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Use of SOLID principles in tackling object-oriented design dilemmas: an example
Portal Topic Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment
in their ways.
The post Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion,Discussion,Language,discussion,language,object oriented design
Tracker Comment Comment on Closure instances are not thread safe to execute in separate threads by A. B.
. At least in object-oriented programming, the paradigm ColdFusion supports.
It is this locality which gives closures their usefulness and power. It therefore wouldn't surprise me if the ColdFusion Team designed closures to have a local context. If they did then that might have something to do
for inventing the null reference:
"I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965. At that time, I was designing the first comprehensive type system for references in an object oriented language (ALGOL W). My goal
2609595 CF-3825535 External U. I add my vote. This bug impacts productivity, in that it undermines encapsulation ('information-hiding'), one of the basic principles of object-oriented programming.
2556973 CF-3825042 Piyush K. Adam T,
I'm re-orienting this bug's area from document/spreadsheet to "debugging" for reasons noted in my previous comment.
In case you are experiencing an issue with a spreadsheet related tag, please revert with the relevant code extract.
Adam C,
we can raise a
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: lack of String member functions on NULL creates backward-compat issue by Aaron N.
4331938 CF-4202452 Aaron N. The "Use the member functions" doc says: "You can now start coding in a true object oriented style." Indeed, member functions were sold as syntactic sugar. And now code bases that have already upgraded to member functions in the last 4yr, and using those on query values
Portal Topic OOP and ColdFusion
Suchika Singh OOP and ColdFusion Object-Oriented Programming is common term in programming language. It’s a vast concept but to sum it up in a single line, it is a set of concepts and techniques that make use of the “object” construct, to write more reusable, maintainable, and organized code
in the case of WDDX. It's more object-oriented and behaves more inline with other data types that have seen member functions implemented.
in a different way than it was designed.
coldfusion.xml.rpc.xsd.QueryBean cannot be cast to coldfusion.sql.QueryTable
Dumping the variable displays: "object of coldfusion.xml.rpc.xsd.QueryBean"
Expected Result:
No exception and an empty query object.
Any Workarounds:
As mentionned in 3948955
Tracker Issue CFPDFForm tag action=”populate” not creating PDF form with field value form PDF binary object
with action=”read”.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a form submitted binary object
a. Used attached PDF form
b. Open form in AEM Designer
c. Modify submit XML tag so that ColdFusion can create PDF binary object
d. Save form
e. Open form for end-user data entry
f. Enter date value in RFE Date field
Portal Topic Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018)
. However, to simplify the things further, we have introduced Asynchronous programming in the 2018 release of ColdFusion. Benefits Easy to use syntax with object-oriented styles. In-built chaining capability with then() and error() constructs, therefore, it’s easy to model your workflows. Result
Tracker Comment Comment on Member functions for encoding by External U.
2608653 CF-4033628 External U. Exactly that.
Not all headless functions directly map to methods of an object. Some of them are better suited to being methods of a class.
myFileHandle = fileOpen(pathToMyFile);
myFileHandle = File::open(pathToMyFile);
Adobe ballsed
2608722 CF-4017604 Akhila K. With latest versions of ColdFusion, web services created using createObject do not get added dynamically to administrator. This is as per design and got introduced with latest Axis framework addition to server.
2608722 CF-4017604 External U. How is one supposed to "refresh" these webservices that are created via creatObject? The only way I've been able to is to delete the contents of the cfusion/stubs/ folder and restart CF. If this is by design, it's a bad one.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: per-App mappings unusable in pseudo-constructor by Suchika S.
2608792 CF-3993718 Suchika S. This is not a bug. This behavior is by design. Adam stated it correctly that CF has to insantiate the object before it gets the mappings defined in psuedo-constructor . Let me know if you have any other concerns. Thanks!
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: extends path is cached, even w/ all caching options off by Rupesh K.
2609259 CF-3863748 Rupesh K. Changing the parent at runtime is definitely an edge case. Moreover, resolving the whole inheritance chain and validating all the methods of all the parents in the chain for every object creation would be very expensive. Not caching ths would impact your application
Portal Topic Primary Objects Information System
Armin Mazariegos Primary Objects Information System Prosis is a top notch enterprise resource planning (ERP) system fully built in ColdFusion. It is designed from the ground up to serve small, medium or large organizations, Prosis helps you to take charge of your information problem and automate
Tracker Comment Comment on String member functions don't cast by External U.
