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Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Wil Genovese
Authorize.NET Temporarily Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support
TLS 1.2 for ColdFusion 9 and Older
Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Wil Genovese
Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Wil Genovese
2608318 CF-4129174 External U. Seems to be very dependent on Cipher string. CF10 Update 18, Redhat 6.7, Java 1.7.0_95 Initially I had only one cipher in the string "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" and this caused the worst amount of problems on restart, at least than 50% success rate. I have since
USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready?
Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Mark Gregory
Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Tom Chiverton
Wil Genovese ColdFusion 9.0.n will not handle TLS 1.2 when running on Java 1.7 and older. ColdFusion 9.0.n is NOT certified to work on Java 1.8 and there are known issues on Java 1.8. Additionally the Operating system plays a role here as well. Windows Server 2003 will NEVER handle TLS 1.2. End
Updating ColdFusion 9 For TLS 1.2 Usage
Wil Genovese Update: I had a reason today to test this workaround on ColdFusion 10. It didn't work. I setup a FTP server on one of our servers with TLS 1.2 and setup the proper TLS certificate. I even imported the public certificate in the CF10 Java keystore. All methods failed to make a secure
Comment on Updating ColdFusion 9 For TLS 1.2 Usage by gabrieleb5037809
Comment on Bug 72392:(Watson Migration Closure)consistent syntax and support for TLS over all protocol tags by External U.
Comment on Bug 72392:(Watson Migration Closure)consistent syntax and support for TLS over all protocol tags by External U.
Comment on Bug 72392:(Watson Migration Closure)consistent syntax and support for TLS over all protocol tags by External U.
Comment on Bug 72392:(Watson Migration Closure)consistent syntax and support for TLS over all protocol tags by External U.
Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Charlie Arehart
ColdFusion 2018 - Can not connect to over TLS
CF Support of Redis Sessions should support SSL/TLS connection, port 6380
2608318 CF-4129174 External U. After backing out our older PCI changes (that worked fine until update 14) the server instances have a 100% success rate. It must have something to do with the SSL/TLS modifications.
Comment on Bug 72392:(Watson Migration Closure)consistent syntax and support for TLS over all protocol tags by External U.
Comment on ColdFusion 2018 - Can not connect to over TLS by Shirak A.
Bug 72392:(Watson Migration Closure)consistent syntax and support for TLS over all protocol tags
, "Because Java 8's TLS implementation does not support ALPN (which is required for HTTP/2 over TLS), you must be using an OpenSSL based TLS implementation to enable HTTP/2 support." IIS does not implement OpenSSL to my knowledge. I believe it is called SChannel. I am not sure if this is still true
Comment on Updating ColdFusion 9 For TLS 1.2 Usage by gabrieleb5037809
Comment on Updating ColdFusion 9 For TLS 1.2 Usage by Charlie Arehart
rcasdorph Charlie, thanks for your comments!  I have finally run though all of the possibilities and it may be conflicts with the firewall or virus tool.  At this time, we have given up trying to chase it down.  We have enabled TLS to the mail server on port 25 and that is what we will go
3120812 CF-4198746 Richard O. Ok, so I stumbled on the fix accidentally while working on client's PHP site: Still needs some work though. TLS and SSL don't work. And some clear instructions somewhere, probably in the CFdocs, would be a
2614028 CF-3135653 External U. Everything worked well until the upgrade to 2010 SP1. Then it failed. I am not using SSL/TLS. My call is rather simple, it looks like this: It worked previously for Exchange 2010. It failed when Exchange was upgraded to SP1.
2962266 CF-4198446 ALEXANDER H. I suggest to protect your IIS. Default is not the good, see
Comment on CF Support of Redis Sessions should support SSL/TLS connection, port 6380 by Shirzad K.
.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C09042A, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v3839 ] Our AD team says the connection is failing to use the supported cipher types, which the valid ones are listed below: TLSv1.0: | ciphers: | TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (secp
, by updating JVM appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Troubleshooting,blog,ssl,tls,troubleshooting
2614028 CF-3135653 Adobe D. We are able to get data from Exchaneg 2010 server for Are you using SSL/TLS for imap? Also another related issue that I found online is with digitally signed mails and imap in Exchange.Is this the case? http
Comment on CF Support of Redis Sessions should support SSL/TLS connection, port 6380 by Chris G.
Charlie Arehart When you may need to refreshwsdl for calls to web services Have you ever found that calls to web services from CF suddenly fail? when nothing has changed on your end? (No change of your CF version, no change of CF admin settings, nor any change regarding SSL/TLS on the host
for you to analyze -- not really ideal. If you can get http/https access to your production infrastructure, then performance monitoring toolkit can be accessed via a web browser. The UI runs over a http server on a specified port (you will probably want to ensure that you have that running over TLS).
had to be delivered Any Workarounds: If we remove - port - useSSL - useTLS - username - password and send the same 2 CFMAIL (not as SSL), then both are delivered.
Charlie Arehart I agree that the post leaves out a lot of detail, but I can point out for you that since it was written (in 2017), the CF2018 Lockdown Guide came out and that DOES have a section showing how to enable SSL/TLS for the CF Admin (built-in web server). The guide is here: 
5787373 CF-4204467 General Server this.smtpServerSettings missing options Problem Description: We're trying to use this.smtpServerSettings to set up email to a different server than the default settings in CFAdmin. Mail servers regularly require TLS on a different port than port 25. The this
Comment on CF Support of Redis Sessions should support SSL/TLS connection, port 6380 by Charlie A.
3120812 CF-4198746 Richard O. "How are you sending the mail" SMTP TLS No, I cannot share the error log file from the exception.log file. I gave up on ColdFusion when the developers refused to pay this bug any attention and spent the past TEN months rewriting applications for clientele in various
Comment on Updating ColdFusion 9 For TLS 1.2 Usage by Charlie Arehart
:// Java 1.7 is supposed to work with SNI. ColdFusion's CFHTTP tag needs to be updated to handle SNI. SNI is an extension of the TLS protocol. Microsoft made this feature available in IIS 8 and as as more of these servers are setup ColdFusion will need to connect to them and will run into this issue. Cold
, "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA". But by adding a common string containing a handful of ciphers, we have increased the success to about 80-90%. Not sure why this would be the case, and again, there are no errors to go off of. I have created a separate bug for the last issue, but figured I would cross
pgn.64.2018. for (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128); Thu, 17 May 2018 05:58:21 -0700 (PDT) Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 18:28:04 +0530 (IST) From: To: Message-ID: Subject: sub body is missing! MIME
with several URLs, I have provided samples below.The specific underlying problem seems to be "Cannot build a secret key of algorithm TlsPremasterSecret" (Credit: Todd Sharp)This can be worked around by disabling the CryptoJ lib with a JVM Arg: -Dcoldfusion.disablejsafe=true (Credit: Nathan Mische
Default Server Port 25 Connection Timeout 60 seconds Spool Interval 15 seconds Mail Delivery Threads 10 Maintain Connection to Mail Server No Max Messages Spooled to Memory 50000 Default CFMail Charset UTF-8 Use SSL Connection No Use TLS No Default Mail Server ww2
5762679 CF-4204443 Dave I. Kailash, This is what I saw in the coldfusion-error.log after running the test again using the Windows Server 2019 domain controller:|DEBUG|31|Thread-15|2019-06-01 11:49:22.612 CDT||jdk.tls.keyLimits: entry = AES/GCM/NoPadding Key