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Tracker Issue Unexpected behavior with symlink folders on Linux
Unexpected behavior with symlink folders on Linux
Comment on Unexpected behavior with symlink folders on Linux by Nitin K.
Comment on Unexpected behavior with symlink folders on Linux by External U.
Comment on Unexpected behavior with symlink folders on Linux by Aaron N.
Comment on Cannot get ColdFusion to follow Symlinks… by Mike Collins
2612275 CF-3531653 External U. I found this to occur on Linux also, but in my case, I had the CFC inside a symlinked directory pointing to a location outside the web root.
If I moved a copy of the CFC into the web root, it would load the wsdl. Then if I referenced the path to the CFC
2612275 CF-3531653 External U. I have exactly reproduced this issue in Linux.
Folder structure as follows:
/webroot is a symlink
Calls to /WS/Webservice.cfc?wsdl will fail as described.
If I COPY Webservice.cfc to be present at /webroots/WebService.cfc, calls to /WS
Comment on Cannot get ColdFusion to follow Symlinks… by Laurence MacNeill
Portal Comment Comment on CF2018 – Clear folder specific template cache not working by bobbyc87748371
bobbyc87748371 Thanks Charlie for all your help and eventually we submitted a ticket with Adobe CF support and resolve the issue. There was an issue with the symlink with the apache server and CF. The document root need to be a real path and not a symlink. Somehow this confuse CF clear cache
Portal Topic Cannot get ColdFusion to follow Symlinks…
Cannot get ColdFusion to follow Symlinks…
Comment on Cannot get ColdFusion to follow Symlinks… by Laurence MacNeill
Comment on Cannot get ColdFusion to follow Symlinks… by Charlie Arehart
Comment on Cannot get ColdFusion to follow Symlinks… by Laurence MacNeill
Comment on Cannot get ColdFusion to follow Symlinks… by Laurence MacNeill
Tracker Issue Stack traces inconsistent with previous CF releases
2672827 CF-4161484 Debugging Tim Parker Stack traces inconsistent with previous CF releases Problem Description: Stack traces report inconsistent paths for modules in the same directory - module called directly by web server shows symlink (un-translated), other modules (called by the originally
Comment on Cannot get ColdFusion to follow Symlinks… by Laurence MacNeill
Portal Comment Comment on CF2018 – Clear folder specific template cache not working by bobbyc87748371
bobbyc87748371 Thanks Charlie for your response. We do have a lot of symlink and made sure everything in link correctly. I had use some of your codes in clearing the cache of individual files in CF9. We are in the progress of upgrading to CF2018 and this particular issue came up.
I have debugging
Comment on Cannot get ColdFusion to follow Symlinks… by Charlie Arehart
Portal Comment Comment on CF2018 – Clear folder specific template cache not working by Charlie Arehart
by the web server to some different folder
if on linux, you could have an symlink (or on Windows a junction) defined pointing things to a different folder than you expect
in CF, you could have a mapping that is overriding the paths (if doing a cfinclude, or invoking a CFC, etc)