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Tracker Issue API Manager Fails on Import REST API From ColdFusion
API Manager Fails on Import REST API From ColdFusion
Tracker Issue [cielen] REST API code generator using Swagger
[cielen] REST API code generator using Swagger
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 Rest API mangles international characters in the request by External U.
Comment on ColdFusion 10 Rest API mangles international characters in the request by External U.
Comment on Support /api as a context path for RESTful web services. by Paul N.
Tracker Issue null for uri for rest services
2612200 CF-3542845 REST Services Raymond Camden null for uri for rest services Yeah, no idea on this one. I registered an app with rest services, I call the api, and I get "Not Found" in the browser and this in the exception log.
Error","ajp-bio-8012-exec-5","04/16/13","09:04:06",,"null for uri
Tracker Comment Comment on Why is it restSetResponse()? Why is it not just setResponse()? by HariKrishna K.
2612192 CF-3546047 HariKrishna K. We have added few APIs for restfull web services like restInitApplication, restDeleteApplication etc., so we are following the same convention here aswell. All the rest APIs are starting with "rest" and this restSetResponse() can only be used in rest services.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: CF file extensions still case-sensitive in SES URLs by Chinoy G.
2609164 CF-3917048 Chinoy G. All the missing extensions have been added except for anything related to "rest" APIs. Since "rest" is like a keyword in the URL, it is required to be present in correct case.
Tracker Comment Comment on Swagger Doc is not generated by Nitin K.
3823926 CF-4200442 Nitin K. Hi Mike ,
As 'restsettings.generateRestDoc' is set to 'true', the swagger doc should be generated (assuming there is no error in REST service).
The API listing swagger doc can be seen at the URL /rest//api-docs/
The resource listing swagger doc can be seen
Portal Topic API Manager Demonstrations and Key Elements
Brian Sappey API Manager Demonstrations and Key Elements Check out my presentation from Summit 2017 API-Manager-Presentation-Summit-2017
The post API Manager Demonstrations and Key Elements appeared first on ColdFusion. API manager,Blog,Demo,Showcase,api,api manager,coldfustion,demo,manager,request,rest,rest
Comment on API Manager Fails on Import REST API From ColdFusion by Immanuel N.
Tracker Comment Comment on New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail by External U.
Comment on New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail by John W.
Comment on New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail by John W.
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 Rest API mangles international characters in the request by External U.
Comment on ColdFusion 10 Rest API mangles international characters in the request by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfhttp / cfhttpparam formfield elements are ignored if the cfhttp method is not GET or POST by External U.
2596867 CF-3537036 External U. Yeah, this is pretty significant in the context of REST APIs, which are big feature in CF10...
Tracker Comment Comment on [AF] - API Manager - Only supports a very old version of swagger by Mayur J.
2673662 CF-4119097 Mayur J. Hi Aaron,
The specification was released on 2014-09-08. But the main tooling api swagger core 1.5.4 (current stable) was released on 2015-10-20.Support for swagger in ColdFusion helps to discover REST API present in ColdFusion to be easily imported in API Manager.
Tracker Issue Content Type for POST requests with FORM Data needs to be "APPLICATION/X-WWW-FORM-URLENCODED"
Create REST API in ColdFusion with the attached files.
Import REST API in API Manager
Use Tryout
"Message": "The @FormParam is utilized when the content type of the request entity is not application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
REST api result
Tracker Issue Support /api as a context path for RESTful web services.
Support /api as a context path for RESTful web services.
Portal Comment Comment on Hidden Gems in CF2018, part 4 – Dev features: CFML REPL, CFFiddle, and REST Playground by Tyler Clendenin
Tyler Clendenin For anyone looking for other tools for REST development, the Chrome extension rest-api-t/aejoelaoggembcahagimdiliamlcdmfm" rel="nofollow">Restlet Client works quite well. However I have not used their service nor
Comment on Support /api as a context path for RESTful web services. by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Exceptions in REST Services doesn't trigger Application.cfc's onError or Site-wide Error Handler by External U.
2612467 CF-3506757 External U. This is marked as fix, but where is the fix? I'm using CF10 Update 13 and this bug prevents me from writing restful api for production use without proper error handling.
Tracker Comment Comment on null for uri for rest services by External U.
