displaying top 100 results
2608442 CF-4093045 External U. Apparently this is a 5 year old issue?
Tracker Issue CLI does not work in UNIX
External Company: Broadchoice
External Customer Name: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Can't run schema tool
External Customer Info:
External Company: Broadchoice
External Customer Name: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Installer text issue
Watson Bug ID: 4126631
External Customer Info:
External Company: Broadchoice
External Customer Name: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue test bug please delete
Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
3559055 CF-4199905 Language Raymond Camden cfargument doesn't validate an array of components properly Given your cfargument uses a type of foo[], which means, an array of foo components, CF will only validate the very first item in the array, not the entire array.
Documented in 2007: https://www.raymondcamden
2608381 CF-4105508 External U. On September 3, 2011, Ray made a post on this: http://www.raymondcamden.com/2011/09/03/Reminder-there-is-more-to-the-CGI-scope-than-what-the-dump-shows
Tracker Comment Comment on Calling StoreAddACL before StoreSetMetadata doesn't commit the new ACL to S3 by External U.
2609269 CF-3863487 External U. This is a long-standing bug.
Related URL: http://www.raymondcamden.com/2011/2/7/ColdFusion-S3-Implementation-bug-with-metadata-and-ACLs
2612202 CF-3542815 External U. +1 - The only way I was able to understand how to configure REST and have CF recognize was to follow step-by-step instructions found here: http://www.raymondcamden.com/index.cfm/2012/12/5/Recording-and-assets-from-my-ColdFusion-10-REST-Presentation
Tracker Comment Comment on Upgrading to 9.0.1 causes clients with cached cfajax.js to generate WDDX packet parse errors by External U.
2596931 CF-3352466 External U. Documented in this thread: http://www.raymondcamden.com/index.cfm/2009/10/18/Ask-a-Jedi-ColdFusion-Ajax-example-of-retrieving-fields-of-data-2#cCD412C3C-A164-E817-33B46EEFD6BEBD79
Watson Bug ID: 4126732
External Customer Info:
External Company: Broadchoice
External Customer Name: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Support comment extraction to variable
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4126727
External Customer Info:
External Company: Broadchoice
External Customer Name: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Can't import comments due to DDX issue
: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Installer location
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Security report doesn't list the line #s.
Watson Bug ID: 4130102
External Customer Info:
External Company: Broadchoice
External Customer Name: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug introduced in ColdFusion 9 still plagues us today - session scope gets trashed by External U.
2614063 CF-3133547 External U. As there was a huge discussion on this on Ray Camden's blog, and the fact that Railo does not suffer this problem.
It looks like it is something that should be addressed, for more information and the discussion
Tracker Issue pdf archiving doesn't work
Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Bug File Paths:
Tracker Issue Installer text unclear text
External Customer Name: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Do not use JavaScript to protect the Admin
Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Modify default antisamy policy file
Output to false, this does not happen. I blogged about this here: http://www.raymondcamden.com/index.cfm/2014/4/9/getSafeHTML-and-ColdFusion-11
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3740381
External Customer Info:
External Company:
Tracker Issue click support for client-side charts
-side charting:
Can his idea please be implemented, so that the limitation can be removed?
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3148756
Tracker Issue Add back in support for URLs
. We should add support for it back in.
Here is an example: http://www.raymondcamden.com/index.cfm/2012/3/14/Adding-click-support-in-ColdFusion-10-Charting
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3144804
External Customer Info:
Tracker Issue Can't resize/adjust security repor
: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Text in 'task completed' window is weird
: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
2608843 CF-3978860 Administrator Raymond Camden Adding a font causes an error, but it seems to work anyway On the Font Management page, I entered this path:
Clicked Add, and I got this error:
Unable to add font '/Users/raymondcamden
Tracker Issue Axis2 web services can cache unexpectedly.
2609741 CF-3787631 Web Services Raymond Camden Axis2 web services can cache unexpectedly. Copying the text from my blog post here (http://www.raymondcamden.com/2014/7/10/Unexpected-behavior-with-Axis2-web-services-in-ColdFusion):
Credit for this find goes to Steve Seaquist. He and I have been
Tracker Issue Sanitize throws a NPE
Customer Name: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Adding an attachment to a pdf variable fails
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4126724
External Customer Info:
External Company: Broadchoice
External Customer Name: Raymond Camden
External Customer Email: raymondcamden@gmail.com
External Test Config:
Tracker Issue Calling an unknown remote method throws a NPE
' in component /Users/raymondcamden/Dropbox/presentations/ColdFusion APIs/demos/demo1.cfc cannot be accessed remotely.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4078539
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Raymond Camden
Tracker Issue CF Express and port conflicts
and will be available shortly.
ColdFusion 11 server has been started.
ColdFusion 11 will write logs to /Users/raymondcamden
Actual Result:
The value entered for the FB_SIG field ('post') is not correctly formatted. Go back and correct the problem.
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
The value entered for the FB_SIG field ('post') is not correctly formatted. Go back and correct the problem.
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
Tracker Issue cfindex does not correctly report errors
Watson Bug ID: 3787621
Reason: NewBug
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: raymondcamden
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Tracker Issue SOLR fails with Java 1.7 upgrade
security on).
Others have had the same issue. I have tried adding explicit file/dir permissions in sandbox security per this link: http://www.raymondcamden.com/forums/messages.cfm?threadid=C7AAEF44-AFD9-DA8C-3501000AAE48129C - no change.
I have fiddled with the java security policy file - no change. I
Tracker Issue Sending Ajax Request with JSON throws an exception
2613695 CF-3184256 AJAX : Plumbing Andrew Scott Sending Ajax Request with JSON throws an exception Duplicate ID: CF-3184291
Problem Description: the following code throws an exception
Portal Comment Comment on Input validation to avoid XSS by Charlie Arehart
="https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/building-blocks-of-coldfusion-applications/using-the-member-functions.html#SupportedStringmemberfunctions" rel="nofollow">https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/building-blocks-of-coldfusion-applications/using-the-member-functions.html#SupportedStringmemberfunctions
raymondcamden.com/2014/04/09/getSafeHTML-and-ColdFusion-11" rel="nofollow">https://www.raymondcamden
Tracker Issue cflogin - errors with bad input
2612366 CF-3517498 Security Raymond Camden cflogin - errors with bad input I've now seen cflogin throw an error twice now w/ bad input at - I believe - the cookie level. Here is a report from one user: