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Portal Topic Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in ColdFusion
,map,map reduce filter function,redhat
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3191756
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: dkimbell13
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: Apach RedHat 6 - Coldfusion 9.0.1
Tracker Comment Comment on sameformfieldsasarray appears to be on by default when using Application.cfm on Linux / x64 by Adobe D.
2613584 CF-3214734 Adobe D. I'm not able to reproduce this on Ubuntu or Redhat Linux (both 64 bit). I'm using the same code as mentioned in the bug i.e.
Do you have Application.cfc file in the same directory which has the setting same
Tracker Comment Comment on CFCookie "samesite" support by Gerald D.
4123109 CF-4201688 Gerald D. Has anyone this bug fix to work? I am running CF2018 Enterprise ver. 2018.0.08.318307 on Websphere 9 and OS: RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.2. We applied hf201600-4201688 as the instructions stated; however, I noticed "Catalina.jar" file does not exists in any directory as I
Watson Bug ID: 4015239
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Shu
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Server ColdFusion 10 Enterprise on RedHat 6
Client Windows 7, Chrome
Config: My Hardware and Environment details: Redhat 6.2, Oracle Webserver 7
to access the classloader via the class property available on all Java objects. We, however were not using this by default characteristic of the PropertyUtilsBean.
Note Added: This was on a RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 server Date Added :2016-02-01 18:54:21.0
Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Peter Freitag Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2016-02-01 18:53:45.0
Tracker Issue CF10 Updater14 Web Services throws ZipException Error
2609256 CF-3864124 Web Services Mike Collins CF10 Updater14 Web Services throws ZipException Error Problem Description:
Immediately after update to CF10 Upater14 on Redhat \ WebSphere web service calls starting to throw zipexception errors. Removing Updater14 brings back the web services.
Tracker Issue CFCHART - JPG format shifts x axis labels
External Company:
External Customer Name: Aimee
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Redhat 7
Apache 2.4.6
CF 11 Update 2 (tested with Update 4 as well)
Tracker Issue On Ubuntu - the installer will not find the apache config file at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
the Apache config file (text mentions httpd.conf) but this file does not exist on Ubuntu. Talking to people online - httpd.conf may be found on RedHat (?)
Actual Result: Cannot proceed with installation.
Expected Result: Installer should pick up httpd.conf OR apache2.conf
Any Workarounds
Tracker Issue Add ODBC Services option to installations on Linux
External Company:
External Customer Name: jdavenport11
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
IBM 3650 M4 server running Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.4 (64 bit) with Apache Web Server 2.2.15
Tracker Issue Add ODBC Services option to installations on LINUX
Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: jdavenport11
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
IBM 3650 M4 server running Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.4 (64 bit) with Apache Web Server 2.2.15
Tracker Issue ArrayFind on 2d arrays doesn't work
External Company:
External Customer Name: Goet
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Hardware: Dual Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 3050 @ 2.13GHz, 4GB RAM, 70GB RAID Array
OS: REDHAT Enterprise 5.8
CF System Information
Server Details
Server Product
on 9.0.1 on my OSX development box using the standalone developer edition as well as on our redhat linux/jboss installation (also 9.0.1)
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.3
Tracker Issue Bug 80396:imagenew() can't read TIF-File on Mac OS X 10
2599335 CF-3040317 CFIMAGE Patrick Heppler Bug 80396:imagenew() can't read TIF-File on Mac OS X 10 Duplicate ID: CF-3039861
imagenew() can't read TIF-File on Mac OS X 10.6.1, while same code works on RedHat EL 4. Both running ColdFusion 9 with Apache 2.GetReadableImageFormats() tells me
2608318 CF-4129174 External U. Seems to be very dependent on Cipher string.
CF10 Update 18, Redhat 6.7, Java 1.7.0_95
Initially I had only one cipher in the string "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA" and this caused the worst amount of problems on restart, at least than 50% success rate.
I have since
6464530 CF-4205867 A. B. Web search for issues resulting from infinite loops and high CPU when using WeakHashMap:
Tracker Issue J2EE EAR Packaging failing on Updates 2 & 3
Customer Name: Godwin
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: Intel Core i7
8GB Ram
Windows 7
JBoss 7.1.0
ColdFusion 11
Has also been replicated on Redhat Linux 6.5
Tracker Issue Ubuntu Not supported in cf-init.run.sh
if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
elif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then
elif [ -f /etc/UnitedLinux-release ]; then
echo "Sorry, only Red Hat and SuSE Linux are supported."
exit 1
Steps to Reproduce: Install CF11
Tracker Comment Comment on wsconfig does not configure Oracle iPlanet 7.0.9 or higher by External U.
2611834 CF-3586644 External U. Redhat 6.2(64-bit)/Coldfusion10(64 bit)/Oracle Webserver7
Got it all working using this note plus some other important info that I could not find anywhere!. 1) It's easier to use wsconfig to config/unconfig the connector. 2) When you install the webserver it'll set
file to PDF, I receive the following error message: "Could not determine OpenOffice installation."
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install ColdFusion 11 and Update to latest version using CFADMIN.
2. Download and Install OpenOffice 4.1 from https://www.openoffice.org/. On RedHat, it was installed to "/opt
Tracker Issue CFDocument generating PDF with CFIMAGE barcodes
Watson Bug ID: 3155607
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Nicholas Edens
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
OS: Redhat Enterprise 6
Virtual Box inside a dell m605 server.
Memory For this server (virtual): 16GB
","08/03/17","05:11:14","","'' The specific sequence of files included or processed is: '''' "
Please investigate CF team. What is going on here? Why are we getting these exceptions? What damage are they causing?
CF2016, RedHat7, Apache 2.4, everything patched and current.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result
if it is the first object returned in the collection, but if not, it will return another JPEG ImageReader that does not support CMYK images. I have two systems (both RedHat) which are currently in each state. One has the CLibJPEGImageReader as the first element in the ImageReader collection, and in the other
2611834 CF-3586644 Installation/Config : Connector David Epler wsconfig does not configure Oracle iPlanet 7.0.9 or higher Problem Description:
On new install of ColdFusion 10 running Redhat 5.9 with Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.15 connector script fails to install.
From {ColdFusion Dir
This has occurred in a CF 9 enviroment on both Unix and Windows.
The issue has been replicated in an up-to-date developer install of CF10 (10,0,7,283649) installed on a RedHat 6 machine, with the captivate content being served from and submitted to the integrated CF web server via http
Tracker Issue Bug 81477:I run a simple test to convert a
OS 5..3 (same as RedHat 5.3), I installed OpenOffice 3.1 and confirmed it was running with "sudo ps -A | grep soffice". I enter the correct path in the CF Admin: /opt/openoffice.org3
Could not determine OpenOffice installation.OpenOffice installation is required for this file format: Generic
has been identified and confirmed elsewhere. Examples are: