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Comment on [Test Bug For Jira Migration] Test Bug for testing JIRA Migration by Suchika S.
Comment on [Test Bug For Jira Migration] Test Bug for testing JIRA Migration by Suchika S.
Comment on [Test Bug For Jira Migration] Test Bug for testing JIRA Migration by External U.
[Test Bug For Jira Migration] Test Bug for testing JIRA Migration
ALT TEXT in IMG tag issue in accessibility testing CF2016 to PDF
Comment on [Test Bug For Jira Migration] Test Bug for testing JIRA Migration by HariKrishna K.
Comment on ALT TEXT in IMG tag issue in accessibility testing CF2016 to PDF by External U.
Comment on ALT TEXT in IMG tag issue in accessibility testing CF2016 to PDF by External U.
Bug 86032:We are in the testing phase of a webservice client deployment with a major telecom carrier
Comment on ALT TEXT in IMG tag issue in accessibility testing CF2016 to PDF by Aaron N.
Comment on [Test Bug for Jira Migration] test bug by External U.
Comment on [Test Bug for Jira Migration] test bug by External U.
2609731 CF-3790842 External U. Here is another test case that is still broken. function testArrayBug(){ if( true){ var foo = "test"; testArrayBugSecond(test =["one" & foo]); } } versus here it working function testArrayBug(){ var foo = "test"; if( true){ testArrayBugSecond(test
2597636 CF-3043094 Language : Datastructure Luis Majano Bug 85850:serious bug when creating entries in a structure with dot notation Problem: serious bug when creating entries in a structure with dot notation. Method: Use the following template:test = structnew();test["org.model.test"] = {name="test
Comment on Test feature from Tracker -- Please ignore by Ameya S.
Comment on Test feature from Tracker -- Please ignore by Aaron N.
6551050 CF-4206264 Toby W. Here are some timings for the testing I have done using the repro attached This is made substantially worse when using S3:// which is where we are noticing the difference CF11 Local Test 1: 0ms Test 2: 0ms Test 3: 1ms S3 Test 1: 328ms Test 2: 578ms Test 3: 391ms CF
Test feature from Tracker -- Please ignore
2611837 CF-3585643 External U. Something is definitely wrong. Here are additional failed comparisons that I performed using CF 10,0,10,284825 (64 bit w/Tomcat ToString, JavaCast and SerializeJSON are the only functions I tested that weren't negatively impacted. JSString This isn
{ writeOutput(""); } } {code} {code} // Test.cfc component {} {code} {code} // NotTest.cfc component {} {code} {code} // arraysOfObjectsAsReturnType.cfm include "safeRun.cfm"; Test[] function returnsArrayOfTests(size){ var baseArray = []; baseArray.set(1, size, new Test()); return base
Going to a url formed like this: c.cfm/test/test.cfm returns a coldfusion.runtime.TemplateNotFoundException
[Test Bug for Jira Migration] test bug
2608264 CF-4148767 Language Matthew Clemente ToString() Member Function Broken for Binary Data Problem Description: variable.ToString() member function does not work Steps to Reproduce: test = ''; //mimic basic auth test = test.tobase64(); //start decoding test = test
: Create and run a CFM page containing the following code f(); void function f () { // Assign testVar var testVar=1; var isTestVarNull=isNull(local.testVar); var isTestVarDefinedInLocalScope=isDefined("local.testVar"); var isTestVarKeyInLocalStruct=structKeyExists(local, "testVar"); writedump
How to do a Thorough Test of ColdFusion Web Applications
Tracker Issue Bug 81791:Test
Bug 81791:Test
Tracker Issue Test Bug 14/12/16
Test Bug 14/12/16
2609086 CF-3934737 External U. Please consider the following example: testCFHttpTimeout.cfm (this script has to execute for longer than 1 second, increase index if necessary): a testAG.cfm: #now()# Timeout
2611396 CF-3626704 External U. Code to replicate the error. PDF Test ##divTest { height: 100%; width: 100%; background: green; color: black; } This is the test div area. --->
5420626 CF-4204059 Knut B. For your testing I've added an additional file (FontTestReport.cfm) for a simple call of the 'FontTestReport.cfr' Report Builder file and to output the generated PDF on screen.
Tracker Issue param doesn't work
2608881 CF-3972082 Language Adam Cameron param doesn't work Repro: param url.test = defaulter(); writeOutput("test: #url.test#"); function defaulter(){ writeOutput("defaulter() ran"); return "default"; } Whether or not you pass a value for url.test, defaulter() is *always* run. It should
2609340 CF-3857705 External U. see I'm on CF 10 update 14. C:\ColdFusion10\labs\bin>cfcompile -deploy D:\Projects\labs\intrfc_test D:\Projects\labs\intrfc_test D:\Projects\labs\intrfc_test_bin successful 4 total 4 elapsed 1.869 sec Then I copy content of \intrfc_test
Test bug from Tracker -- Please ignore
3122922 CF-4198748 Peter F. Suggested usage: getCanonicalPath("c:\temp\..\test.txt") returns c:\test.txt
2608435 CF-4094858 External U. During testing, I got it to work in certain cases. Enough reason to continue testing. Will report results.
2609026 CF-3944862 Immanuel N. Going by the comments below, will be closing this bug. test@testdomain and test@testdomain.a are valid email addresses.
2609154 CF-3919057 External U. test.cfm is attached for your own testing. Not sure the server platform is correct.
2613295 CF-3335493 HariKrishna K. Simple Repro case: ---------------------------------- Test.cfm ----------------- #randRange(1,100)# Test1.cfm --------------------- Marking it to "ToFix".
6297441 CF-4205368 mark l. Reduce the issue down to too files: #Currentrow# - And save the following in the same directory as test.cfc TestFunc Output #ID#
object are persisted, but not the relation between them. Steps to Reproduce: In the zip file I have added the code. It have an object Test with a one-to-many relation to TestItem 1) Create tables with sql 2) run index.cfm - it creates an Test object - it adds an TestItem to Test - it entitySaves Test
Tracker Issue test for wish list
test for wish list
test bug please ignore
Tracker Issue test bug - ignore
test bug - ignore
Tracker Issue Dummy test bug
Dummy test bug
Tracker Issue Elvis Operator Bug
3746249 CF-4200233 Language Fred Leefarr Elvis Operator Bug Problem Description: The elvis operator does not work when using a variable as a struct key. Steps to Reproduce: {code:java} ? function test() { var foo = { test_123456 = "result" }; var key = "test_123456"; var result = foo
3554341 CF-4199856 Aaron N. This was just a test. Please delete.
3085992 CF-4198656 Matthew H. Here is some simple code as a test example of the cfajaxproxy version of the issue. CFM FILE: function runTest() { var instance = new p(); instance.setHTTPMethod("POST"); var result = instance.testProxy('Test String'); alert(result); } CFC FILE:
2672575 CF-4186779 Anit K. Test comment on behalf of Aaron
2672575 CF-4186779 Anit K. Test comment on behalf of Aaron