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OOP and ColdFusion – Part 2
2611035 CF-3648781 External U. (oops extraneous "both" in that last comment).
Portal Topic OOP and ColdFusion
OOP and ColdFusion
Dave Levin Yes it does. It's extremely helpful when doing OOP ColdFusion development.
2988094 CF-4198489 Ross M. oops, should be extends="parent" and var child = new child();
2608385 CF-4104564 External U. Oops, wrong formatting in my last comment. But it should still be interpretable.
2608562 CF-4063717 External U. Oops... "expression" rather than "express". Oh that I could edit my own comments :-/
2609378 CF-3852070 External U. Oops, missed the comment on the Update 16... would be nice if we could edit or delete our comments
2609632 CF-3818547 External U. Oops... "Rakshith", rather than "Rupesh". I picked the wrong procrastinator ;-)
2609860 CF-3756518 External U. (oops, PS: I'm sure I've raised this before, but could not find the ticket) -- Adam
2609914 CF-3744503 External U. oops, minor typo in title.. cfhtmlitem should be cfhtmltopdfitem
2613207 CF-3339175 External U. see comments...oops and now I need 25 chars here
2614137 CF-3130311 External U. oops wrong ticket disregard comments
4321208 CF-4202424 Peter F. Oops I did search before submitting this but I searched in the "Issue Key" field... sorry.
jBrodeur Thanks Kishore for your responses. I've now been through most of the videos and I'm now starting the OOP section. For those that have not been through yet: I would encourage developers to set aside extra time for the OOP modules since it is a break-out of several videos which
3983164 CF-4201164 Aaron N. Oops, I have a typo in my "Example" code suggestion. Both "ArrayContains" should be "ArrayContainsNoCase". Sorry and thanks!, -Aaron
2978699 CF-4198479 Bradley W. Oops, under expected result, I meant to type "should return the value 'true'". I can't edit my ticket to fix it though :/
6986713 CF-4207690 Bradley W. Oops, I was testing this on Lucee as well and left in the dump() function. That will need changed to writeDump() for Adobe CF. Related Lucee ticket:
2672729 CF-4175138 External U. Oops, typo: The "It seems CF has trouble w/ bar2.jpg's metadata." should've been "It seems CF has trouble w/ bar.jpg's metadata.".
2609951 CF-3741341 External U. Oops. CF-3849138 (not CF-3741341) is the ticket I filed for the remaining 2 issues (below) that weren't fixed in this ticket. My mistake. Thanks!, -Aaron
2612086 CF-3559652 External U. This enhancement would allow coldfusion users to move to a fully OOP framework rather than maintaining the entire ability and structure of the language as a mental model. Referencing object methods is an intuitive and efficient way for programmers. (See: All the books)
2613663 CF-3194044 External U. Oops.. this: "- invokeHandler: Invokes onError method of the eventhandler as defined by the user." should be: "- invokeHandler: Invokes onError method of the event handler as defined by the user." B/c "event handler" is 2 words: http
2613733 CF-3173191 External U. Oops, forgot this one existed and just raised it again, as it's just bitten me on the bum again: I don't think "as designed" is a valid closure reason here, given the design is bad. Reopen & fix pls
5160232 CF-4203676 Aaron N. Oops! I wish I could edit my previous comment. Adobe, can you please find/replace these?: 1) "I'd propose Suggestion 3." => "I'd propose Suggestion 2." 2) "I realize Suggestion 3" => "I realize Suggestion 2" Thanks!, -Aaron
6259329 CF-4205250 Matthew L. oops.. sorry for that miscomment^ Got this issue resolved by following directions from CF support through their email, as well as the comment by Jason H. Charlie A. goes through a more detailed explanation as well. Thanks
Tracker Issue Formal mix-ins
2609555 CF-3832140 Language,Wishlist Adam Cameron Formal mix-ins Extract from {quote} See Both PHP and Ruby (and no doubt various other languages) have a formal concept of mix
2608401 CF-4101908 External U. Oops.. Actual result: no warning about only being allowed to assign local to a non-struct Expected result: a warning about only being allowed to assign local to a non-struct should've been Actual result: no warning about only being allowed to assign local to a
2610332 CF-3710270 External U. Oops. I just followed a link and didn't even notice the difference. Here you go: "Vamseekrishna Manneboina: Yes, this was done as part of a security measure. You can now only include CFM/CFML files by default. You can specify additional extensions via a property