2612200 CF-3542845 External U. I got the same error:
HTTP 404 error in the browser and the exception log shows:
"Error","ajp-bio-8012-exec-3","06/10/13","09:39:08",,"null for uri: http://my.webserver.com/rest/utilities/test"
com.sun.jersey.api.NotFoundException: null for uri: http://my.webserver.com/rest
2672446 CF-4195820 API Manager : Localization ext-user [LOC]: Strings are not appearing for Policies view during API creation Problem: Strings are not appearing for Policies view during API creation
1. Login to Publisher portal
2. Create a Rest API
3. Go to Policies tab
No Strings
Tracker Comment Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by John W.
Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by John W.
Isolate the /CFIDE/scripts directory from the rest of /CFIDE
New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 Rest API mangles international characters in the request by External U.
Comment on ColdFusion 10 Rest API mangles international characters in the request by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 Rest API mangles international characters in the request by HariKrishna K.
Comment on ColdFusion 10 Rest API mangles international characters in the request by HariKrishna K.
Tracker Issue "Clear Trusted Cache" breaks REST Services
2609400 CF-3850183 REST Services Jörg Zimmer "Clear Trusted Cache" breaks REST Services Problem Description:
When performing a "clear template Cache" Operation in the Administrator or via Admin-API the REST Service responds to further requests with a 500 internal server error until you press
ColdFusion 10 Rest API mangles international characters in the request
Tracker Comment Comment on Caching not working by Nitin K.
4799358 CF-4203320 Nitin K. I am still not able to reproduce with the same Caching settings as you in CF2018 Administrator.
Can you help me with below information:
1) Browser Network call shows any error ? If yes either screenshot/error details needed
2) Are you testing the RESTful API in REST
Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services
Tracker Comment Comment on CFHTTP method "GET" strips body by Ben F.
6326098 CF-4205407 Ben F. Hello Mehga,
We are using elastic search. They are offering a restful api. With restful apis you use the HTTP GET command to get data from a service, and the HTTP POST command to change data on a service. With th eapi from elastic you send get requests to search the index
2672644 CF-4181591 Nitin K. /api mapping was used internally in CF for the REST discovery feature of the API Manager. Now we have got the mapping name changed to /cfapiresources . So, creating URL with /api in it or creating a folder named 'api' in CF's webroot should be accessible now
Tracker Issue cfhttpparam Content-Type on GETs
are making very important REST APIs, however, that require Content-Type on GETs, and ColdFusion appears to be the only language incapable of natively consuming them. In other languages (even in ColdFusion's underlying Java), the HTTP engine does what you ask, even if what you ask doesn't technically make
Tracker Issue ORM Search XML Serialization Issue
2613698 CF-3183856 REST Services Ben Dalton ORM Search XML Serialization Issue Duplicate ID: CF-3183868
Problem Description:
When using the RESTful API support, returning a ORM Search result fails to serialize via XML.
Steps to Reproduce:
Create simple, indexed, ORM entity.
Create restful
Fusion as a Service web services returns JSON/XML data with the debugging at the bottom of the response.This breaks JSON/XML parsing of ColdFusion as a service if you are calling it via a REST API.I worked around this by placing an Application.cfm in the /cfide/services/ folder with in it.By default, I think
Tracker Comment Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by John W.
Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by John W.
Tracker Comment Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by Vamseekrishna N.
, ColdFusion, C# and Ember appeared first on ColdFusion. API Manager,Blog,Success Stories,api,api manager,C#,ColdFusion,Ember.js,full,full stack,manager,rest,rest api,stack,success stories
Comment on Support /api as a context path for RESTful web services. by Rupesh K.
2609400 CF-3850183 External U. This really needs to be fixed soon.
We just released a REST base api that is constantly not working and needs to be restarted.
There are no issues in development as template caching is not needed for development. However, as soon as we deployed to out Production
Tracker Comment Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by John W.
Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by John W.
Comment on Support /api as a context path for RESTful web services. by Rupesh K.
Comment on Support /api as a context path for RESTful web services. by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on null for uri for rest services by MATTHEW M.
Comment on null for uri for rest services by MATTHEW M.
Tracker Comment Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by David B.
Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by David B.
Tracker Issue Sending request with application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type causes Jersey error
3046930 CF-4198568 REST Services Mosh Teitelbaum Sending request with application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type causes Jersey error Problem Description:
I'm developing an application that uses a REST API, using the built-in ColdFusion REST functionality, for the back-end. Any request sent
Tracker Comment Comment on Unable to delete a REST service by External U.
and path."
