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Portal Topic API Manager Demonstrations and Key Elements
,rest,rest api,soap,soap request,swagger
Tracker Comment Comment on Server Non-responseive when receiving a POST with a type XML param by External U.
2613568 CF-3222748 External U. WEB SERVICES ARE BROKEN
We rely heavily on web services (a major feature of ColdFusion) to communicate with other applications. Because of this bug, XML SOAP requests greater than 8KB crash the server. We cannot deploy CF10 to our clients until this is fixed.
Tracker Comment Comment on Calling GetHttpRequestData() in application.cfm breaks REST services by External U.
2611853 CF-3581691 External U. I can verify this bug also exists when consuming a ColdFusion published web services.
It appears to be an ages old bug!
* http://www.bennadel.com/blog/1602-GetHTTPRequestData-Breaks-The-SOAP-Request-Response-Cycle-In-ColdFusion.htm
* http
Tracker Comment Comment on Calling GetHttpRequestData() in application.cfm breaks REST services by External U.
2611853 CF-3581691 External U. Richard Herbert (UK)
3:55:31 AM PDT Jul 17, 2013
I can verify this bug also exists when consuming a ColdFusion published web services.
It appears to be an ages old bug!
* http://www.bennadel.com/blog/1602-GetHTTPRequestData-Breaks-The-SOAP-Request
(action="getlistcollection", login=loginStruct, authtype="ntlm", ntlmdomain=" ", name="myResult");
/*Fails b/c this request is sent:
POST /_vti_bin/Lists.asmx HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/soap+xml, application
Tracker Comment Comment on 503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services by External U.
Comment on 503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on 503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services by Akhila K.
Comment on 503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services by Akhila K.
Tracker Comment Comment on 503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services by Akhila K.
Comment on 503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services by Akhila K.
503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services
Tracker Issue Bug 80042:When using onCFCRequest within Application
the onCFCRequest method) In addition, if the request is not a SOAP request, it should obviously return the appropriate envelope.
1) Add onCFCRequest method to the Application.cfc.2) Create a CFC Web Service to invoke.3) Try calling the Web Service with the "?wsdl" after the file name in the URL
Tracker Issue Webservice: duplicated "Authentication" record being injected into the request header in CF2016
DemandRecallGoService/RecallGoService HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/soap+xml, application/dime, multipart/related, text/*
User-Agent: Axis/1.2.1
Host: xxx.xx.xx.xx:8443
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
SOAPAction: "urn:interfaces.v1.common.ondemand.cms.chrysler.com.ProcessRecallRequest
developers with other web serviceses (not InDesign API exclusive)
Steps to Reproduce:
Run InDesign server (CS 5.5 in port 18383) and CFM in the same box.
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
Run on CF9 or earlier or create SOAP request manually with CFHTTP in CF10
Tracker Comment Comment on REST method calls do not correctly fire Application.cfc event handlers by External U.
(). You are not making clear the distinction that makes web sockets, SOAP web service or REST web service requests any different.
If there *is* a distinction, the you probably need a third event (/handler) for Application.cfc: onSomeOtherSpecialRequestWhichApparentlyIsForNeitherACfmOrCfc() (the name
Portal Topic ColdFusion 2016 API Manager Update 1 released
Swagger import options and logging for API request and response. It also fixes several bugs in security, publisher portal and server core and workflows related to SOAP proxy, Swagger and SOAP to REST. For further details on the new features, the installation instructions and […] Adobe Cold
2888972 CF-4198370 API Manager : SOAP Proxy APIM admin server domain URL: support for multiple domains. Problem:
APIM admin server domain URL/SOAP proxy feature: support for multiple domains.
ColdFusion API Manager 2016,0,0,301768
(reported by the customer - GCC)
issue 1:
The user
.7.0_51-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
Steps to Reproduce:
Create webservice using files supplied. Create test request in SoapUI and load test through LoadUI. First test with JRE 1.6 then change JRE to 1.7.
test xml:
Actual Result:
2610896 CF-3671438 Web Services m d Pressing Clear template cache in the coldfusion administrator breaks webservice call Problem Description: Pressing Clear template cache in the coldfusion administrator breaks webservice call
Steps to Reproduce: use soap ui to call a webservice method which
Tracker Issue CF11/2016 strip %0A ouf of http.addParam (type="cookie")
… there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON why CF does this.
Since the whole cookie is digitally signed I cannot use this cookie to authenticate cause it is broken ... the ping soap request therefore gets a 403 forbidden.
I have tried tons of variants to preserve the cookie value. It is not the value itself, it is definitively
Tracker Issue Bug 86032:We are in the testing phase of a webservice client deployment with a major telecom carrier
will be thrown (visible in coldfusion-out.log only), then JRun will choke, and it will restart itself on next page request.
We are in the testing phase of a webservice client deployment with a major telecom carrier. They require the SOAP messages to be signed, which is not anything we haven't done 10
Tracker Issue Problem with CFX tag in multiserver installation
:\www\fax\testFile.cfm, line: 16 "
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc.(Ljava/lang/Class;Z)V
at com.esker.soap.submission.WSFile.(WSFile.java:203)
at SamFax.processRequest(SamFax.java:60)
at coldfusion.tagext.CfxTag.doStartTag(CfxTag.java:102)
at coldfusion
Tracker Issue ColdFusion 10 web services fail in IIS virtual folders
for CFC web service.; nested exception is: coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [java.lang.NullPointerException : null]
faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.generalException
faultString: Error attempting to create Java skeleton for CFC web service
the cf server to throw the "Variable DEBUGGER is not defined" error.Removing the cftrace from the test or the code under test gets rid of the errorThe MXUnit plugin uses SOAP to talk to ColdFusion
Create a new mxunit testadd a cftrace into the testrun the test from the plugin