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0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice
Comment on 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice by Akhila K.
Comment on 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice by External U.
Comment on 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice by Akhila K.
Comment on 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice by Akhila K.
Comment on 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice by Akhila K.
Comment on 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice by External U.
Comment on 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice by External U.
Comment on 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice by External U.
Comment on 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice by External U.
Comment on 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice by External U.
SOAP to REST breaks when Operations do not exist within PortTypes
Deleting a SoapProxy API, throws 500 Internal server error
SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names
Comment on SOAP compilation fails with JRE 1.8 by External U.
SoapProxy API not accessible when changing the LifeCycle from Draft to Published
SoapToRest not converting all the Operation to Rest for RPC Encoded webservice
Comment on SoapToRest not converting all the Operation to Rest for RPC Encoded webservice by CFwatson U.
Comment on SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names by HariKrishna K.
Comment on SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names by CFwatson U.
In SoapToRest Mapping wizard by default all the argument source are not getting populated
Comment on In SoapToRest Mapping wizard by default all the argument source are not getting populated by HariKrishna K.
Comment on In SoapToRest Mapping wizard by default all the argument source are not getting populated by CFwatson U.
Comment on SoapToRest not converting all the Operation to Rest for RPC Encoded webservice by HariKrishna K.
Comment on SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names by CFwatson U.
Comment on Issue with SOAP response using custom wsdfile by External U.
Comment on SOAP compilation fails with JRE 1.8 by External U.
Comment on SOAP compilation fails with JRE 1.8 by External U.
Comment on SOAP compilation fails with JRE 1.8 by External U.
2597029 CF-3184293 Paul N. CFTrace will not work for web service. We cannot send the debug information as part of SOAP response.
,coldfustion,demo,manager,request,rest,rest api,soap,soap request,swagger
Comment on In SoapToRest Mapping wizard by default all the argument source are not getting populated by Aaron N.
Comment on In SoapToRest Mapping wizard by default all the argument source are not getting populated by Mayur J.
Comment on In SoapToRest Mapping wizard by default all the argument source are not getting populated by CFwatson U.
Comment on SoapToRest not converting all the Operation to Rest for RPC Encoded webservice by Mayur J.
Comment on SoapToRest not converting all the Operation to Rest for RPC Encoded webservice by CFwatson U.
Comment on SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names by Mayur J.
Comment on Issue with SOAP response using custom wsdfile by External U.
Comment on SOAP compilation fails with JRE 1.8 by External U.
Comment on SOAP compilation fails with JRE 1.8 by External U.
2612559 CF-3498968 Paul N. When Axis 2 generates stub for the Indesign Server WSDL, public int endSession(com.adobe.ns.indesign.soap.SessionID sessionID,com.adobe.ns.indesign.soap.SessionIDE sessionID) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; Both the arguments names are session
2613568 CF-3222748 External U. Our SOAP and REST web services have been rendered useless by this bug. This is a major problem!!!
2614288 CF-3119366 External U. I forgot to include: The CFC still works as a SOAP service, and the CFC explorer can examine it and do its thing... so it is clearly REST-service-refreshing specific.
Comment on SOAP compilation fails with JRE 1.8 by External U.
Comment on In SoapToRest Mapping wizard by default all the argument source are not getting populated by Aaron N.
Comment on SoapToRest not converting all the Operation to Rest for RPC Encoded webservice by Aaron N.
not be created due to duplicate variable names. Steps to Reproduce: Install InDesign Server - you can download trial from Adobe. Start InDesign server with -port option to support the Soap interface Define a web service in CF using http://localhost:18600/service?wsdl Change the port to what you used when you
Issue with SOAP response using custom wsdfile
Swagger import options and logging for API request and response. It also fixes several bugs in security, publisher portal and server core and workflows related to SOAP proxy, Swagger and SOAP to REST. For further details on the new features, the installation instructions and […] Adobe Cold
NIKHIL DUBEY Performance Monitoring Toolset- Incoming Services Monitoring Incoming services In Performance Monitoring Toolset, we have dedicated a section for monitoring incoming services to ColdFusion. There are three types of services- REST, SOAP, and RPC. Any webservice or RPC call hitting a
Comment on SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names by Aaron N.