The audit log indicates "User admin deleted REST service : C:/inetpub/wwwroot/api/" and "User admin refreshed REST service : C:/inetpub/wwwroot/api/" even though the REST page says unable.
Coldfusion-Out log indicates the same, but also includes: "Jun 4, 2013 16:08:44 PM Error [ajp-bio-8012
3081495 CF-4198624 API Manager : SOAP2REST SOAP to REST breaks when Operations do not exist within PortTypes Problem:
SOAP to REST breaks when Operations do not exist within PortTypes.
Import a WSDL which defines PortTypes without an operation.
Null Pointer Exception
Tracker Issue SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names
2673251 CF-4140881 API Manager : SOAP2REST ext-user SoapTo Rest Wizard not picking parameter names Problem:SoapToRest not picking the parameter name for the operation instead populating them with arg0,arg1....
----------------------------- Additional
2673250 CF-4140885 API Manager : SOAP2REST ext-user SoapToRest not converting all the Operation to Rest for RPC Encoded webservice Problem:For some RPC Encoded Webservices SoapToRest is not converting all the operations to REST
Comment on Support /api as a context path for RESTful web services. by Charlie A.
on by the Adobe team. Register Now at https://cfdevweek.meetus.adobeevents.com/. We got some great topics from what is planned for the future versions, REST, API manager, Language changes and much more. All the sessions would be held remotely and the recordings would be available later […] Adobe Cold
Tracker Comment Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by Charlie A.
Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by Charlie A.
Tracker Issue In SoapToRest Mapping wizard by default all the argument source are not getting populated
2673249 CF-4140887 API Manager : SOAP2REST ext-user In SoapToRest Mapping wizard by default all the argument source are not getting populated Problem:In Mapping wizard all the argsourses not populated by default.
----------------------------- Additional
APIM throws SoapProxy related exception when we update the existing REST API.
James Mohler Taffy for REST – Part 5: Access Tokens with some real simple authorization This is an introduction to APIkey based authorization with Taffy. StackOverflow definition An application programming interface key (API key) is a code passed in by computer programs calling an API (application
The failure message is also not helpful. It reports:
>Unable to refresh REST service.
>Application {serviceMapping} could not be initialized.
>Reason: The application does not contain any rest enabled CFCs.
Steps to Reproduce:
Place this CFC into a working REST api and refresh -- the refresh will fail
Tracker Comment Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by Dave C.
Comment on Add option to override mapping of /api directory to ColdFusion REST services by Dave C.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3546046
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Adam Cameron.
External Customer Email:
External Test
Tracker Issue cfhttp / cfhttpparam formfield elements are ignored if the cfhttp method is not GET or POST
methods." However, RESTful APIs may require form fields with other methods, such as DELETE and PUT. Other HTTP tools, such as cURL and Java's HttpURLConnection class, do send form fields with other request methods when specified.
The specific example I am looking at is Instructure's Canvas API, e
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 RESTful Web Service Unable to Receive gzip'd (binary) body by Paul N.
2610596 CF-3694176 Paul N. Update your CFRestServlet in the web.xml like,
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: RestInitApplication("/mymapping", "servicename") breaks REST by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: RestInitApplication("/mymapping", "servicename") breaks REST by External U.
as being reserved. Then again, that's the CFML Reference, and really talking about reserved words in the language. This is more about a reserved word in URLs (and /rest is another).
I hope someday Adobe may address this issue, of /api references failing with already-existing URLs (folders) with that name
Tracker Issue Swagger Doc is not generated
No errors are reported in log files.
Steps to Reproduce:
Create a Rest Service with a parent Application.cfc then register or refresh the rest cfc. Doc states that a new directory will be created called api-docs with json file.
Actual Result:
No files created
Expected Result:
Tracker Issue Installer does not properly configure existing VHosts with JkMountFile line when defined in external include file
, and the REST service will be configured correctly in CF Administrator, but they still get 404's from Apache when trying to access their REST api's.
If it's not possible or feasible to fix this issue in the installer, the documentation needs to be VERY good about pointing this out. This issue will trip up a
. Generate load on API Manager(Any Rest API call should be fine).