2608121 CF-4187503 External U. This ER doesn't really make sense. Methods act on the object they're called on, where the object is of a specific type or implementation. So the method needs to exist in the object implementation. Which - in the example provided - is not the case as an int doesn
Tracker Issue Improve CFML's OO-ness
at the moment.
I think it’s a mis-step in the language to add OO to it for developer-written code, but not embrace OO in the language itself. It leaves CFML being a bit of a mishmash.
I’m not suggesting getting rid of the more procedurally-oriented versions of the functionality, because a lot of ppl
Tracker Comment Comment on DeserializeJSON does not maintain the correct order of elements by External U.
that an implementation of JavaScript will coincidentally match the implementation of a completely different data structure in a different language.
Object properties and struct elements are not designed to be accessed in any sort of assured sequence: they're designed to be accessed by key name. That's you're doing so
or flyweight design pattern for 1000's of objects, not 100.000's while coldfusion actually can handle 1000's of objects easily i find a strange bug workaround.
- As java holds references in the dummycompmap variable ofcourse a GC does not help. Ive tried.
mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3041877
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Bob Smith
External Customer Email: 3C
Tracker Comment Comment on Three-way comparison operator ( <=> ) & Comparable interface by Justin L.
that it put the equals and hashCode methods directly on Object, and the Comparable interface directly in the lang package.
Java's not exactly a paragon of fine language design (doesn't have enough parenthesis for that =P) but I don't think this particular feature would be worth emulating.
Tracker Comment Comment on Clear Query Cache breaks by External U.
Occurred While Processing Request
Error casting an object of type coldfusion.sql.QueryDetails cannot be cast to java.lang.String to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than
Tracker Comment Comment on QoQ getting ccolumn data type wrong by External U.
of type coldfusion.sql.imq.TableListIterator cannot be cast to coldfusion.sql.imq.GroupTableListIterator to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.
2608880 CF-3972121 Language : CF Component Adam Cameron Augment createObject() to optionally tag init() args & call initmethod if so Basically this method signature:
createObject(String componentPath[, ArgumentCollection initArgs])
And if initArgs is passed, then the designated initmethod
Tracker Comment Comment on Member functions for encoding by External U.
2608653 CF-4033628 External U. > We don't have support for invoking a static class methods directly from CFM
Well no, but your Java proxy allows calling of static methods on objects, eg:
s = ""; // String object
bs = s.valueOf(true); // String static method
So all you'd need to do
2612559 CF-3498968 Web Services Saman Jayasekara Some web services with data structure as argument values could not execute Problem Description:
Trying to connect to InDesign server SOAP API running in the same box and CF10 returns the error, "Web service operation RunScript with parameters
Tracker Issue Clear Query Cache breaks
in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed
Steps to Reproduce: Simple as going to CFADMIN > Caching > Clear Query Cache Now
Actual Result: Error:
Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error casting an object of type
an object of type com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapSearchEnumeration cannot be cast to com.sun.jndi.ldap.ReferralEnumeration to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.
Tracker Comment Comment on Either datafile XML or data XML contained in the PDF document is invalid. by George A.
3826109 CF-4200444 George A. I've atttached two forms: working and broke. Working is just a simple form with a text field created in LiveCycle Designer ES4 and saved as a "Adobe Static PDF Form". Broke is the working form with a Table Object added to the form.
Running the below code
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by amar lungare
. Introduced closures in tags
c. Introduced Asynchronous programming using Future
d. Enhanced Object-Oriented Programming with the following:
i. Abstract components and methods
ii. Final component, method, and variable
iii. Default functions in interfaces
iv. Covariance
e. Semi-colons are now optional in a
constructor is to force the initialization of the variables of an object so that it cannot be constructed in an invalid state, meaning all it's invariants are respected. Objects that do not require arguments to be created are very rare.
The role of an ORM is to reconstruct those objects and rehydrate
Tracker Comment Comment on Add deepcopy param to duplicate() by Adam C.
5089823 CF-4203472 Adam C. Wouldn't it be more OOP to be able to add a clone method to a CFC to disctate what it is to clone an object of that CFC?
