search : typed array

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'null' passes typed array validation even with null support disabled
[ANeff] Bug for: slicing typed array does not preserve type
[ANeff] Bug for: tag vs script wrt typed array arguments
Comment on 'null' passes typed array validation even with null support disabled by Piyush K.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: tag vs script wrt typed array arguments by John W.
Comment on 'null' passes typed array validation even with null support disabled by Alexandre P.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: tag vs script wrt typed array arguments by Adam C.
Comment on 'null' passes typed array validation even with null support disabled by Alexandre P.
2682626 CFB-3818777 General - IDE cfjedimaster It crashed when I typed names = ["Ray", "Scott", "Todd", "Dave"]; //arguments are item, index, and whole array unames = { return n.ucase(); }); /* This too unames = arrayMap(names, function(n) { return n.ucase(); }); */ l
Array with number vs Typed Array where the type is number
Aaron Neff arraynew[type](params) vs object[method](params) Hi all, Aether has 3 typed-array creation syntaxes: 1) ArrayNew(dataType=____) 2) [dataType][] 3) ArrayNew[dataType](params) Long-time community ask is for method invocation syntax object[method](params). See its conflict w/ #3? Lucee isn
Comment on CF10 is evaluating strings with comma's as complex types (Array), formerly they were just Strings in version 8 by External U.
Saurav Ghosh James, We have fixed this in the docs.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: invalid data types should not be allowed as valid array types by Aaron N.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: array dump header should display (unsynchronized) and ({dataType}) by Aaron N.
Comment on TypedArrayMethodReturnException incorrectly thrown for java.util.ArrayList (returned by
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: array dump header should display (unsynchronized) and ({dataType}) by Immanuel N.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: invalid data types should not be allowed as valid array types by Aaron N.
OrderColumn support for Indexed collections (i.e. type="array" in CF ORM)
[ANeff] Bug for: ArrayNew[dataType](1) syntax won't be used and should be removed
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: array dump header should display (unsynchronized) and ({dataType}) by Aaron N.
ImmanuelNoel Arrays and String enhancements in ColdFusion 2018 ColdFusion 2018 introduces a good set of enhancements on Language. In this port, we will be looking at all the feature enhancements around Arrays and Strings. Typed Arrays ColdFusion has always been a type-unaware language, with Cold
2992066 CF-4198491 Database Chris Hopkins Cfqueryparam / queryExecute / Query CFC - Accept arrays As you can pass type="list" using cfqueryparam or one of its script based alternatives it would be great to be able to pass an array as well. Numerous ways this could be achieved, either type="array
Comment on TypedArrayMethodReturnException incorrectly thrown for java.util.ArrayList (returned by
Comment on CF10 is evaluating strings with comma's as complex types (Array), formerly they were just Strings in version 8 by Himavanth R.
Comment on CF10 is evaluating strings with comma's as complex types (Array), formerly they were just Strings in version 8 by Himavanth R.
3559055 CF-4199905 Language Raymond Camden cfargument doesn't validate an array of components properly Given your cfargument uses a type of foo[], which means, an array of foo components, CF will only validate the very first item in the array, not the entire array. Documented in 2007: https
Bug 85002:(Watson Migration Closure)ColdFusion generates incorrect WSDL when style="document" and I there is more than 1 array type in the response
":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two
":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two
":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two
":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two
":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two
2608844 CF-3978817 Debugging Ivan Kouznetsov In correct error message when treating array as a struct Problem Description: "You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array as a structure with members." the use of the word "dereference" is incorrect
Comment on TypedArrayMethodReturnException incorrectly thrown for java.util.ArrayList (returned by
Comment on Permit types to be "arrays of [things]" by External U.
[ANeff] Bug for: array dump header should display (unsynchronized) and ({dataType})
Inconsistent TypedArrayInvalidDataTypeException with cfimport and relative CFC paths
Permit types to be "arrays of [things]"
4260812 CF-4202192 Language : CFSCRIPT [ANeff] Bug for: ["integer"][] should work again Issue: ["integer"][] should work again Repro: ["integer"][] Actual Result: "coldfusion.runtime.TypedArrayInvalidDataTypeException: integer is not a valid type. Supported data types are string, numeric
[ANeff] Bug for: some array searching functions are type-checking the haystack
ArrayDeleteAt return type is wrong
2878849 CF-4198359 Language : Tags Giancarlo Gomez cfexecute errors when arguments passed as array Problem Description: Passing arguments as an array to cfexecute returns the following error. Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values. Steps to Reproduce: var args = { name
2612254 CF-3534476 Aaron N. Hi Adam and Adobe, I'd like to suggest the return type be array, even if 1 result, just like other functions in CF (ex: reMatch / structFindKey / structFindValue). Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment on Issues with setting query values through array notation because of type validation by Nimit S.