Benjamin Reid ColdFusion 2018 / Web Services / Java 10 / JDK tools.jar Which files replace tools.jar in JDK 9/10/11? The post ColdFusion 2018 / Web Services / Java 10 / JDK tools.jar appeared first on ColdFusion. CF2018 Updates,ColdFusion 2018,Question,cf2018 updates,coldfusion 2018,compatibility,consuming_web_services,question,soap
to cacerts file. When example .cfc file that has remote calls for auto-generation of WSDL, the generated wsdl does not look correct. In the port definition at the bottom, it does not seem to be using https for the 443 soap endpoint: In coldfusion 10, this binding looks like: Calls from
Comment on Issue with SOAP response using custom wsdfile by External U.
Comment on SOAP compilation fails with JRE 1.8 by External U.
2608584 CF-4058416 Akhila K. We are unable to repro this issue, when tried with ColdFusion 11, SOAP service. Tried with below mentioned code : Test code : ://webservice.cfc?wsdl", {refreshwsdl="true"})> webservice.cfc: Application
Comment on 503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services by External U.
Comment on 503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services by Akhila K.
Comment on 503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services by Akhila K.
2613568 CF-3222748 External U. Just in case the impact of this bug wasn't immediately obvious - this also affects web service endpoints. If you are hosting any SOAP web services on CF10, this bug impacts you. If you're hosting REST web services with the content type set to XML, this affects you
2613568 CF-3222748 External U. WEB SERVICES ARE BROKEN We rely heavily on web services (a major feature of ColdFusion) to communicate with other applications. Because of this bug, XML SOAP requests greater than 8KB crash the server. We cannot deploy CF10 to our clients until this is fixed.
Optional array causes error if wrapper does not exist in SOAP envelope
APIM throws SoapProxy related exception when we update the existing REST API.
2888972 CF-4198370 API Manager : SOAP Proxy APIM admin server domain URL: support for multiple domains. Problem: APIM admin server domain URL/SOAP proxy feature: support for multiple domains. Method: ColdFusion API Manager 2016,0,0,301768 (reported by the customer - GCC) issue 1: The user
2611853 CF-3581691 External U. I can verify this bug also exists when consuming a ColdFusion published web services. It appears to be an ages old bug! * * http
2611853 CF-3581691 External U. Richard Herbert (UK) 3:55:31 AM PDT Jul 17, 2013 I can verify this bug also exists when consuming a ColdFusion published web services. It appears to be an ages old bug! *
(action="getlistcollection", login=loginStruct, authtype="ntlm", ntlmdomain=" ", name="myResult"); writeDump(myResult); /*Fails b/c this request is sent: -------------------------------------------- POST /_vti_bin/Lists.asmx HTTP/1.0 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Accept: application/soap+xml, application
503 Errors - Server Stops Responding to Requests for SOAP Web Services
CFInvoke a CFC within the onCFCRequest and then have onCFCRequest return the CFInvoke's result and therefore avoid having to write your own SOAP response envelope. (currently CF does create its own SOAP response envelope when not using the onCFCRequest method, but doesn't do so to my knowledge when using
2671989 CF-4197837 Naga S. Any installed file that is currently in use will not be able to get deleted by uninstaller, becasue of Operating system lock. i.e open command prompt, navigate to soaptorest dir. now, run uninstaller i.e running soap related calls from web interface, now, run uninstaller
that to be the case because I'm able to re-create this same application and it's functionality using Ruby on Rails, which also talks to the Exchange Server through SOAP, and I'm able to read a calendar delegated to me without having to have read-only access to the other persons inbox.