// C.cfc
component {
function init(A a, B b) {
variables.a = a;
variabless.b = b;
function clone(){
return new C
Tracker Comment Comment on Weird behaviour in ehcache by Poonam J.
. The reason for this is because, in 2018 there is slight change in design. We appended Application name with (if it exists), so that if two applications are creating regions with same name then they can be distinguished on the basis of . However, user will address the region with given only, But application
2673610 CF-4122602 External U. I don't know that this is particularly sound design from an OO perspective. Implementing this would mean all data types would need to know about what it is to be output; know about the request context and the response object and in general what it means to output
Tracker Comment Comment on Weird behaviour in ehcache by A. B.
5143436 CF-4203636 A. B. Hi Poonam,
Whichever way you look at it, there is a problem with the new design. For a number of reasons:
1) A cache region may exist even if it contains no objects. A cache region is a collection of sorts, separate from its contents. Like an empty array, [], or an empty
Tracker Comment Comment on Weird behaviour in ehcache by Aaron N.
5143436 CF-4203636 Aaron N. Hi Poonam,
Regarding: "in 2018 there is slight change in design. We appended Application name with (if it exists)":
1) In CF11 and CF2016, CF also prepends Application name to , specifically for the regions that CF creates (i.e. OBJECT), and regardless if THIS
Tracker Issue QoQ getting ccolumn data type wrong
of type java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.
java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
.lang.reflect.Method to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3039938
External Customer
2608580 CF-4060037 Language : Serialization Martin Parry DeserializeJSON does not maintain the correct order of elements When deserializing a JSON object the elements withing the object are sorted alphabeticall instead of maintaing the correct order.
I am using Alpaca form builder ( http
Bug 84918:(Watson Migration Closure)When calling a cfc function remotely with returnFormat=JSON ColdFusion does not correctly serialize complex objects
? I'd say you have a rather narrow view of of best practices and design patterns. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a bean using a service (or a setting, logger, ioc container, etc) to accomplish its tasks. In fact, I personally subscribe to the mantra, "Fat beans, slim services, and even
.lang.String to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.
java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.String"
3) Change !structKeyExists(URL, "_cf_ajaxproxytoken") to to
Tracker Issue Implicit array within function call and other requirements produces java.lang.ClassCastException
object in a different way than it was designed.
Expected Result:
it worked
Any Workarounds:
LOADS - dont use a litteral. Store the littleral or function result in a variable, use two seperate cfoutputs.... the list goes on its very specifc but pops up randomly
tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.
The error occurred in C:/inetpub/wwwroot/cmis/e_survey/usage.cfm: line 141
139 :
140 :
141 :
142 :
143 :
Expected Result:
The chart would appear with the legend. If I remove the legend
programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.java.util.Vector cannot be cast to coldfusion.runtime.Array
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3043877
Tracker Issue Bug 81941:Setting variables in the preInsert or preUpdate functions of event handling often requires JavaCast
.lang.Boolean to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Comment Comment on Weird behaviour in ehcache by Poonam J.
5143436 CF-4203636 Poonam J. Here are the responses:
1) A cache region may exist even if it contains no objects. A cache region is a collection of sorts, separate from its contents. Like an empty array, [], or an empty struct, {}, an empty cache region should have an independent existence
Tracker Issue Bug 76833:(Watson Migration Closure)Requesting an EntityNew() function and onNew()handler
of empty, persisted entities, similar to how EntityLoad() can be used to return an existing persisted entity. In addition, when a new entity is created via EntityNew(), an onNew() handler should be invoked in the interceptor.
The current implementation forces developers to use CreateObject() to create
from testthe query object q does *not* have a property "name", i.e. this failsAccording to the JDBC specification, to query the name of a column, the method public String getColumnName(int paramInt) throws SQLExceptionshould be used, wheraes getColumnLabel(int paramInt) "Gets the designated column
tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.Stringat coldfusion.filter.FilterUtils.printReturnValue(FilterUtils.java:252)at coldfusion.filter.ComponentFilter.invoke(ComponentFilter.java:192)at coldfusion
Tracker Issue <Regression> CacheRemove throws an exception when one or more queries do not have cacheId attribute
an object of type coldfusion.sql.QueryDetails cannot be cast to java.lang.String to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.
coldfusion.sql.QueryDetails cannot be cast