Comment on Issues with setting query values through array notation because of type validation by Aaron N.
[ANeff] Bug for: invalid data types should not be allowed as valid array types
Bug 82585:The following collection mapping should work:property name="roles" fieldtype="collection" type="array" elementtype="string";However, the following fields require population so that it can work, even t
Bug 74195:if you have an object with a foreign key relationship in ORM-land and tell it to be a type of array
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: array dump header should display (unsynchronized) and ({dataType}) by Aaron N.
Comment on Bug 75365:(Watson Migration Closure)Bug for: Type validation is not performed, when array notation is used to set query cell values by External U.
4203245 CF-4201981 Mark B. Doing a little research on zingchart we should be using Array of Arrarys. See and Then we don't need to specify the nulls or zeros
SpreadsheetAddRows throws java.lang.ArrayStoreException when 2d array contains mixed value types
through JSON data, e.g.[{"type":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able
have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class [Ljava.lang.Object; as a structure with members. coldfusion.runtime.ScopeCastException: You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class [Ljava.lang.Object; as a structure with members. at coldfusion
Comment on OrderColumn support for Indexed collections (i.e. type="array" in CF ORM) by External U.
Comment on CF10 is evaluating strings with comma's as complex types (Array), formerly they were just Strings in version 8 by External U.
this sample code - Actual Result: The dump shows "[undefined array element] Element 1 is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array." at the first array index. Also, request debugging information shows " Element 1 is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array
2608423 CF-4098246 External U. *bump* What about .valueList()/.quotedValueList()? valueList() and quotedValueList() are still useful when one only needs a string. Example: it's shorter than typing q.valueArray().arrayToList() and q.quotedValueArray().arrayToList(). Unnecessary typing. So
property name='myString' default='[1,2,3]' type='string'; // This will actually be an array property name='myArray' default='#[1,2,3]#' type='array'; /** * This will actually be a struct * @default #{ foo : 'bar' }# */ property name='myStruct' type
CF10 is evaluating strings with comma's as complex types (Array), formerly they were just Strings in version 8
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: some array searching functions are type-checking the haystack by Suchika S.
4166478 CF-4201825 Language : Functions [ANeff] Bug for: coldfusion.sql.QueryColumn coersion broken for function argument Issue: When a coldfusion.sql.QueryColumn is passed into a function argument of type array, coersion is broken. Repro: {code:java} q = queryNew("id", "integer", [[1
.txt:[undefined array element] Element 1 is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array. Result: [undefined array element] Element 1 is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson
2611535 CF-3614460 External U. Whether as shorthand for array creation or as a new data type, I think this could be a valuable addition.
" section is incomplete and does not match the "Parameters" - "Parameters" section is incomplete and could use better descriptions - "Example" section could be improved ArrayFindAll: - "Description" section is unclear and misleading - "Returns" section is unclear b/c it does not indicate return type
Comment on Bug 75365:(Watson Migration Closure)Bug for: Type validation is not performed, when array notation is used to set query cell values by External U.
this should not be added as an built-in API. Moreover, ColdFusion arrays are not typical multi-dimensional arrays but they are in-fact an array of objects where each object can be any complex type - an array, a struct, a CFC object or anything else. Multi-dimension array happens to be a special case
4416136 CF-4202694 Language : Member Functions [ANeff] ER for: array.getMetadata() dimensions key ER for: array.getMetadata() dimensions key Repro: writeDump(arrayNew(2).getMetadata()) Actual Result: {datatype="any", type="synchronized"} Expected Result: {datatype="any", dimensions=2, type
Comment on TypedArrayMethodReturnException incorrectly thrown for java.util.ArrayList (returned by
.compiler.ASTStructInitializer" with no hint as to line/file that caused the problem. I tried variations such as "default="#structNew()#"" to no avail. The only hint that CF gave me that an empty struct/array was not allowed was when I tried the same type of property but of array type, using the full "arrayNew" notation, which gave me
Issues with setting query values through array notation because of type validation
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: some array searching functions are type-checking the haystack by Aaron N.