4521312 CF-4203045 Poonam J. Hi Charlie, There are two main reasons for not providing pre-configure support of https for axis2 web services: 1) If we will give both http and https configuration in xml file, the generated wsdl will  have both the secured and non-secured url as wsdl soap location
2612559 CF-3498968 Web Services Saman Jayasekara Some web services with data structure as argument values could not execute Problem Description: Trying to connect to InDesign server SOAP API running in the same box and CF10 returns the error, "Web service operation RunScript with parameters
= {}; l.soap = ' '; l.h = new http ( Charset = "utf-8", Method = "POST", URL = ""); l.h.addParam (type="header", name
WTBIRE9nSkFYakl2dzgzdHk="); l.result = l.h.send().getPrefix(); return l.result; } public struct function SBB_Ping (rc ) { var l = {}; l.soap = ' '; l.h = new http ( Charset = "utf-8", Method = "POST
2608669 CF-4027176 Web Services : General ext-user unable to invoke / Register web services unable to invoke/register the web services on their CF10 environment. They can expose the web service in browser. The same web service call call trigger via CF10 using CFHTTPD, and SoapUI works fine
2610896 CF-3671438 Web Services m d Pressing Clear template cache in the coldfusion administrator breaks webservice call Problem Description: Pressing Clear template cache in the coldfusion administrator breaks webservice call Steps to Reproduce: use soap ui to call a webservice method which
3866898 CF-4200656 Language : Functions Daniel Roberts Objects with property defaults defined do not serialize properly Problem Description: We have a web service that our clients hit either through SOAP or basic HTTP with XML or JSON response formats. We have built many response components
CfcRequest(). You are not making clear the distinction that makes web sockets, SOAP web service or REST web service requests any different. If there *is* a distinction, the you probably need a third event (/handler) for Application.cfc: onSomeOtherSpecialRequestWhichApparentlyIsForNeitherACfmOrCfc() (the name
SOAP compilation fails with JRE 1.8
2597614 CF-3043207 Web Services Nick Walters Bug 86032:We are in the testing phase of a webservice client deployment with a major telecom carrier Problem: We are in the testing phase of a webservice client deployment with a major telecom carrier. They require the SOAP messages to be signed, which
DemandRecallGoService/RecallGoService HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Accept: application/soap+xml, application/dime, multipart/related, text/* User-Agent: Axis/1.2.1 Host: xxx.xx.xx.xx:8443 Cache-Control: no-cache Pragma: no-cache SOAPAction: "urn:interfaces.v1.common
Object("webservice", "", stAuth); application[type] = structNew(); stSearch = structNew(); stSearch.howMany = 10; stSearch.offset = 0; stSearch.query = "-inAir 1 -type #type# -aboveAltitude 179"; aSearchStruct = ws
2613614 CF-3200312 Web Services Jork Zijlstra Webservice version 2 inheritence problem Duplicate ID: CF-3197933 Problem Description: A webservice of version 2 will not show methods that are inherited in the wsdl. Subsequently a SOAP call will not work. (ping2 method is defined in B.cfc en A
to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two solutions:1) When passing in a JSON struct where an object type is specified as an argument on the webservice, that object is implicitley created and populated with the data from the JSON Struct (preferred)2) Much like we used to have for flex, allow for a
.g.[{"type":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two
.g.[{"type":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two
.g.[{"type":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two
.g.[{"type":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two
.g.[{"type":"header","content":"This is my header."}]that gets converted into an array of structs. This produces the error that the "documentitem" argument is not of type documentitem[].Since all we have is JSON, we can't pass in documentitem[], so this renders this webservice able to ONLY be accessed via SOAP.I propose one of two
Type must be defined for remote CFC functions.]AxisFault faultCode: {}Server.generalException faultSubcode: faultString: Error attempting to create Java skeleton for CFC web service.; nested exception is: coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [coldfusion
our application sandboxed, so we don't get this error when sandboxing is turned off but we do get when sandboxing is turned on. Steps to Reproduce: Sandbox a CF application so it is not allowed to write to applications directory. Call an REST/SOAP service that returns a XML string. Call xml
2613608 CF-3206122 External U. Detail The fault returned when invoking the web service operation is: AxisFault faultCode: {}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: Connection reset faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {http
for CFC web service.; nested exception is: coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [java.lang.NullPointerException : null] AxisFault faultCode: {}Server.generalException faultSubcode: faultString: Error attempting to create Java skeleton for CFC web service