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Solving error during CF update: Failed Signature Verification
signature Verification Failed error. There was a change in our certificate and we updated that certificate in update 4 and update 11 respectively.
Fusion (2016 release) mandatory updates appeared first on ColdFusion. Adobe ColdFusion 2016,Adobe ColdFusion 2018,Blog,coldfusion 2016 update,coldfusion 2018 update,coldfusion mandatory update,coldfusion update problem,signature verification error
2611003 CF-3653076 External U. Trying both Download and Download & Install results in: Error occurred while installing the update: Failed Signature verification I am on OS X Mavericks.
java.lang.AbstractMethodError on data source verification
Updater Failed Checksum verification Error
file is in to the CF classpath, and setup the Other type JDBC driver. It works well in ColdFusion 9 but not in CF10, getting below error: Connection verification failed for data source: csvfiles java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com.inet.csv.o.getJDBCMajorVersion()I The root cause was that: java.lang.AbstractMethodError
.Changing the order of the MyCustomCfc and AnotherCustomCfc arguments within the method signature simply causes CF to throw the same error indicating that again, the second custom type is not valid. Method: import test.*; public void function test(Base another,Base custom) { writedump(arguments); } test( new
Comment on Updater Failed Checksum verification Error by Akhila K.
Comment on java.lang.AbstractMethodError on data source verification by External U.
Comment on java.lang.AbstractMethodError on data source verification by External U.
2673682 CF-4118754 Net Protocols : HTTP Ryan Potter cfhttp - use of buggy 4.4.1 http components (hostname verification fails when it shouldn't) Problem Description: After installing 2016, cfhttp calls to no longer worked, returning this error: "Host name 'www
CF2016: cfhttp - use of buggy 4.4.1 http components (hostname verification fails when it shouldn't)
Bug 84959:(Watson Migration Closure)Livejournal has introduced Content-MD5 header (on 9 Sep 2010) and CFHTTP fails to calculate verification hash throwing an error java
. This gives additional information about the specific signature, verifies it and shows a message "This digital signature is OK", if it is the case. This is at least as strong a verification as checking a hash of the file (e.g. SHA-256) against a known value. It is common practice (and indeed very much
2608573 CF-4060772 External U. Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached CF-4060772_repro.cfm, PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf and PDFWithLiveCycleForm.pdf 2) In Adobe Acrobat, create a PDF having a signature field and save it as PDFWithAcrobatSignature.pdf 3) In CF-4060772_repro.cfm, populate acrobatSignature
2608885 CF-3971069 Vamseekrishna N. Clearing the WEB-INF/cfclasses folder should fix this as there was change in method signature.
2614111 CF-3131308 Rupesh K. Too late to change function signatures now. We will consider it for the future release
Charlie Arehart I'd be curious to hear, Legorol (and/or Priyank), how one would use such a signature if there was one. Of course, I realize that the CF updates download mechanism in the CF Admin DOES use a signature verification (which is NOT used if one just downloads the update jar files manually
Object(".NET", "System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection"); writeDump(sys); Result: .NET object failure Error: (class: System/Collections/Specialized/StringCollection, method: Get_Item signature: (I)LSystem/Object;) Wrong return type in function Expected: Should invoke System
2614167 CF-3127808 Administrator : HotFix Notification Scott Stewart HotFix hf-10-00002 28th Feb 2012 fails on download Problem Description: HotFix hf-10-00002 28th Feb 2012 fails on download with error: Error occurred while downloading the update: Failed Checksum verification Steps to Reproduce
will not be thrown. Susan, Since, the exception stack trace signature you shared seems to be exactly the same as in the case of Scott's test case, the underlying cause could be the same. Can you please check for similar condition your code. More specifically, the query that you are indexing may contain data
5305175 CF-4203996 Roland C. This issue is HUGE. It breaks ternary operators for all double data types. Here is the easiest reproduction: This will cause the following error: (class: cftest2ecfm1733740874, method: runPage signature: ()Ljava/lang/Object;) Unable to pop operand off an empty
Tracker Issue Support for Access DB
5218797 CF-4203867 Database : MSAccess Support for Access DB Currently receiving error: Connection verification failed for data source: TEST java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][SequeLink Server]The specified data source is not defined. The root cause was that: java
Comment on CF cannot update task w/in its handler (b/c it forces handler verification) by External U.