2. Open 3-4 instances of Publisher Analytics dashboard.
3. Set refresh interval to 5 seconds and Time interval to last 15 minutes.
3. Click on dashboard links randomly to put even more load on the analytics module.
Error: Unknown
Portal Topic ColdFusion 2016 API Manager Update 1 released
Swagger import options and logging for API request and response. It also fixes several bugs in security, publisher portal and server core and workflows related to SOAP proxy, Swagger and SOAP to REST. For further details on the new features, the installation instructions and […] Adobe Cold
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by amar lungare
negative indices support for arrays
l. New functions- ArrayFirst, Arraylast, QueryDeleteColumn, and QueryDeleteRow
4. Enhanced CLI and introduced REPL.
5. Introduced REST Playground application for testing your REST APIs.
6. Added support for REST PATCH verb.
7. Filter fields from JSON request.
8. Enhance
-cosmos-db/suggestions/17788768-jdbc-support" rel="nofollow">https://feedback.azure.com/forums/263030-azure-cosmos-db/suggestions/17788768-jdbc-support.
Finally, as for calling it via REST, that's documented here: rest/api/cosmos-db/" rel="nofollow">https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api
Tracker Issue URLs with /api/ Fails with 500.0 - Internal Server Error
2672644 CF-4181591 Administrator : Administrator Console,API Manager,REST Services Amit K URLs with /api/ Fails with 500.0 - Internal Server Error Problem Description:
I have a folder named api in my root directory and I placed a file test.cfm in that directory.
When I try to browse the URL http:///api
Tracker Comment Comment on New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail by CFwatson U.
Comment on New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on RESTful web services do not correctly handle character encoding by External U.
2613165 CF-3342142 External U. I would like to add to this. I am developing a Hebrew Flash Card app, and was hoping to return query results via CF 10 rest for each level.
component rest=true restpath="HebrewFlashCardAPI"
pageencoding "UTF-8";
remote query function getStuff() httpmethod
George Pickin 3 ways to test your ColdFusion API – Presented at CF Summit 2017 CF Summit 2017 was a lot of fun, lots of new faces, and good to meet friends, old and new alike. I really enjoyed the ColdBox 2 day training, RESTFul Training Bootcamp. I also enjoyed, Pete Freitag’s Hands On CFML
Tracker Issue CORS Preflight unable to be caught by Application.cfc onRequestStart function. Uses built-in jersey handler instead.
2672363 CF-4197164 REST Services Mosh Teitelbaum CORS Preflight unable to be caught by Application.cfc onRequestStart function. Uses built-in jersey handler instead. Problem Description:
When the client source code originates from a different source as the server on which the REST API code resides
2608841 CF-3979379 Net Protocols : HTTP Andrew G. CFHTTP Timeout does not include time to read data via HTTPS Problem Description:
We use CFHTTP for communication with some REST APIs using HTTPS. Sometimes there are networking issues that cause socket stuck in READ state. We have noticed
Tracker Issue REST restPath attribute not supporting regex that defines restpath argument as optional
2672362 CF-4197166 REST Services Mosh Teitelbaum REST restPath attribute not supporting regex that defines restpath argument as optional Problem Description:
Following up on Bug 4197164, in order to support CORS preflight requests, every endpoint in the API must define an OPTIONS handler. Some
Portal Comment Comment on Taffy for REST – Part 1: Setup by Charlie Arehart
doesn't seem to have changed regarding REST support in CF2016 or above, readers should note that CF2018 did add a REST Playground feature that may interest them, and of course CF2016 Enterprise had added the API Manager for managing APIs of all sorts (it's technically separate from CF, and useful
Comment on CFAdmin API doesn't have ability to maintain CAR files by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Update 4 breaks app - Compiled Class / Application.cfc errors. by Dana R.
I proceeded to fix this in the Application.cfc and the Auth.cfc (the first REST endpoint you’d use), validated that those worked on the XXXXXXXXXX-SCRUBBED-XXXXXXX server (ColdFusion Server Enterprise 2016,0,04,302561), and then proceeded to add CFCs one by one to the API to create endpoints, fixing
Tracker Comment Comment on New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail by CFwatson U.
Comment on New /api/ Mapping for Rest Services causes existing /api/ folder to fail by CFwatson U.
And if the Custom Serializer is to be used in a RESTful service, they can configure the custom serializer as an attribute.
For eg:-
If these are not configured or passed as argument for de/serialize() APIs, then the default custom serializer of the application will be used