2611935 CF-3572565 External U. oops... I just realized that the title for this issue is wrong - should read 'CF10 writes CFID/CFToken cookies **INcorrectly** but... further research shows that in fact the problem runs a little deeper - the 'SetClientCookies' attribute (CFApplication) is being
2598093 CF-3041747 External U. Oops, just noticed 289822 is actually *not* after 289881. But I'm bemused why I'm apparently on 290107. Is this because I have the updater-by-email installed here (the one that prevents CF11 from timing out when trying to phone home when behind a firewall)? So which
2613236 CF-3337574 ORM Support Fuck You The ability to define a subscope (structure) for instance variables created via cfproperty Duplicate ID: CF-3130900 A generally accepted practice for OOP CF developers in CF8 and prior was to define bean attributes in a structure defined in the variables
Charlie Arehart Petros, I think you're reaching here. For one thing, other recent blog posts from Adobe about new features in CF2018 have indeed had indentation of code (though not color coding, which would be nice but is not imperative). See for instance:
implementation, an exception object is dynamically converted to Map when structKeyExists function is encountered, not in the beginning by virtue of OOPs, as you have assumed. Though supporting it is not very technically challenging, but wanted to be sure not to add some workaround for an uncommon cases. Now
-in function which makes it impossible for framework writers to create portable code -- we have to use evaluate() for this! Why can't you just implement the syntax you agreed to back in 2009, that has worked on Railo and OpenBD for YEARS, and works in all other OOP languages that I can think of too. Only
language offers you the chance to be insecure. Implementation is the key. OOP: I get the impression that you are stating that ColdFusion invented OOP. While I can't be bothered to look up the facts, this seems unlikely.  
's"), clicking the popup's "Open this content in a new window" link displays a "Oops! That page can't be found." page. Additional suggestion: Display live news & info from the new CF Community Portal.
. - There are use cases where you need to create a lot of objects, importing data for example. I do not like to leave OOP because coldfusion cannot handle it, but this always has been a problem for coldfusion which is one of its biggest drawbacks. But without this bug it is not a problem. - Using an object pool
5089823 CF-4203472 Adam C. Wouldn't it be more OOP to be able to add a clone method to a CFC to disctate what it is to clone an object of that CFC? EG: // C.cfc component { function init(A a, B b) { variables.a = a; variabless.b = b; } function clone(){ return new C
that the business rules matter-most. Business requirements change at a rapid pace in any life cycle.  It's best the business of the code is at the surface.  Press all the technical stuff down. OOP Continuing on this track: Perhaps impress upong them the value of wrapper functions; classes (Components), pattern
3155011 CF-4198821 Language : OOP Brian Love Implicit accessor method invoked from extending component when accessor method is explicitly implemented. Problem Description: Create two components: a.cfc and b.cfc, where b extends a. The parent component (a.cfc) has the attribute accessors
2608396 CF-4102485 External U. Oops... hadn't finished. You shouldn't be second-guessing the value from the first API, if it's supposed to be in that format, then it's broken if it's not that format. Do you test if it says it's gonna send an integer that it actually *does* send an integer? An API
QQQOOOOP""`"\QV;qQObob"`-._`\_~~-._ """" ._ / | |oP"\_ ~\ ~\_~\ `~"\ic,qggddOOP"| | ~\ `\~-._ ,qP`"""|" | `\ `; `\ `\ _ _,p" | | `\`; | | unknown "boo
2609244 CF-3865064 External U. My JVM flags have never included "-Dcoldfusion.dbvarDependants={DSN}". My JVM flags are as follows: -server -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:NewRatio=4 -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Xss256k
application or installation in the same web server space without having to worry about CF accidently searching for CFCs in the wrong place.It is our opinion that even looking at the webroot while doing CFC resolution is a problem with CF not a feature.CF is evolving towards OOP and like Java really needs
(in MB): 2048 Maximum JVM Heap Size (in MB): 2048 JVM Arguments: -server -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:NewSize=96m -XX:MaxNewSize=96m -XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:PermSize=256m -Dcoldfusion
:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Xss256k -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=68 -XX:MaxPermSize=300m -XX:PermSize=300m -Xbatch -Dcoldfusion