2673645 CF-4119993 External U. Having an example of the proper function signature is extremely important. Due to CF's automatic conversion of data types, implementing the wrong logic rarely causes a hard error. The function simply won't work correctly and there is absolutely no indication
works in the public beta but gives an error in the new version Method: Result: Connection verification failed for data source: andspotcom.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.The root
CF cannot update task w/in its handler (b/c it forces handler verification)
causes loss of all previous data (except data source name) Method: cfadmin (! not jrunadmin) 2.create a datasource 3.verfiy datasource (resp. verfy all datasources) *****************jrun multiserver, win2003-64, sql2008-64, java1.60, cf-beta-public Result: Connection verification failed for data
5305175 CF-4203996 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, The issue is much bigger. Here is a repro: foo = true; bar = foo ? 1.2 : 2;//HTTP Error 500.0 - (class: cfmypage2ecfm1301256636, method: runPage signature: ()Ljava/lang/Object;) Unable to pop operand off an empty stack writeOutput(bar); What
2608214 CF-4162547 External U. This is the error message seen in coldfusion administrator when checking datasource : Connection verification failed for data source: SoFive java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver]No more data available to read. The root cause
stubs to allow for mocking of method signatures. This was never an issue before, but now this error is thrown when attempting to call a method that is a runtime mock created by MockBox: The XYZ function does not specify the same arguments or arguments in the same order in the Cold
2608193 CF-4166939 External U. Hello Wil, In your blog, you are attaching a file. In my example, I am attaching a file and I am adding an inline file (common requirement would be an embedded logo for an email signature). When you have both inline and attachment files, this is where the error
dianaj92498343 CF2016/2018 Datasource SSL configuration Hello, When trying to pass EncryptionMethod=SSL in datasource conenction string, we are getting the below errors: 1- ValidateCertificate=false: “Connection verification failed for data source: CDXTEST java
-Section {code} Actual Result: An low-level 500 error is generated by the compiler: ``` (class: cfreport2ecfm1389601345, method: _factor7 signature: (Ljavax/servlet/jsp/tagext/Tag;Ljavax/servlet/jsp/JspWriter;)Ljava/lang/Object;) Expecting to find double on stack ``` Expected Result: A PDF is generated
3834850 CF-4200457 Bob K. Hi Suchika, We previously tried this connection string based on recommendations from Microsoft/our DBA: EncryptionMethod=SSL;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no; Tried your suggested connection string but still get the same error: Connection verification failed
Tracker Issue CF11 ODBC DSN Issue
5244304 CF-4203902 Database : ODBC CF11 ODBC DSN Issue Problem: CF11 ODBC DSN Issue Method: Create ODBC connection with SQL server using SQL driver  Result: Error- {code:java} Connection verification failed for data source: TEST java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver
1733740874, method: runPage signature: ()Ljava/lang/Object;) Unable to pop operand off an empty stack. I'm flummoxed as to how this issue isn't being reported more broadly. Literally any usage of a Double data type in a ternary operation breaks.
more to make any successful call with abcPDF component. As soon we call abcPDF, we get the following error on the very first operation. java.lang.VerifyError: (class: WebSupergoo/ABCpdf11/Doc, method: Get_Units signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;) Wrong return type in function In other words: we can call
cfusiondbslserver54admin swcla -l sar 'ColdFusion 11 ODBC Server' ServiceCodePage OS 4 Test the database, it gives error: Connection verification failed for data source: test java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver]TCP/IP error, connection refused. The root cause was that: java
5910096 CF-4204686 Language : Functions Ternary Operator is not interpreting the correct way Problem Description: When the ternary operator is used and the true value or a false value is a constant with a decimal like 0.1 or 2.1 etc, then we get weird error method: runPage signature: ()Ljava
" tab, create the MyAccessDSN 6) In Windows Registry see the the complete list of values under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\MyAccessDSN\Engines\Jet 7) In CF Admin, create the MyAccessDSN (and ignore the red error text) 8) See DSN verification succeeds and queries work Note: Before
Var = ((true) ? number100 : number60) writeDump(testVar); Actual Result: Message: (class: cfterinaryTest2ecfm1709137711, method: runPage signature: ()Ljava/lang/Object;) Unable to pop operand off an empty stack StackTrace: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: cfterinaryTest2ecfm1709137711, method: run
2609012 CF-3947096 Administrator Adam Tuttle [atuttle] CF11 Update 5 (beta1) breaks "View Undelivered Mail" feature of CF Administrator With Update 5 (beta1) installed, I get a browser alert error alert that reads, "Error retrieving markup for element mailBody : Client verification failure. [Enable
cfscript. function keyword is missing in function declaration, Example is below (error comes on line 61): 59 : if (Len(loc.verification.handler)) 60 : { 61 : $invoke(component=arguments.controller, method=loc.verification.handler); 62 : $location
sequence of files included or processed is: index.cfm, line 8 Steps to Reproduce: Run attached repro case Actual Result: CF2016 is broken "Error","ajp-nio-8016-exec-21","06/02/16","14:15:02","","(class: cfindex2ecfm189223637, method: runPage signature: ()Ljava/lang/Object;) Incompatible object argument
decision right now. The UDF signature must dictate what the UDF can return. If the return type can be optionally-enforced, then the signature needs to say that: Suggestions: - Allows NULL return: `public optional array function f(){}` - Disallows NULL return: `public array function f(){}` Or implement
2608613 CF-4049903 External U. I'm trying to connect to my database I set up using MAMP Pro on yosemite...I can not set up the connection via cfide/admin area I have all the setup correctly becasue when I put a wrong password I get the following error: Connection verification failed for data source
.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: Certificate for doesn't match any of the subject alternative names: [] Through extensive research I have determined this is likely due so self-signed wildcard certificates and domain name verification. See related article -
2609106 CF-3929327 External U. I've verified this is fixed in CF2016 (build 2016.0.0.297996). Now just waiting for CF11's Update 8. For verification, I used this: myImage = imageNew("", 400, 400, "rgb", "blue"); imageWrite(myImage, expandPath('./myimage.jpg')); imageWrite(myImage, expand
and put it under load testing. 100 concurrent users for a duration of 15 mins on CF11 HF18. I did not observe any errors or slowed response. I took some thread dumps while the server was under load.. but did not find stack traces with signature similar to yours. I have attached test case I used
the "MyAccessDSN" DSN 7) Install AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe (Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable) from 8) Repeat #1 9) See red error text: ----------- - Connection verification failed for data source: MyAccessDSN java
database connection , and Submit. Actual Result: Connection verification failed for data source: ViaSQL java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/viaserv/jdbcDriver/ViaSqlDatabaseMetaDataDso.getJDBCMajorVersion()I is abstract The root cause was that: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com
with the error message below. If the SSL connection string is removed, it does connect and verify. Exact error message is: Connection verification failed for data source: XXXXX java.sql.SQLException: Timed out trying to establish connection The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: Timed out trying
of application Adding a Datasouce to ODBC Socket or Microsoft Access leads to below errors. CF Admin datasource Connection verification failed for data source: FSC_MDB java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][SequeLink Server]The specified data source is not defined. The root cause
.net.ssl|DEBUG|C8|ajp-nio-8018-exec-9|2019-05-15 04:15:24.851 CAT||Consuming CertificateRequest handshake message ( "CertificateRequest": { "certificate types": [rsa_sign, dss_sign, ecdsa_sign] "supported signature algorithms": [ecdsa_secp512r1_sha512, rsa_pkcs1_sha512, ecdsa_secp384r
verification failed for data source: kplapdashboard java.sql.SQLException: The connection property 'allowMultiQueries' only accepts values of the form: 'true', 'false', 'yes' or 'no'. The value 'yes ' is not in this set. The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: The connection property 'allow
Level=accepted;EncryptionTypes=AES256,RC4_256,AES192,3DES168,AES128,RC4_128);" into the connection string field. Press Submit. The above error appears on verification, and any call to query the data source. Any Workarounds: Nothing works using the ColdFusion driver. If we download the native thin Oracle JDBC driver, we can create
administration is : Connection verification failed for data source: oracle java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver]No more data available to read. The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver]No more data available
available to read. Steps to Reproduce: Configure the Oracle database to REQUIRE encrypted communication, configure a datasource to use jdbc:macromedia:oracle://server_name:1521;ServiceName=your_servicename, and submit the connection in the administrator Actual Result: Connection verification failed
3510166 CF-4199730 Database : ODBC Jürgen Wittsiepe ODBC Datasource is not found - Missing entry in swandm.ini Problem Description: I configured a 64-bit ODBC datasource. When I try to add this to the Coldfusion datasources I receive the error: Connection verification failed for data source: test
/config/wsconfig/1/ into server: dlopen(/Applications/ColdFusion2016/config/wsconfig/1/, 10): no suitable image found. Did find:nt/Applications/ColdFusion2016/config/wsconfig/1/ code signature in (/Applications/ColdFusion2016/config/wsconfig/1/ not valid for use
sequence of files included or processed is: C:\ColdFusion12\cfusion\wwwroot\cf2016\testing\Bugs\queryexecute\repro\q.cfm'' " java.lang.VerifyError: (class: cfq2ecfc1993741597$funcGETROLES, method: runFunction signature: (Lcoldfusion
enable TLS. And as detailed in the OP, checking the verify connection box WILL work successfully... well, it'll you'll get a green text successful verification, but it doesn't really work. From what I can tell is happening, a connection is being made, but nothing is happening. To replicate
to Azure Data Warehouse using the latest MS jdbc driver (mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar) and 'Maintain Connections' is checked. We first attempted to connect using the built in Microsoft SQL Server driver but kept getting this error: Connection verification failed for data source: AzureDev2 java
:// Actual Result: (class: cftmp_cfd91c2b2db5782d47b42d881a2dee6b051c7eda2ecfm1767426690$func_CF_ANONYMOUSCLOSURE_726, method: runFunction signature: (Lcoldfusion
. Actual Result: Some of the threads will fail with the error mentioned above. Usually, our testing environment appears to hit the error in groups of 2-5 times within seconds of each other, and it happens nearly every time we run our unit tests. We believe our datasource verification code is failing
: 0 results found This is why ODBC data sources do not work after installer migrates settings from previous CF version. FYI, according to the following document, this issue also exists in CF9's installer:
but not 9. I have a screenshot if that helps more. Method: just go through and set up a datasource using mysql 4/5 and when all info is in I click submit and theres an error Result: Connection verification failed for data source: blog com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
2608661 CF-4031773 External U. server.log says: "java.util.ConcurrentModificationException" followed by "Connection verification failed." says: ----------- HTTP ERROR 503 Problem accessing /PDFg
into a fix for the bug.

Code, nutshell:

  • read pdf form
  • populate form params
  • output form to temp file
  • create another pdf, consisting of signature image
  • addWatermark variable (copyFrom: img pdf, source: temp file)
  • *write watermark variable back
: (class: cfTest2ecfc1631497326$funcSOMEFUNCTION, method: runFunction signature: (Lcoldfusion/runtime/LocalScope;Ljava/lang/Object;Lcoldfusion/runtime/CFPage;Lcoldfusion/runtime/ArgumentCollection;)Ljava/lang/Object;) Register 12 contains wrong type at cfTest2ecfc1631497326.(D:\inetpub\wwwroot\@users\...\migration_tests\bugs_and_breaking\verify_error
compiling the code in "Steps to Reproduce". Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create Test.cfc that contains the following code: 2. Run the following: Actual Result: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: cfTest2ecfc1432829583$funcSOMEFUNCTION, method: runFunction signature: (Lcoldfusion