Bug 75365:(Watson Migration Closure)Bug for: Type validation is not performed, when array notation is used to set query cell values
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayNew[dataType](1) syntax won't be used and should be removed by Aaron N.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayNew[dataType](1) syntax won't be used and should be removed by Aaron N.
2608693 CF-4022420 External U. For the iterator methods, the query object should be treated like an array of structs, i.e: [{id:1,name="bob"},{id:2,name="jill"}]. I would also suggest adding a "returnType" argument to the map function so that the query can be iterated and transformed, then return
ComponentMetaData() is unable to be iterated over using a cfscript loop. The following run-time error is receivedYou have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class [Ljava.lang.Object; as a structure with members. Looping over the array using works fine, as does looping over the array using an index
2673319 CF-4126743 Language Adam Cameron arrayFindNoCase() and Array.findNoCase() return different exceptions Repro: haystack = ["tahi", "rua", "toru", "wha"]; needle = ["TORU"]; try{ result = arrayFindNoCase(haystack, needle); }catch (any e){ writeOutput("arrayFindNoCase() throws: #e.type
Comment on CF10 is evaluating strings with comma's as complex types (Array), formerly they were just Strings in version 8 by External U.
the expected result when used within a for loop. Direct access works. If you trim the iterator value you also get the expected result. Changing the query column type to something other than an array also work. Steps to Reproduce: /* Valid column type. Integer and BigInt do not produce
cfoutput makes CF11 die. Steps to Reproduce: #getCustomSelectField( array = [] )# Actual Result: Error casting an object of type to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign
2608672 CF-4026104 Language Adam Cameron Arrays-of-objects returntype checking is flaky Repro: {code} // safeRun.cfm function safeRun(message="", task){ try { writeOutput("#message#"); task(); }catch (any e){ writeOutput(" Type: #e.type# Message: #e.message# "); } finally
James Mohler I thought that ArrayNew[dataType](params) is just a strange way of doing things. I can't think of any other BIF that has this syntax
4305454 CF-4202355 Immanuel N. Updated status. We will not be supporting the ? array syntax.  Return type check was fixed as part of bug CF-4202295
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayNew[dataType](1) syntax won't be used and should be removed by Aaron N.
.getClass().getSuperClass().getSuperClass().getSuperClass().getName());---In ACF (2018) that’ll give you:---java.util.ArrayListjava.util.AbstractList---In Lucee (5) that’ll give you:---lucee.runtime.type.util.ArraySupportjava.util.AbstractList---You can then look up the methods of java.util.AbstractList
2608719 CF-4018168 External U. David can you provide a repro case for this? ( Also, you can test your own theory by checking the Java type of the miscreant array by calling .getClass().getName() on it. That might help troubleshooting.
Bug 83994:(Watson Migration Closure)Trying to set the component class with the key "__type__" on an array of structs returned using HQL with a map() method does not work as expected
Dump(q.sort(comparator)); Actual result: "Function return type for ArraySort is not valid." Expected result: "Function return type for QuerySort is not valid." ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 4148803 External Customer Info: External Company: External
Comment on CF arrays no longer accepted by Java objects requiring arguments of type java.util.Vector by HariKrishna K.
types (Array, Boolean, Date, Struct, Xml, Query, etc..) and lower case for any and void. Notice the inconsistencies on some of them and especially for Query and Xml return types (see returnDataType.png included in attached zip file) Steps to Reproduce: (see DiscoBall.cfc included in attached zip file
: ----------- Result is, if we are able to convert the data to the type specified in column type, we do it. If not, we just let the given data go in to the query. ----------- Related ticket: CF-3929913
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: Array notation to respect query cell data type for simple values by Aaron N.
2609350 CF-3855211 Awdhesh K. ListInsertAt is supposed to be used to insert an element in middle of a list. If an element needs to be added at end (as the edge case described here) you might use ListAppend. Same is the behavior with other data type like ArrayInsertAt. Let us know if you have more
2596801 CF-3713386 External U. Come on, Uday: same for any function that takes a list: the "data" might have a comma in it. Aside: you (Adobe) really need to stop using lists as a pseudo-data-type. Use arrays instead for ordered data. -- Adam
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: Array notation to respect query cell data type for simple values by Aaron N.
CF arrays no longer accepted by Java objects requiring arguments of type java.util.Vector