMethod=direct;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;querytimeout=1200;MaxPooledStatements=100;integratedSecurity=true;applicationIntent=ReadOnly;lastUpdateCount=false
.datasources.mydatasource={ class:'' ,connectionString:'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo_db?characterEncoding=UTF-8&useUnicode=true' ,username:'demouser' ,password:"encrypted:5943217a74b3d570f7ed78738da72bb4972228f46c8f9b7e96f5e995d66d1e9a" }; } ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2597031 CF-3183072 Language Adam Cameron xmlParse() does not correctly identify UTF-8 files I have a UTF-8-encoded file, which xmlParse() appears to read as ISO-8859-1 or whatever it is CF ass-u-me`s all files to be unless otherwise told. The result being any non-ASCII "extended" unicode
6747009 CF-4206938 Language : String Functions Emojis cause replace() to malfunction Problem Description: Adding certain unicode characters (for example ??) cause weirdness in the replace() and replaceNoCase() functions. Steps to Reproduce/Actual Result/Expected Result: replace("The rich man
using a unicode font in the document? Not sure if it's relevant but on a machine that it works on my Adobe Driver Version is : 5.1.3 (Build 000094) The Adobe Driver Version is 5.1.1 (Build 0001) - on the remote production server that is failing with special chars in the file name and producing
2609053 CF-3941059 Awdhesh K. Jonas, I do agree with you that the fix have broken the base64 encoded string while serializing an unicode char. But I think there is nothing wrong and we are doing it a per the spec (section 2.5) Any character may be escaped
2609521 CF-3837347 Awdhesh K. As Jonas Meller has mentioned, we have changed the way an Unicode char gets serialized wherein U+xxxx gets converted to \uxxxx (fixed in #CF-3561029). We are doing it a per the spec. Spec can be refered @ (section 2.5) Any
serialization), some combinations of characters are altered which should not be, resulting in invalid Base64 data. Specifically, "u+" is changed to "\u" which would be invalid Base64 since "\" is not an included character. I'm assuming this is happening because "u+" is the common prefix for Unicode characters
, but these characters are fine for everything but PDF and should be in the unicode fonts that are standard. You will Actual Result: ???????????? displayed where the text should be Expected Result: ??????? ?????? ??????? ????????? Pravda displayed where the text should be Any Workarounds: None that I can find
conventions. The variable naming convention indicates that it must begin with a letter, underscore, or Unicode currency symbol and not cannot contain spaces. You cannot use periods in simple variable names, with the exception of variables in the Cookie and Client scopes http
, etc.) that are named using languages that use a non-ANSI charset (like unicode). on windows the file names get garbaged (ie the thai named ???.cfm becomes ???.cfm) & cf can't find them. this is a cf issue as IIS can serve similarly named HTML files. i have a vague recollection that if the server
.getClass().forName("coldfusion.sql.JdbcImpl").newInstance(); DriverManager.setDriver("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); DriverManager.setUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/pcsilva"); DriverManager.setPassword("root"); DriverManager.setUsername("root"); Connection = DriverManager.getConnection(); Connection.setUseUnicode(true); Connection.setCharacterEncoding("utf8
- this time I didn't - and the Collections page in the ColdFusion Administrator shows about 1,500 files indexed - after this run, it shows 15,585, which is nearly the number of files (16,621) it is attempting to index. I noticed several occurrences of the exception "Invalid bfchar pattern in ToUnicode
Valid E-mail Address A valid e-mail address is a string that matches the email production of the following ABNF, the character set for which is Unicode. This ABNF implements the extensions described in RFC 1123. [ABNF] [RFC5322] [RFC
. The following information is meant for the website developer for debugging purposes. Error Occurred While Processing Request Invalid character encoding: UTF-8;8-Bit Unicode Transformation Format. Ensure that your system can support the character set you specified. The error occurred in /var
Params.database = "someValidDBName"; stuParams.username = "someValidDBLogin"; stuParams.password = "someValidDBpassword"; stuParams.encryptpassword = true; stuParams.grant = true; stuParams.revoke = true; stuParams.sendStringParametersAsUnicode = true; stuParams.selectmethod = "direct"; stuParams.disable_clob = false
Bug 83655:sqlscript does not handle Unicode (UTF-8) characters correctly
BPmmOdMLR50wR2B++ENt+7V4NHnf4AjiA7boePFpA4ntd/j58gtZuyiJ? The character at 776 is a +. So, it's a situation where there is a u+. The full unicode code for that character is "u+9DdF" which happens to be the next piece of the string. When ColdFusion 11 encodes that, it converts the "u+" notation to the Java
Disk cache location CF data source name ******* Description Driver MSSQLServer JDBC URL jdbc:macromedia:sqlserver://*******:1433;databaseName=xxxxxxxxx;SelectMethod=direct;sendString ParametersAsUnicode=false;querytimeout=0; ;MaxPooledStatements=100 Username ******* Login timeout